Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Racism versus culture: competing interpretations of racial inequality in Canadian public policy 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (6): 1329-50
  • Anne-Marie Livingstone
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The resort to emergency policing to control gang violence in Jamaica: making the exception the rule 2024 Journal of Latin American studies 56 (1): 115-36
  • Anthony Harriott
  • Yonique Campbell
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
“This might be cliché, but it was a sense of family”: gang involvement among Indigenous young adults and their search for attachment, community, and hope 2024 Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 61 (2): 153-71
  • Jana Grekul
  • Seeley Foster
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 1755-6171
Guns, gangs and metal: the double-edged sword of protection inside Beirut's scrap economies 2024 Anthropology today 40 (1): 12-15
  • Elizabeth Saleh
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Beyond confinement: Cape gangsters and the Sub-Saharan trade of stolen electronics 2023 Ethnos 88 (3): 554-75
  • Brandaan Huigen
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
The Ziguéhi Movement and the afterlives of Kung fu films in Abidjan 2023 Ethnos 88 (3): 618-40
  • Alessandro Jedlowski
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
The criminal governance of tourism: extortion and intimacy in Medellín 2023 Journal of Latin American studies 55 (2): 323-48
  • Patrick Naef
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Not bowing down. Gang resistance to prison co-governance in Southern California 2023 Tsantsa 29 (1): 55-68
  • Randol Contreras
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
Los Ñetas in search of transformation. Law and rules of life in a criminal environment 2023 Tsantsa 29 (1): 69-84
  • Martin Lamotte
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
Lawless petty criminals? Paris, the 1900s and the Apache threat 2023 Tsantsa 29 (1): 102-23
  • Jérôme Beauchez
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
The shifting contours of the outlaw in urban Haiti 2023 Tsantsa 29 (1): 124-30
  • Chelsey Kivland
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
After the gang: desistance, violence and occupational options in Nicaragua 2023 Journal of Latin American studies 55 (4): 679-704
  • Dennis Rodger
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
From not knowing to knowing and back again: insecurity and intimacy in El Salvador’s postwar 2022 Alteridades (63): 13-25
  • Ellen Moodie
  • Grazzia Grimaldi
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
The long road: hope, violence, and ethics register in London street culture 2022 American ethnologist 49 (1): 64-76
  • Farhan Samanani
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Ethnography and cinema in anthropological research. Reflections from the Transgang Project 2022 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 77 (1): 1-14
  • Carles Feixa
  • Margot Mecca
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
The American ghetto, gangster, and respect on the streets of Copenhagen: media(tion)s between structure and street culture 2022 Journal of contemporary ethnography 51 (1): 407-34
  • Hakan Kalkan
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
Strong men but docile? Salarization of the local security sector as revealing the hierarchization of masculinities in Lagos (Nigeria) 2022 Cahiers d'études africaines (245-246): 93-122
  • Lucie Revilla
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
From East Harlem to Cape Town: Tupac Shakur's legacy as a globalised oppositional repertoire 2022 Ethnography 23 (2): 204-25
  • Dariusz Dziewanski
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Extortion, popular victimization, and social cleansing in Guatemala City at turn of the 21st century 2022 Revista colombiana de antropología 58 (3): 115-38
  • Luis Bedoya
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Intersectional justice denied: racist warring masculinity, negative space, and violence in post-peace accords El Salvador 2022 American anthropologist 124 (1): 39-52
  • R. Elizabeth Velásquez Estrada
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Omar is dead: aphasia and the escalating antiradicalization business 2021 History and anthropology 32 (1): 64-77
  • Anja Kublitz
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
"All is normal": sports, mega events, favela territory, and the afterlives of public security interventions in Rio de Janeiro 2021 City and society 33 (2): 382-402
  • Martijn Oosterbaan
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
Gang graffiti as totemism 2021 American anthropologist 123 (2): 263-77
  • Susan A. Phillips
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Pour l'amour de Carlos: modèles de vie et figures de chef chez les Ñetas 2021 Terrain (74): 43-58
  • Martin Lamotte
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
L'ethos du lutteur: devenir un criminel honorable à Lahore 2021 Terrain (74): 104-21
  • Paul Rollier
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
Babu Farari: the polyvocal narrative of a village bandit in central India 2021 Terrain (74):
  • Tommaso Sbriccoli
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
On a walking tour to no man's land: brokering and shifting narratives of violence in Trench Town, Jamaica 2020 Space and culture 23 (1): 48-60
  • Alana Osbourne
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Scam as survival in Central America 2020 Ethnography 21 (1): 133-46
  • Anthony Wayne Fontes
  • Kevin Lewis O'Neill
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Iphones and "African gangs": everyday racism and ethno-transnational media in Melbourne's Chinese student world 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (5): 892-910
  • Fran Martin
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1466-4356
Emerging ethnic minority subcultures: young Tamils in the post-war context in the Tamil dominated areas in Sri Lanka 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (10): 1909-28
  • Richard Antony
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Urban anti-politics and the enigma of revolt: confinement, segregation, and (the lack of) political action in contemporary Nicaragua 2019 Ethnos 84 (1): 56-73
  • Dennis Rodgers
H6 [ETHNOS-] 0014-1844
Refusing to be governed: urban policing, gang violence, and the politics of evilness in an Afro-Colombian shantytown 2019 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 42 (1): 21-36
  • Jaime Amparo Alves
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Portrait of a 'real' marero: fantasy and falsehood in stories of gang violence 2019 Ethnography 20 (3): 320-41
  • Anthony Wayne Fontes
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Red zone blues: violence and nostalgia in Guatemala City 2019 Ethnography 20 (3): 359-78
  • Katherine Saunders-Hastings
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Violence, security and the policing of Kenya's 2017 elections 2019 Journal of Eastern African studies 13 (2): 253-71
  • Mutuma Ruteere
  • Patrick Mutahi
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
Violence, security and the policing of Kenya's 2017 elections 2019 Journal of Eastern African studies 13 (2): 253-71
  • Mutuma Ruteree
  • Patrick Mutahi
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
"And what do we benefit?": Identifications in ethnographic fieldwork with youth gangs in Costa Rica 2019 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 23 (2): 323-34
  • Onésimo Rodríguez Aguilar
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Neither predator nor prey. What trafficking discourses miss about masculinities, mobility and work 2019 Anthropology today 35 (6): 14-17
  • Neil Howard
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
The politics of negotiation with gangs. The case of El Salvador 2019 Bulletin of Latin American research 38 (5): 547-62
  • José Miguel Cruz
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
The politics of violence reduction: making and unmaking the Salvadorean gang truce 2019 Journal of Latin American studies 51 (4): 905-28
  • Chris van der Borg
  • Wim Savenije
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Dying to live: youth violence and the munpain 2019 Sociological review 67 (6): 1317-32
  • Yusef Bakkali
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
The asylum procedure in the face of persecution by armed bands 2019 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 74 (1): e012
  • Ivana Belén Ruiz-Estramil
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
My body imprisoned, my soul relieved: youth, gangs and prison in Cape Verde 2018 European journal of cultural studies 21 (2): 148-64
  • Peter Anton Zoetti
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
Dancing with danger: ethnographic safety, male bravado and gang research in Colombia 2018 Qualitative research 18 (3): 342-60
  • Adam Baird
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Resonances of Haitian traumas with young former gang members from Montreal 2018 L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 19 (1): 62-70
  • Olivier Lacroix
  • Sophie Gilbert
H6 [AUTRE-] 1626-5378
What's a cellular public? 2018 Anthropological quarterly 91 (2): 581-601
  • Alexander S. Dent
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Crip or die? Gang disengagement in the Netherlands 2018 Journal of contemporary ethnography 47 (5): 695-716
  • Robert A. Roks
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
Youth gangs, violence, and local culture in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand 2018 Journal of contemporary ethnography 47 (4): 484-507
  • Anjalee Cohen
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
The politics of everyday policing in Goma: the case of the anti-gang 2018 Journal of Eastern African studies 12 (2): 274-89
  • Maarten Hendriks
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
Hybrid security governance, post-election violence and the legitimacy of community-based armed groups in urban Kenya 2018 Journal of Eastern African studies 12 (2): 386-404
  • Moritz Schuberth
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055