Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Identity construction and collusion in documentary of the Gaelic-speaking community: a filmmaker's perspective | 2024 | European journal of cultural studies 27 (4): 540-57 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
'Nach te an rud an Ghaeilge?/Isn't Irish a warm thing?' Learning Irish language and song: an autoethnographic self-reflection | 2022 | Folk life 60 (1): 19-40 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Leathcéad Billain de Glórtha Gaeltachta: Cartlann RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta | 2022 | Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 12 (): 47-62 | H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] | 1649-2137 | |||
Fuinn air an inntinn: a case study in the composition of eighteenth-century Gaelic song | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 28-56 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The ear of the beholder: John Mackenzie of The Beauties | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 80-178 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Tam o' Shanter 's Geansaidh Snàith': the innovative work songs of Gaelic-speaking herring gutters | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 179-217 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
An interpretation of 'How the Wran came out of Ailssay' (Gavin Douglas, The Palice of Honour, 1. 1713) as a version of the cumulative tale 'Henny Penny' | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 218-24 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Friendship, faith and the Bard MacLean | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 225-50 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Phonetic typology and articulatory constraints: the realization of secondary articulations in Scottish Gaelic rhotics | 2022 | Language 98 (3): 419-60 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
The postmodern Gaelic storyteller: contemporary contexts and transmission of Irish language narrative in Donegal | 2020 | Folk life 58 (1): 41-56 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
A return to sources: the folk life legacy of Eric R. Cregeen | 2020 | Folk life 58 (2): 115-27 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
The language of the printing-house: why so many books in Welsh and Scottish Gaelic were printed in 18th-century Ireland, and so few in Irish | 2020 | Folk life 58 (1): 36-51 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Seán Mac Criomthain (1875-1955), Seanchaí Duibneach | 2019 | Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 11 (): 30-44 | H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] | 1649-2137 | |||
'Making it our own': the Gaelicisation and 'Manxification' of extraneous ballads in the Manx song tradition | 2019 | Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 11 (): 60-75 | H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] | 1649-2137 | |||
Pagans, Nazis, Gaels, and the Algiz Rune: addressing questions of historical inaccuracy, cultural appropriation, and the arguable use of hate symbols at the Festivals of Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Society | 2019 | Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 55 (1): 137-55 | 2342-7256 | ||||
'Two hands over two sands': Capel Bethel, Dulyn, the Welsh chapel in Dublin | 2018 | Folk life 56 (2): 65-76 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Phonological restrictions of lenition in Scottish Gaelic | 2017 | Language 93 (2): 446-72 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
Language as a public good and national identity: Scotland's competing heritage languages | 2017 | Nations and nationalism 23 (4): 939-51 | *H6/KF [NATIONS-] | 1354-5078 | |||
From the British Museum to the Great Blasket: Robin Flower and the Western Island | 2017 | Folklore 128 (3): 219-43 | H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] | 0015-587X | |||
Theorizing, collecting, archiving, reviving: the lives (or life?) of folklore | 2017 | Folk life 55 (1): 1-11 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
The rhetoric and reality of reform in Irish eschatological thought, circa 1000-1150 | 2016 | History of religions 55 (3): 269-88 | H6/KFO [HISTORY-] | 0018-2710 | |||
South Indian Carnatic singing and Irish Sean-nós - an ethnographic, musical and linguistic comparison | 2016 | Folk life 54 (1): 32-48 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Towards an aesthtics of Gaelic song performance | 2016 | Folk life 54 (1): 49-67 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
The importance of studying language standardization in Europe, from Croatia to Scotland | 2016 | Etnološka tribina 39 (46): 21-5 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
Songs of the Hebrides and the critics | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 1-54 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
The socialisation of storytellers and the role of women in the Irish storytelling tradition | 2015 | Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 9 (): 62-97 | H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] | 1649-2137 | |||
A note on Beara naming patterns | 2015 | Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 9 (): 130-7 | H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] | 1649-2137 | |||
Language revitalisation models in minority language context. Tensions between ideologies of authenticity and anonymity | 2015 | Anthropological journal of European cultures 24 (1): 63-82 | *H6/KF [ANTHROPOLOGICAL-] | 0960-0604 | |||
Modern mythmaking: evolution and authenticity in the Fionn Cycle | 2015 | Cosmos 31 (): 109-21 | H6/KFO [COSMOS-] | 0269-8773 | |||
John McInnes: a biographical note | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): x-xxii | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Recorded by the School of Scottish Studies...': the impact of the tape-recorder in a rural community | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 1-5 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Griogal Cridhe': aspects of transmission in the lament for Griogair Ruadh Mac Griogair of Glen Strae | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 6-36 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'A Bhean Úd Thall!': Macallaí Idirghaelacha i bhFilíocht Bhéil na mBan | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 37-47 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'and yes I said yes I will Yes' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 48-52 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Tha Feum Air Cabhaig': the initiative of the Folklore Institute of Scotland | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 53-62 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Air do Dheagh Shlàinte Iain Mhic Aonghuis | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 70-1 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The School of Scottish Studies and language policy and planning for Gaelic | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 72-82 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Cacmhor an Comann na Goill' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 86-93 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Grafting culture: on the development and diffusion of the Strathspey in Scottish music | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 94-104 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The legendary history of Alasdair MacColla as received from Dugald Macdougall of Crubasdale, Kintyre, in 1825 | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 105-13 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Coire agus Coin-Shìdh am Beàrnaraigh | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 114-16 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Yeatsian shades in Ó Direáin and Macgill-Eain | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 117-24 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
From Stornoway to 'mortuary view': a memoir | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 142-8 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
John Bunyan in the kilt: the influence of Bunyan texts on religious expression and experience in the Scottish highlands and islands | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 155-63 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Seán Bán Mac Grianna and 'Christine Keeler' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 174-82 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Am Buaadhfhacal Meadhan-Aoiseach Meranach agus mearan, mearanach, dàsan(n)ach na Gàidhlig | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 183-206 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Có às don Chorra-Ghiullan Ghlas?' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 222-9 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Mì-thuigse, Dìth Tuigse, Tàthagan: Buannachd nam Mearachd ann an Cruinneachaidhean Beul-Aithris Alasdair MhicGille Mhìcheil | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 230-44 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Linguistic relativity and dialectical idiomatization: language ideologies and second language acquisition in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland | 2014 | Journal of linguistic anthropology 24 (1): 63-83 | H6/KK [JOURNAL-] | 1055-1360 | |||
Irish ways in the 1911 census | 2014 | Irish journal of anthropology 17 (1): 51-8 | H6/KVC [IRISH-] | 1393-8592 |