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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Allusions to agriculturist rituals in hunter-gatherer rock art? eMkhobeni Shelter, northern uKhahlamba-Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 2015 African archaeological review 32 (3): 505-35
  • Jeremy C. Hollman
*H6/KE [AFRICAN-] 0263-0338
Spatio-temporal patterns of Georgian winter solstice festivals 2008 Folklore (Tartu) 40 (): 101-16
  • Noni Abakelia
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
The first fruit rites and the eulogy of grape-wine-Karas in Armenian ritual songs 2007 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 2 (): 273-86
  • Raisa KHachatrian
Traditional eating habits among the settlers of Volyn' (2) 2006 Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafiya 2 (): 61-70
  • Mykola Davydiuk
H6/KVY [NARODNA-] 0130-6936
The inhabitants of Klonowa's festive customs 2001 Prace i materiaƂy seria: etnograficzna 31 (): 225-88
  • Aleksandra Twardowska
H6/KVM [LODZ. Muzeum Archeologiczne. Prace i materiay. Seria etnograficzna]
First fruits celebrations among the Nguni peoples of southern Africa: an ethnoastronomical interpretation 1998 Archaeoastronomy 29 (23): 31-8
  • Keith Snedegar
Kites on the Kiribati islands: a bird-canoe hybrid 1997 Techniques et cultures 30 (): 117-47, 186, 188
  • Anne Di Piazza
*H6 [TECHNIQUES-] 0248-6016
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