Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Live by the drum: reflection on a Greenland celebration of Inuit drumming, dance, and song 2024 Inuktitut (131-132): 62-5
  • Sandi Vincent
*H6/KUB [INUKTITUT-] 0705-8527
Toward a dialectical understanding of North Indian drumming traditions: musical labor, dance, and the folk/classical distinction in Banaras 2024 Asian music 55 (2): 40-74
  • Vincent D. Kelley
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
'Imagined Balkans' meets 'imagined Africa': the contemporary practice of jembe drumming in Serbia 2022 Ethnomusicology forum 31 (3): 429-48
  • Iva Nenić
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Feeling time in Indonesian langgam Jawa 2022 Asian music 53 (2): 110-38
  • Andrew McGraw
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
Outside the house, there are no laws: musical practice and ritual dynamics at Shona kurova guva ceremonies 2021 Ethnomusicology forum 30 (3): 422-42
  • Jennifer W. Kyler
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Ritual sounds in San Juan Atzingo. A study on the Tlahuica Teponaztle (Santo ndot zandaa) 2021 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 61 (): 161-97
  • Alejandro Véliz Ruiz Esparza
  • Francisca Zalaquett Rock
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
From folk musicians to popular icons: the resilient uṟumi mēḷam Tamil folk drumming ensemble in Singapore 2020 Asian music 51 (2): 105-38
  • JinXing (Gene) Lai
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
Uṟumi Mēḷam: a musical sanctuary for at-risk Tamil youth in Singapore 2020 Ethnomusicology forum 29 (3): 311-32
  • JinXing Lai
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Expressing sonic theology: understanding ritual action in a Himalayan festival 2019 Ethnomusicology forum 28 (3): 321-37
  • Andrew Alter
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
The audiovisual in the montagens of performance in the Batuque of Ponto Chique - MG 2019 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 4 (1): 177-204
  • Pâmilla Villas Boas Costa Ribeiro
Learning to embody the radically empirical: performance, ethnography, sensorial knowledge and the art of tabla playing 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (2): 427-38
  • Denise Nuttall
The 'eye of the drum'. Past and present of qilaujjarniq in the Canadian Central Arctic (Nunavut) 2018 Anthropos (St Augustin) 113 (2): 491-501
  • Frédéric Laugrand
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
When field recordings meet field research: examining change in the Shango drumming of postwar Trinidad 2017 Ethnomusicology 61 (2): 287-311
  • Ryan J. Bazinet
Muchongoyo and Mugabeism in Zimbabwe 2017 African studies review 60 (1): 145-70
  • Tony Perman
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
Seeking a new path: pasacalle activists practicing culture in Villa El Salvador, Perú 2017 Ethnomusicology 61 (1): 1-30
  • Carlos Odria
Across borders and genres in Malaysia and Thailand: the Changgong rhythm and the Andaman Sea coast 2017 Asian music 48 (1): 58-84
  • Lawrence N. Ross
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
'Listen to my drum': notes on historical and contemporary uses of Torres Strait Islander warup/buruburu drums in Australia 2016 Australian Aboriginal studies (2): 61-80
  • Karl Neuenfeldt
H6/KX [AUSTRALIAN-] 0729-4352
Drumming to one's own beat: japanese taiko and the challenge to genre 2016 Ethnomusicology 60 (1): 22-52
  • Jennifer Milioto Matsue
On the grammar of Senegalese drum language 2014 Language 90 (3): 644-68
  • Yoad Winter
H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] 0097-8507
Sick of shamanizing: in search of healing in Kamchatkan roads of world-Jesus 2013 Civilisations 61 (2): 69-88
  • Patrick Plattet
Rediscovered Tuva shamanic songs in Vilmos Diószegi's manuscript legacy 2012 Shaman 20 (1/2): 109-38
  • Dávid Somfai Kara
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Composing sound identity in Taiko drumming 2012 Anthropology and education quarterly 43 (1): 101-19
  • Kimberly Powell
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
The drumming of dissent during South Korea's democratization movement 2012 Ethnomusicology 56 (2): 179-205
  • Katherine In-Young Lee
Controlling time in epic performances: an examination of Mahābhārata performance in central Himalayas and Indonesia 2011 Ethnomusicology forum 20 (1): 57-78
  • Andrew Alter
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Drumming from screen to stage: Ondekoza's Ōdaiko and the reimaging of Japanese taiko 2010 Journal of Asian studies 69 (3): 843-67
  • Shawn Bender
*H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 0021-9118
Dancing in opposition: muchongoyo, emotion, and the politics of performance in southeastern Zimbabwe 2010 Ethnomusicology 54 (3): 425-51
  • Tony Perman
The development of the Acehnese sitting song-dances and frame-drum genres as part of religious conversion and continuing piety 2010 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 166 (1): 83-106
  • Margaret Kartomi
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
My song is my bond: Haitian Vodou singing and the transformation of being 2009 The World of Music 51 (2): 91-118
  • Rebecca D. Sager
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Music for cleansing the universe - drumming and gong ensemble music in the Mamahui Pogun ceremonies of the Lotud Dusun of Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia 2009 Borneo research bulletin 40 (): 249-76
  • Jacqueline Pugh-Kitiingan
  • Judeth John Baptist
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Memorizing together. Group effect experiments in steelbands (Trinidad and Tobago) 2009 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (24): 216-35
  • Aurélie Helmlinger
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
Running John Bull: the provenance of a masquerade in the Lesser Antilles 2009 Folklore 120 (2): 133-56
  • Robert W. Nicholls
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Truth, talk and history in the non-nation: gwo ka's place on Marie-Galante, French Antilles 2008 Ethnomusicology forum 17 (2): 203-24
  • Ron Emoff
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Trommelbaum - Webtrommel. Ein Web- und Klanggerät der Atayal auf Taiwan im Besitz des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde München 2008 Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde 12 (): 155-60
  • Irmgard Timmermann
Performing audience. On the social constitution of focused interaction at celebrations in Mali 2007 Anthropos (St Augustin) 102 (1): 3-18
  • Rainer Polak
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
Powwows, intertribalism, and the value of competition 2007 Ethnomusicology 51 (1): 1-29
  • Christopher Scales
From stigma to self-assertion: Paraiyars and the symbolism of the parai drum 2007 Contributions to Indian sociology (New Series) 41 (1): 81-104
  • C. Joe Arun
Tradition serving modernity? The musical lives of a Makassarese drummer 2006 Asian music 37 (1): 1-23
  • R. Anderson Sutton
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
The poetics of 'Sufi' practice: drumming, dancing, and complex agency at Madho Lāl Husain (and beyond) 2006 American ethnologist 33 (2): 246-68
  • Richard K. Wolf
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Samson Mudzunga, Dzingoma, and new mythologies 2006 African arts 39 (4): 68-77, 95-6
  • Anitra Nettleton
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
'It opens your mouth!' Forest spirit identities in public display and private discussion: masking and rhetoric in Canton Boo, southwestern Côte d'Ivoire 2006 Archiv für Völkerkunde 56 (): 1-30
  • Monni Adams
H6/KF [ARCHIV-] 0066-6513
Batuque: African drumming and dance between repression and concession, Bahia, 1808-1855 2005 Bulletin of Latin American research 24 (2): 201-14
  • Joao Jose Reis
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Sounding of Bering Strait: drum as mediator between two continents 2005 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 14 (): 1-8
  • Kazuyuki Tanimoto
*H6/KWV [BULLETIN-] 0918-3159
A l'unisson des tambours. Note sur l'ordre social et la chasse aux têtes parmi les Wa de Chine 2004 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 99 (2): 353-63
  • Bernardo Formoso
H6 'ANTHROPOS-' 0257-9774
Vannama: a classical dance form and its musical structure 2004 The World of Music 46 (3): 49-64
  • Almut Jayaweera
H6/KFYV [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Tangled roots: Kalenda and other neo-African dances in the circum-Caribbean 2004 New West Indian guide 78 (1/2): 5-41
  • Julian Gerstin
H6/KUL 'NWIG-' 0028-9930
In the sign of drums: African dance in Africa and in the Czech lands 2003 Národopisná revue 2 (): 86-91, 120
  • Veronika Švábová
H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] 8062-8351
Barbadian tuk music: colonial development and post-independence recontextualization 2003 British journal of ethnomusicology 12 (2): 81-106
  • Sharon Meredith
Therapeutic efficacy of music-making: neglected aspect of human experience integral to performance process 2002 Yearbook for traditional music 34 (): 129-38
  • Diane Thram
Shaman's drumming as a kind of indirect hypnosis 2002 Műveltség és hagyomány 12-13 (): 447-53
  • András Takács
  • Csaba Szabó
  • István Mészáros
H6/KVN [MUVELTSEG-] 0580-3594
Shaman music, drumming, and into the [New age] 2002 Shaman 10 (1/2): 59-81
  • Keith Howard