Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Temporal changes in the prevalence of external auditory exostoses in Pre-Columbian Panama | 2023 | Chungará 55 (3): 539-66 | H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] | 0716-1182 | |||
A revision of the conductive hearing loss in Cranium 4 from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (Burgos, Spain) | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 135 (): 1-10 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The cochlea of the Sima de los Huesos hominins (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain): new insights into cochlear evolution in the genus Homo | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 136 (): 1-15 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The bony labyrinth of StW 573 ("Little Foot"): implications for early hominin evolution and palaeobiology | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 127 (): 67-80 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Are we afraid of magic? Magical artifacts in Estonian museums | 2018 | Material religion 14 (1): 199-217 | H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] | 1743-2200 | |||
The bony labyrinth in the Aroeira 3 middle Pleistocene cranium | 2018 | Journal of human evolution 124 (): 105-16 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Single-nucleotide polymorphism analyses on ABCC11, EDAR, FGFR2, and ABO genotypes of mummified people of the Joseon Dynasty, South Korea | 2018 | Anthropological Science 126 (2): 67-73 | H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] | 0918-7960 | |||
Earworms, daydreams and cognitive capitalism | 2018 | Theory, culture and society 35 (1): 141-62 | H6 [THEORY-] | 0263-2764 | |||
Étude anthropologique concernant le développement de la main et de l'oreille externe chez une selection d'enfants roumains d'âge prescolaire (3-6 ans) provenant de tout pays | 2017 | Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 54 (): 51-61 | H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Comparative anatomy of the middle ear ossicles of extant hominids - introducing a geometric morphometric protocol | 2016 | Journal of human evolution 91 (): 1-25 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Evolution and otitis media: a review, and a model to explain high prevalence in indigenous populations | 2015 | Human biology 87 (2): 92-108 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0018-7143 | |||
Gehörgangsexostosen - ein Aktivitätsanzeiger für Tätigkeiten im oder am Wasser? | 2014 | Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 35 (): 91-8 | H6 [BERLINER-] | 0178-7896 | |||
Surfer's ear (Aural exotoses) provides hard evidence of man's acquatic past | 2014 | Human evolution 29 (1/3): 75-90 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0393-9375 | |||
New insights into the ear region anatomy and cranial blood supply of advanced stem strepsirhini: evidence from three primate petrosals from the Eocene of Chambi, Tunisia | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 65 (5): 551-72 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Reassessment of the La Ferrassie 3 Neanderthal ossicular chain | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 64 (4): 250-62 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
A new partial temporal bone of a juvenile hominin from the site of Kromdraai B (South Africa) | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 65 (4): 447-56 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
A comparative study on earlobe attachment and foot type among the Sonowal Kachari and Kaibaratas of Assam | 2013 | Vanyajati 61 (4): 40-4 | H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] | 0042-2622 | |||
Étude radiologique comparative de l'appareil stato-acoustique che les vertebrés | 2011 | Anthropologica et praehistorica 122 (): 193-209 | H6 [SOCIETE-] | 1377-5723 | |||
The bony labyrinth of the early platyrrhine primate Chilecebus | 2010 | Journal of human evolution 59 (6): 595-607 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The inner ear of Nazlet Khater 2 (upper paleolithic, Egypt) | 2009 | Journal of human evolution 56 (3): 257-62 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Mastoiditis - paleopathological evidence of a rarely reported disease | 2009 | American journal of physical anthropology 138 (3): 266-73 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Observations of external ear - An Indian study | 2009 | Homo 60 (5): 461-72 | H6/HB [HOMO-] | 0018-442X | |||
Auditory ossicles from southwest Asian Mousterian sites | 2008 | Journal of human evolution 54 (3): 414-33 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Geschlechts- und Altersabhängigkeiten von Merkmalen des menschlichen Ohrs | 2008 | Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 29 (): 83-92 | H6 [BERLINER-] | 0178-7896 | |||
Human ears grow throughout the entire lifetime according to complicated and sexually dimorphic patterns - conclusions from a cross-sectional analysis | 2007 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger 65 (4): 391-413 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGISCHER-] | 0003-5548 | |||
Exotosis del conducto auditivo externo: notas adicionales | 2007 | Arqueología y vida 1 (): 221-30 | H6/KUL [LIMA-] | ||||
Auditory exostoses as an acquatic activity marker: a comparison of coastal and inland skeletal remains from tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil | 2007 | American journal of physical anthropology 132 (4): 558-67 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
A study on variation of earlobe attachment and foot type among the Tiwas of Assam | 2006 | Vanyajati 54 (4): 5-7 | H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] | 0042-2622 | |||
The primate subarcuate fossa and its relationship to the semicircular canals part I: prenatal growth | 2006 | Journal of human evolution 51 (5): 537-49 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
New discoveries on the middle ear anatomy of Ignacius graybullianus (Paromomydae, primates) from ultra high resolution X-ray computed tomography | 2003 | Journal of human evolution 44 (1): 73-86 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Soundselves: an acustemology of sound and self in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary | 2003 | Anthropology today 19 (4): 4-9 | HI [ANTHROPOLOGY-] | 0361-7882 | |||
Investigations of the external ear in school children with hearing deficiency | 2003 | Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 40 (): 99-111 | H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Variation of morphogenetic characters in an endogamous group of Vannekula Kshatriya in Andhra Pradesh | 2002 | The Anthropologist 4 (4): 293-5 | 0972-0073 | ||||
Morphological traits in peoples of Mongolian nationality of the Hulunbuir League, inner Mongolia, China | 2002 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger 60 (2): 175-85 | 0003-5548 | ||||
Anatomy of malleus - a human ear ossicle | 2001 | The Anthropologist 3 (2): 139-41 | 0972-0073 | ||||
Indagine sulla sensazione soggettiva del rumore in un campione di età scolare | 2001 | Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 131 (): 139-61 | |||||
'Ear-herb' (Sempervivum Tectorum L.) in Hungarian ethnomedicine | 2001 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 46 (3/4): 261-71 | 1216-9803 | ||||
Ear lobe crease: incidence in a healthy Malay population | 2000 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger 58 (3): 309-15 | 0003-5548 | ||||
A comparative study on ear lobe attachment and eye brow type specially to the Khasis of Meghalaya | 1999 | Vanyajati 47 (4): 27-34 | 0042-2622 | ||||
Variation in morphogenetic traits among Vannekula Kshatriyas of Andhra Pradesh | 1998 | Indian journal of physical anthropology and human genetics 21 (2): 145-50 | |||||
Senescence and inner ear | 1995 | Cahiers d'anthropologie et biométrie humaine 13 (1/2): 115-19 |