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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
To smile and not to smile: mythic gesture at the Russia-China border 2018 Social analysis 62 (1): 31-54
  • Caroline Humphrey
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Performing orders: speech acts, facial expressions and gender bias 2018 Journal of cognition and culture 18 (3-4): 343-57
  • Filippo Domaneschi
  • Luca Andrighetto
  • Marcello Passarelli
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1567-7095
Reply to Crivelli et al.: the different faces of fear and threat. Evolutionary and cultural insights 2018 Journal of human evolution 125 (): 193-7
  • Larissa M. Straffon
  • Mariska E. Kret
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Rejoinder to Kret and Straffon 2018 Journal of human evolution 125 (): 198-200
  • Alan Fridlund
  • Carlos Crivelli
  • James A. Russell
  • Jose-Miguel Fernández-Dols
  • Sergio Jarillo
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Facial expressions during an extremely intense emotional situation: Tornero's lip funnel 2015 Social science information 54 (4): 439-54
  • Carlos Crivelli
  • José Antonio García-Huigera
  • José-Miguel Fernández-Dols
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
Emotions in tweets: from instantaneity to preconstruction 2015 Social science information 54 (4): 455-69
  • Georgeta Cislaru
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
The two sides of disgust: a lexical and thematic content analysis of narratives of personally experienced physical and moral disgust 2015 Social science information 54 (4): 470-96
  • Audrey Abitan
  • Silvia Krauth-Gruber
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
Meaningful informational exchange and pantomime in chimpanzees and bonobos: implications for proto-language in hominins 2015 Human evolution 30 (3-4): 141-74
  • A. Stadler
  • E. Nevo
  • G. Peleg
  • I. Roffman
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Amazon iconography - similarities between pottery and rock art 2013 American Indian rock art 40 (): 703-20
  • Edithe Pereira
Smiling and primate play faces: origins and function 2013 Human evolution 28 (1-2): 79-89
  • E. Palagi
  • G. Cordoni
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
What is the relation of human ethology to anthropology? A brief historical account 2012 Anthropologie (Brno) 50 (1): 3-7
  • Jan Havlíček
  • Vladimír Blažek
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Sex differences in smiling and other photographed traits: a theoretical assessment 2011 Journal of biosocial science 43 (3): 345-51
  • Lee Ellis
  • Shyamal Das
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0021-9320
The eyes have it: human perception and anthropomorphic faces in world rock art 2011 Antiquity 85 (327): 87-98
  • Ben Watson
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
What does the transmitted image of a human face tell an observer about personality traits? 2010 Social science information 49 (3): 465-88
  • Vladimir Barabanschikov
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
Not growling but smiling: new interpretations of the bared-teeth motif in the pre-Columbian Caribbean 2010 Current anthropology 51 (3): 425-33
  • Alice V.M. Samson
  • Bridget M. Waller
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Allometry of facial mobility in anthropoid primates: implications for the evolution of facial expression 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 138 (1): 70-81
  • Dobson Seth D.
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Socioecological correlates of facial mobility in nonhuman anthropoids 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 139 (3): 413-20
  • Seth D. Dobson
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Primate vocalization, gesture, and the evolution of human language 2008 Current anthropology 49 (6): 1053-76
  • Katja Liebal
  • Michael A. Arbib
  • Simone Pika
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Facial attractiveness: general patterns of facial preference 2007 Anthropological Review: the official publication of the Polish anthropological Society 70 (): 45-79
  • Krzysztof Kościński
Faces of the human past 2007 Natural history 116 (1): 22-9
  • Ian Tattersall
  • Richard Milner
H6 [NATURAL-] 0028-0712
Expressões anatómicas populares, mímica e linguagem gestual 2006 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 46 (1-4): 207-14
  • Abel Sampaio Tavares
Gesture and movement 2006 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 14 (2): 91-8
  • Brenda Farnell
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
How we recognize angry and happy emotion in people, places, and things 2006 Cross-cultural research 40 (1): 83-105
  • Joel Aronoff
H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] 1069-3971
Human neuro-cognitive decoding abilities as a new criterion from homologizing primate communicatory skills 2006 Anthropologie (Brno) 44 (2): 195-200
  • Radek Trnka
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Evolution of the brainstem orofacial motor system in primates: a comparative study of trigeminal, facial, and hypoglossal nuclei 2005 Journal of human evolution 48 (1): 45-84
  • Chet C. Sherwood
  • Katerina Semendeferi
  • Patrick J. Gannon
  • Patrick R. Hof
  • Ralph L. Holloway
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Reconstrucción facial escultórica de cráneos prehispánicos 2004 Arqueología mexicana 11 (65): 48-53
  • Maria Villanueva Sagrado
Why can a smile be heard ? A new hypothesis on the evolution of sexual behaviour and voice 2003 Anthropologie (Brno) 41 (1-2): 93-8
  • Carsten Niemitz
  • Vanessa Zacher
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
De las máscaras e iconografía facial 2001 Reunión anual de etnología 14 (2): 49-56
  • Milton Eyzaguirre
The neural circuitry of emotion and affective style: prefrontal cortex and amygdala 2001 Social science information 40 (1): 11-37
  • Richard J. Davidson
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
Investigations on human laughter and its implications for the evolution of hominid visual communication 2000 Homo 51 (1): 1-18
  • C. Niemitz
  • M. Loi
  • S. Landerer
Out of awareness: into perception 1999 Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 27 (1/2): 63-73
  • Anne Zeller
Man's expression and disease 1997 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 34 (): 73-80
  • Ioan Oprescu
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