Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Celtic new year and feast of the dead 2024 Folklore 135 (1): 69-86
  • Ronald Hutton
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
The identification of shamanism in Celtic literary and ethnographic sources 2016 Cosmos 32 (): 83-115
  • Sharon Paice Macleod
H6/KFO [COSMOS-] 0269-8773
Old stones, new rites: contemporary pagan interactions with the Medway Megaliths 2016 Material religion 12 (3): 346-72
  • Ethan Doyle White
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
The 'Celtic tree calendar' - Development and reception of a myth 2013 Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 54 (1/2): 99-136
  • Andreas G. Heiss
  • Jutta Leskovar
H6 [ETHNOGRAPHISCH-] 0012-7477
Charmed circle: Stonehenge, contemporary paganism, and alternative archaeology 2012 Numen 59 (2-3): 138-55
  • Carole M. Cusak
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: a reply with insight into related issues in Finland 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 15-19
  • Minna Lapinoja
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
'New religions? Do you mean Christianity?' Contemporary paganism in Slovenia 2011 Etnolog (New Series) 21 (): 163-78
  • Aleš Črnič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: response to Sayer, Pitts, Pendragon, Elders, Lapinoja and Sutphin 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 31-3
  • Gabe Moshenska
  • Mike Parker Pearson
  • Tim Schadla-Hall
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: a response 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 29-30
  • Amanda Sutphin
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: a reply 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 28
  • Joseph Elders
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: the counter argument 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 23-7
  • King Arthur Pendragon
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Digging deeper: comment on Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 20-2
  • Michael Pitts
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Bowls, bobbins and bones. Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology: a response 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 10-14
  • Duncan Sayer
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology 2011 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 21 (): 5-9
  • Gabe Moshenska
  • Mike Pearson
  • Tim Schadla-Hall
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Modern druidry and earth mysteries 2009 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 02 (03): 313-31
  • Ronald Hutton
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
The reburial issue in Britain 2009 Antiquity 83 (321): 815-20
  • Gabriel Moshenska
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
"There was a holy race of men on Lundy": a speculative literature search for Otherworld Island 2009 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 2 (2): 215-24
  • R.W.E. Farrah
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
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