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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Farmhouses, lėkiai, krikštai, kurėnai, vėlukai 2015 Liaudies kultūra 4 (): 54-64
  • Juozas Šorys interv
  • Vaidotas Bliūdžius
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 0236-0551
Boats of the Curonian Spit in photographs and postcards: from the archive of painter, photographer, collector Saulius Kruopis 2015 Liaudies kultūra 4 (): 46-53
  • Saulius Kruopis
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 0236-0551
Material heritage of the water transport vehicles of fishermen from the northern part of the Curonian Spit 2015 Liaudies kultūra 4 (): 34-45
  • Evelina Samuitienė
  • Klaidas Perminas
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 0236-0551
Intangible heritage in the maritime realm: the pedagogy of functional preservation 2014 Narodna umjetnost 51 (1): 7-28
  • James Bender
H6/KVP [NARODNA-] 0547-2504
Social relationships aboard the Ookean factory's long-distance fishing ships, 1970-1985 2009 Eesti Rahva Museumi aastaraamat 52 (): 130-50
  • Dagmar Ingi
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 1406-0388
Strategies of coping with fright and risk onboard Norwegian fishing/whaling vessels 2006 Suomen antropologi 31 (2): 2-18
  • Harald Broch
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
A sea of small names: fishers and their boats in Victoria, Australia 2003 Anthropological forum 13 (1): 5-26
  • Monica Minnegal
  • Peter D. Dwyer
  • Roger Just
'Kungas' and [Hyotan-pan]: as symbolic materials of the contact in the Kamchatka 2003 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 12 (): 37-49
  • Yutaka Watanabe
The boat, metaphor of social inscription for the Saint-Lucia fishermen 2001 Techniques et culture 38 (): 97-119
  • Helene André-Bigot
Traditional fishing boats of the River Boyne estuary 2001 Ulster folklife 47 (): 87-93
  • Seamus MacPhilib
H6/KVC 'ULSTER-' 0082-7347
Contemporary wooden fishing craft of Yemen 1999 Jemen-Report 30 (1): 22-6
  • Edward Prados
You are about to party defiant style: socialization and identity on board an Alaskan fishing boat 1998 Journal of contemporary ethnography 27 (2): 171-96
  • Loren Bourassa
La description des matériels et des types de pêche utilisés dans les zones de Soupwent et de Petite Rivière 1995/7 Bulletin du Bureau national d'Ethnologie 65-7, 71-84, 87-93 ():
  • Josue Michaud
Systems of boat ownership in the Co. Down fishing fleet 1992 Ulster folklife 38 (): 60-7
  • V Pollock
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