Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Chinampas arqueológicas: historia de una tecnología hidráulica | 2024 | Arqueología mexicana 30 (184): 26-31 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
La gente de las chinampas y sus viviendas | 2024 | Arqueología mexicana 30 (184): 32-9 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
La tierra dentro del agua: las chinampas desde la época prehispánica hasta nuestro días | 2024 | Arqueología mexicana 30 (184): 40-5 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Las chinampas y canales de Ateponazco, un barrio de México-Tenochtitlan | 2024 | Arqueología mexicana 30 (184): 48-53 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Changing human-cattle relationships in Ireland: a 6000-year isotopic perspective | 2023 | Antiquity 97 (396): 1436-52 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Building the Valley of Chimor: reconsiderations and preliminary studies of the Chimú mega-infrastructure in the surroundings of Chan Chan (11th – 15th centuries AD) | 2023 | Chungará 55 (3): 435-61 | H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] | 0716-1182 | |||
Evolution of ancient farming systems and demography in the volcanic highlands of Zacapu: a model drawn from geoarchaeology and archaeogeography | 2023 | Ancient Mesoamerica 34 (3): 771-96 | *H6/KE [ANCIENT-] | 0956-5361 | |||
Los rituales de la milpa maya: etnografía de la sacralidad | 2022 | Arqueología mexicana 29 (172): 56-61 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Nasca domestic culture: the significance of past environments for reading the material culture of the south coast of Peru | 2022 | Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 163-83 | H6/KE [NAWPA-] | 0077-6297 | |||
Finding fields: locating archaeological agricultural landscapes using historical aerial photographs | 2021 | American antiquity 86 (2): 283-304 | *H6/KE [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7316 | |||
A mathematical description of the agricultural fields of the Acolhua Codices Vergara and Santa María Asunción | 2021 | Latin American antiquity 32 (4): 835-49 | *H6/KE [LATIN-] | 1045-6635 | |||
Development and abandonment of mangrove paddy fields and their impacts thereof in a Mon village in Taninthayi region, Myanmar | 2021 | Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 359-90 | H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] | 2186-7275 | |||
A confluence of communities: households and land use at the junction of the Upper Usumacinta and Lacantún rivers, Chiapas, Mexico | 2021 | World archaeology 53 (4): 688-715 | H6/KE [WORLD-] | 1470-1375 | |||
Rock 5 of Castello (Pospardo, Valcamonica), an extraordinary topographic composition from the 4th millennium BC | 2021 | Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 63-74 | H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] | 0544-7631 | |||
Local agricultural shepherding in Pădureni land | 2021 | Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 32 (): 137-45 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | 1220-5230 | |||
Indigenous raised agricultural fields in Paicaví, la Araucanía, Chile, and their socio-economic implications during the early colonial period: a preliminary view | 2020 | Chungara 52 (2): 317-33 | H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] | 0716-1182 | |||
A contested commons: competition for public land in the Free State | 2020 | Journal of southern African studies 46 (1): 149-64 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 1465-3893 | |||
Evaluating the gridded agricultural field model in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, using geophysical remote sensing | 2020 | American antiquity 85 (2): 367-82 | *H6/KE [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7316 | |||
Inca relations and expansion strategies in North-East Argentina: graphic markers and material indicators in the high gorges of the Calchaqui valley | 2020 | Chungará 52 (3): 445-60 | H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] | 0716-1182 | |||
The ancient Maya wetland fields of Acalán | 2020 | Mexicon 42 (4): 91-105 | *H6/KUL [MEXICON-] | 0720-5988 | |||
Food production in the Early Woodland: macrobotanical remains as evidence for farming along the riverbank in eastern Tennessee | 2020 | Southeastern archaeology 39 (1): 1-15 | H6/KE [SOUTHEASTERN-] | 0734-578X | |||
Çatalhöyuk and its landscapes | 2020 | Near Eastern Archaeology 83 (2): 88-97 | H6/KE [BIBLICAL-] | 0006-0895 | |||
Recentering the rural: Lidar and articulated landscapes among the Maya | 2019 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 53 (): 51-65 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
Inca production in the south central Andes. Agricultural technology in Rodero and Coctaca, Argentina | 2019 | Revista española de antropología americana 49 (): 9-28 | H6/KUL [MADRID-] | 0556-6533 | |||
Ethno-geographic contributions to the study of shepherding in Bilbor Commune | 2019 | Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) (1-2): 123-54 | H6/KVQ [REVISTA-] | 0034-8198 | |||
Inca carved outcrops in Chiu Chiu: landscape and agrarian rituality in Atacama Desert | 2019 | Estudios Atacameños (63): 3-23 | H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] | 0716-0925 | |||
How fields vary | 2018 | British journal of sociology 69 (1): 3-22 | H6/KF [BRITISH-] | 0007-1315 | |||
Heteronomy in the arts field: state funding and British arts organizations | 2018 | British journal of sociology 69 (1): 23-43 | H6/KF [BRITISH-] | 0007-1315 | |||
Damgah: a traditional Caspian agroecosystem for trapping migratory waterfowl acting as a potential avian sanctuary | 2018 | Anthropology of the Middle East 13 (1): 97-116 | *H6/KW [ANTHRO-] | 1746-0719 | |||
Control sobre tierras, sistemas de camellones, canales y mano de obra durante el periodo prehispánico en la Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia | 2018 | Latin American antiquity 29 (4): 660-80 | *H6/KE [LATIN-] | 1045-6635 | |||
Crop foraging, crop losses, and crop raiding | 2018 | Annual review of anthropology 47 (): 377-94 | H1 [BIENNIAL-] | 0084-6570 | |||
Zones of refuge: resisting conquest in the northern Philippines highlands through environmental practice | 2018 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 52 (): 180-95 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
Rice from A.ba: stories, rituals and practices of the Garos | 2018 | South Asian anthropologist 18 (2): 161-75 | H6/KW [SOUTH-] | 0257-7348 | |||
Shared seeds for managing diseases: a comparative study of rice fields in Yuanyang (China) | 2018 | Etudes rurales 202 (): 75-97 | H6 [ETUDES-] | 0014-2182 | |||
Different cultural approaches: agricultural land use by indigenous people and Haitian migrants in French Guiana | 2018 | Etudes rurales 202 (): 158-76 | H6 [ETUDES-] | 0014-2182 | |||
The entry of Slovene field and house names from Carinthia in the Inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Austria. An example of good practice in heritage safeguarding | 2018 | Etnolog (New Series) 28 (): 63-83 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] | 0354-0316 | |||
Caring for divine infastructures: nature and spirits in a special economic zone in India | 2017 | Ethnos 82 (4): 690-710 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 0014-1844 | |||
Navigating unpredictable sites: methodological implications of positioning during and after fieldwork in conflict | 2017 | Social analysis 61 (3): 1-18 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 0155-977X | |||
Farmer’s perception in the central Amazon on the agricultural use of human urine | 2017 | Mundo Amazonico 8 (1): 101-14 | |||||
Upland desert late pre-classic Hohokam adaptations in the middle Gila: new data from Florence Military Reservation, Arizona | 2016 | North American archaeologist 37 (2): 75-111 | *H6/KE [NORTH-] | 0197-6931 | |||
Surveying the Anzac Battlefield | 2016 | Archaeology in New Zealand 59 (2): 13-23 | H6/KE [NEW-] | 0113-7832 | |||
Let the earth forever remain! Landscape legacies and the materiality of history in the northern basin of Mexico | 2016 | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 22 (4): 939-61 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 1359-0987 | |||
The Asurini crop field and the beautiful fire of Aí | 2016 | Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 14 (1): 131-40 | |||||
Haymaking in the eighteenth century | 2016 | Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain 21 (): 15-22 | H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] | 1224-6271 | |||
"Regardes di ça germe et si ça pousse!" Le processus de re-"paysanisation" des zones rouges du front occidental après la Grande Guerre | 2016 | Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain 21 (): 25-36 | H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] | 1224-6271 | |||
The traditional perception of hay and hay-meadow management in a historical village of Maramureş county, Romania | 2016 | Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain 21 (): 39-51 | H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] | 1224-6271 | |||
Exploring the spatiality of a Itararé-Taquara site: a study case at Areia Branca 5, southeast São Paulo State | 2016 | Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) 27 (): 55-82 | H6/KUL [SAO PAULO-] | 0103-9709 | |||
Mill Creek chert hoes and prairie soils: implications for Cahokian production and expansion | 2015 | Midcontinental journal of archaeology 40 (2): 149-65 | H6/KE [MIDCONTINENTAL-] | 0146-1109 | |||
Reconstructing past terrace fields in the Pyrenees: insights into land management and settlement from the bronze age to the early modern era at Vilalta (1650 masl, Cerdagne, France) | 2015 | Journal of field archaeology 40 (4): 461-80 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0093-4690 | |||
Cairnfields in New England's forgotten pastures | 2015 | Archaeology of eastern North America 43 (): 119-32 | *H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] | 0360-1021 |