Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
President Antanas Smetona and the Smetona of Lėnas and Užulėnis: a genealogical overview | 2016 | Lituanistica 62 (2): 91-109 | H6/KVT [LITUANISTICA-] | 0235-716X | |||
Black landlords, their tenants, and the Natives Land Act of 1913 | 2016 | Journal of southern African studies 42 (2): 243-66 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0305-7070 | |||
Mid-twentieth century clothing on family photographs of the Novosel family from Markuševec | 2015 | Etnološka istraživanja 20 (): 121-34, 188-91 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-4323 | |||
Scrapbooking: family capital and the construction of family discourse | 2011 | Journal of contemporary ethnography 40 (3): 318-41 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0891-2416 | |||
Family photography as creation and archiving (desirable) reality | 2008 | Narodna umjetnost 45 (2): 135-51 | H6/KVP [NARODNA-] | 0547-2504 | |||
When grandmamas cook... (Tradition and history on the cookbooks of two grandmothers) | 2008 | Narodna umjetnost 45 (2): 153-64 | H6/KVP [NARODNA-] | 0547-2504 | |||
The local community and the photographer: the photographic studio of Antonin Koukal in Uherský Ostroh (1921-1956) | 2007 | Národopisná revue 3 (): 145-52 | H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] | 8062-8351 | |||
The Kulík family from Tótkomlós through the business book as family chronicle from the year 1837 | 2004 | Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku 20 (): 145-57 | H6/KVN [NARODOPIS-] | 0139-4511 | |||
Aristocratic lifestyles in a provincial town: data on the Haller properties in Gyöngyös | 2003 | Agria 39 (): 401-43 | 0236-9168 | ||||
Drawerland | 2003 | Konteksty 1/2 (): 194-207, 295 | H6/KVM [POLSKA-] | 1230-6142 | |||
Der Fall des tschechischen Zweiges des Geschlechtes der Gryspek von Gryspach | 2002 | Středočeský vlastivědný Sborník 20 (): 5-1 | 0862-2043 | ||||
Stories from the exile's photoalbum: life stories from the 1941-1945 period | 2002 | Etnolog (New Series) 12 (1): 269-83 | 0354-0316 | ||||
A photograph of Stanko Vurnik's family as the source for the motif of Gaspari's picture postcard | 2002 | Etnolog (New Series) 12 (1): 301-3 | 0354-0316 | ||||
Father's notes | 2001 | Liaudies kultûra 5 (): 75-9 | 0236-0551 | ||||
'Yaky kroj, tak je stroj!' (About our family traditions: clothing and dress) | 2001 | Národopisná revue 1 (): 33-48, 80 | 0862-8351 | ||||
The visual production of locality: Turkish family pictures, migration and the creation of virtual neighbourhoods | 2001 | Visual anthropology review 17 (1): 21-35 | H6 [PROGRAM-] | 1053-7147 | |||
Photoatelier von Adolf Kastner in Uherský Brod | 2000/1 | Folia ethnographica 34/5 (): 123-36 | 0862-1209 | ||||
From traditional costume to modern dress (based on data collected in the village of Kalimantsi, Varna region) | 2000 | Bulgarski folklor 26 (1): 41-50, 113 | 0323-9861 | ||||
Family relics | 1999 | Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii 47 (): 63-70 | 0131-3703 | ||||
Count Rumianchik and the others | 1999 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 4 (): 14-17 | H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' | 0204-3432 | |||
The Holtzer family | 1999 | Etnografia polska 43 (1/2): 121-9 [insert i] | 0071-1861 | ||||
'At home we love talking about the past...' (Modern family histories) | 1998 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 2 (): 26-8 | H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' | 0204-3432 | |||
The social structure of the Ribnica peddlers in Vienna and its vicinity and their interrelationship | 1998 | Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 27 (): 145-57 | 0352-0447 | ||||
Les chercheurs en sciences humaines [replies to questionnaire on family photographs] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 41-70 | |||||
De la photo de famille comme outil ethnographique. Une etude exploratoire au Senegal | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 165-78 | |||||
Les amateurs eclaires [replies to questionnaire on family photographs] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 73-114 | |||||
Du portrait de famille ou de la necessite du verbe | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 229-37 | |||||
L'esthetique involontaire: ethnographie critique d'une exposition ['Photos de famille', Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, 1990] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 179-94 | |||||
Une famille dans l'essor metallurgique du XIXe siecle [with introductory note by Emmanuel Garrigues] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 219-26 | |||||
Les artistes [replies to questionnaire on family photographs] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 117-62 | |||||
Voyage a travers les albums de famille: analyse et commentaire des reponses et de l'enquete [comments on special issue, 'Famille et photographie'] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 21-38 | |||||
Voyage a travers les albums de famille: analyse et commentaire des reponses et de l'enquete [comments on special issue, 'Famille et photographie'] | 1996 | L'ethnographie 92 (2): 21-38 |