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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
South African male university students’perspectives on gender norms concerning alcohol and related harmful behaviours towards female drinkers 2023 Culture, health & sexuality 25 (5): 554-66
  • Shakila Singh
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Ways to avoid trouble: a case study of Anangu liquor hunting in the Central Desert of Australia 2023 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 47 (2): 357-86
  • Chikako Hirano
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Conjuring spirits: melancholic play and refusal among alcohol-drinking Lisu men on the China-Myanmar border 2023 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 29 (1): 5-23
  • Ting Hui Lau
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
A sociocultural view of Estonian and Slovenian proverbs on alcohol and drinking 2023 Folklore 134 (3): 370-94
  • Piret Voolaid
  • Saša Babič
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
The regulation of alcoholic beverages in Mexico/New Spain. An analysis of prohibition schemes in the long term 2023 Iberoamericana 23 (83): 83-106
  • Abraham Chimal
Sweet return and bitter memories: rethinking coffee culture and overseas return migration from Europe to rural Fujian, China 2023 Journal of Chinese overseas 19 (1): 57-88
  • Sebastian Jemec
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Queros as inalienable objects: ritual drinking vessels and the end of the Inka empire at Moqi (Locumba Valley, southern Peru) 2022 Latin American antiquity 33 (1): 60-78
  • Colleen Zori
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
An intersectional approach to problem drinking in the Nepali/Buthanese community in Northeast Ohio 2022 Human organization 81 (1): 60-70
  • Marnie K. Watson
  • Nuha Alshabani
  • Scott Swiatek
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
'All they do is drink coffee:' notes on café culture in Prishtina, Kosova 2022 Folk life 60 (1): 4-18
  • Arsim Canolli
H6/KVC [FOLK-] 0008-3496
Lifestyles, sexuality and gender: vulnerability to STIs and unplanned pregnancy among female migrant beer promoters in Lao PDR 2022 Culture, health & sexuality 24 (8): 1047-61
  • Chansathit Taikeophithoun
  • Jo Durham
  • Molina Choummanivong
  • Pascale Hancart Petitet
  • Phouthong Phommavongsa
  • Vanphanom Sychareun
  • Vassana Thammavongsa
  • Vathsana Somphet
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Fermented maize beverages as ritual offerings: investigating elite drinking during Classic Maya period at Copan, Honduras 2022 Journal of anthropological archaeology 65 (): 1-11
  • Jorge Ramos
  • Li Liu
  • Moran Li
  • Ran Chen
  • Xinwei Li
  • Yahui He
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Introduction: alcohool, rituals, and politics in the ancient world 2022 Journal of anthropological archaeology 65 (): 1-8
  • Jiajing Wang
  • Li Liu
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
‘Tell them nott to bring any rum here’: alcohol regulation, authority, and sovereignty among the Shawnees, 1700–1860 2022 History and anthropology 33 (4): 496-515
  • Sami Lakomäki
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Reinventing a tradition: East Asian tea cultures in the contemporary world 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 167-70
  • Jinghong Zhang
  • Shuenn-Der Yu
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
The invention and promotion of cha-rye in Korea 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 171-7
  • Haeng-Cheol Lee
  • Seok-Hwan Kwon
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Terroir, tradition, and place-making in tea villages of southeastern China 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 178-85
  • Dan Choffnes
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Hybridity with exclusion: Chinese tea rebrewed in Australia 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 186-94
  • Jinghong Zhang
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
History, creativity, and value: the modern making of Gold Jun Mei tea 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 195-205
  • Jean DeBernardi
  • Junhong Ma
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Body-mind discipline for life: the non-conformity of contemporary Japanese tea ceremony practitioners 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 206-13
  • Aiko Yajima
  • Etsuko Kato
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Expanded authenticity? Changing standards for identifying longjing tea 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 214-21
  • Xuezheng Shen
  • Zhucheng Su
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Food nationalism beyond tradition: bubble tea and the politics of cross-border mobility between Taiwan and Vietnam 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 222-8
  • Po-Yi Hung
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Sense-making in Taiwan's tea art ritual 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (3): 229-35
  • Shuenn-Der Yu
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Using public datasets to understand the psychological correlates of smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity: a counter-level analysis 2022 Cross-cultural research 56 (2-3): 99-124
  • Paul H.P. Hanel
  • Richard A. Inman
  • Sara M. da Silva
H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] 1069-3971
Party like a Sumerian: reinterpreting the 'sceptres' from the Maikop kurgan 2022 Antiquity 96 (385): 67-84
  • Denis Petrov
  • Larisa Savelieva
  • Viktor Trifonov
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
From ritual communication to convivial entertainment: reflections of old drinking rituals in folk songs 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 105–23
  • Vita Ivanauskaitė-Šeibutienė
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The space-time compression of Tokyo street drinking 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (1): 49-65
  • James Farrer
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Beyond pojangmacha: Edae food carts and the future of Seoul’s social gastronomy 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (1): 84-97
  • Hyunjoo Yu
  • Jungah Kim
  • Robert Ji-Song Ku
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
First-year college students’ alcohol and hookup behaviours: sexual scripting and implications for sexual health promotion 2021 Culture, health & sexuality 23 (1): 68-84
  • Alice Ma
  • Amanda E. Tanner
  • Brittany D. Chambers
  • David L. Wyrick
  • Jeffrey J. Milroy
  • Kari C. Kugler
  • Samuella Ware
  • Shemeka Thorpe
  • Wendasha Jenkins Wall
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
From dependency to alcoholic prohibition: a preliminary and ongoing analysis during COVID-19 in Yucatán 2021 Alteridades (61): 21-35
  • Sergio A. Moreno Cabrera
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Why has wine consumption become popular in Hong Kong? Introducing a new sociocultural paradigm of traditional, aspiring and creative drinkers 2021 Asian anthropology 20 (4): 248-68
  • Hang Kei Ho
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1683-478X
Communal drinking rituals and social formations in the Yellow River valley of Neolithic China 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 63 (): 1-17
  • Li Liu
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Consuming kero: molle beer and Wari social identity in Andean Peru 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 63 (): 1-13
  • Donna J. Nash
  • Patrick Ryan Williams
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Inebriation and the early state: beer and the politics of affect in Mesopotamia 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 63 (): 1-19
  • Tate Paulette
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Beer, ritual, and identity: ethnoarchaeological and archaeological study in Konso, southern Ethiopia 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 64 (): 1-10
  • John W. Arthur
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Predynastic beer production, distribution, and consumption at Hierakonpolis, Egypt 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 64 (): 1-16
  • Jiajing Wang
  • Masahiro Baba
  • Renee Friedman
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
"Proposing a toast" from the first urban center in the north Loess Plateau, China: alcoholic beverages at Shimao 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 64 (): 1-16
  • Jing Shao
  • Li Liu
  • Nan Di
  • Yahui He
  • Zhouyong Sun
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Alcohol, ancestors, and the house: exploring ritual use of beer at Kirikongo, Burkina Faso 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 64 (): 1-14
  • Daphne Gallagher
  • Stephen A. Dueppen
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
'It's scientific!' Play, parody, and the para-ethnographic in Southwest China 2021 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 27 (3): 559-78
  • Katherine Swancutt
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
A Hungarian alcohol: brandy and pálinka in historical-ethnographic sources 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 266-87
  • László Ferenc Novák
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The role of pub in a rural community 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 106-30
  • Zsófia Pisztora
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The bitter and the sweet: a cultural comparison of non-alcoholic beverage consumption in Japan and Australia 2020 Food Culture and Society 23 (3): 334-46
  • Caroline Miller
  • John Coveney
  • Rebecca Suter
  • Timothy Gill
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1528-9796
Late period (1400-1536 AD) aryballos in northern Chile. Semantic media and identity in the Tawantinsuyu 2020 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 25 (1): 183-200
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Claudia Ogalde
  • Freddy Viñales
  • Juan Pablo Ogalde
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
Alcohol use in fishing communities and men’s willingness to participate in an alcohol, violence and HIV risk reduction intervention: qualitative findings from Rakai, Uganda 2020 Culture, health & sexuality 22 (3): 275-91
  • Charles Ssekyewa
  • Erika Bonnevie
  • Godfrey Kigozi
  • Jennifer A. Wagman
  • John B. Ssemanda
  • Neema Nakyanjo
  • Robert Kairania
  • William George Ddaaki
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Market engagement and indigenous people: testing hypotheses from the Western intellectual tradition 2020 Journal of anthropological research 76 (2): 185-208
  • Eduardo A. Undurraga
  • Jonathan Bauchet
  • Rebecca Zhang
  • Ricardo A. Godoy
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
Reel restoration in Drunktown's finest 2020 Native American and indigenous studies 7 (2): 29-54
  • Renae Watchman
‘Locker room talk’: male bonding and sexual degradation in drinking stories 2020 Culture, health & sexuality 22 (11): 1235-52
  • Margaret J. Vaynman
  • Sveinung Sandberg
  • Willy Pedersen
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Changing the culture of drinking: the public houses in Carlisle before and after the introduction of The State Management Scheme in 1916 2020 Folk life 58 (1): 18-35
  • Steve Matthews
H6/KVC [FOLK-] 0008-3496
Sørpe full, sveiseblind og stinn som et eggebrød. Slang og synonymer som kulturhistorie 2020 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (2): 29-43
  • Ole Marius Hylland
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
Spiritual drunkenness. Death and agriculture in ritual and worldview in San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico 2020 Revista Tefros 18 (1): 141-70
  • Alejandra Gámez Espinosa
  • Rosalba Ramírez Rodríguez
What do participants on digital media platforms produce? Tracking the development of Hello Sunday Morning from a blog, to a social network, to a self-tracking app 2020 International journal of cultural studies 23 (4): 512-30
  • Nicolas Carah
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779