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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Affective relatedness, temporalities, and the politics of care in a medical South-South partnership: the Cuban mission in Brazil 2024 Focaal (98): 31-46
  • Maria Lidola
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
La enfermedad de Carrón: la primera investigación cientifica - el aporte de Johann Jakob Von Tschudi 2023 Boletín de Lima 45 (213): 89-112
  • Raúl Rebagliati
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Chemical cures for Galenic diseases: plants and minerals in the fever treatment in João Curvo Semedo 2022 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (1): 1-16
  • Ricardo Cabral de Freitas
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Buenos Aires physicians and their internal enemies: professional charlatans, protections sellers and forgers (1870-1900) 2022 Boletín americanista (84): 149-69
  • Mauro Sebastián Vallejo
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Demographic anxiety and abortion: Italian pro-life volunteers' and gynecologists' perspectives 2022 Medical anthropology 41 (6-7): 674-88
  • Claudia Mattalucci
  • Silvia De Zordo
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
The structure of sociability in the professional trajectory of the physician, teacher and writer, Valdemar de Oliveira 2022 Ciência & Trópico 46 (2): 135-60
  • Gilmar Beserra de Farias
H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] 0304-2685
The time of medicine and the time of survival: the suffering experiences of Cuban doctors 2022 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 47 (2): 151-68
  • Bruna Motta dos Santos
H6 [ANUARIO-] 2357-738X
Dirty work in medicine: understanding U.S. physicians' agency in contested medical practices 2022 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 36 (4): 534-51
  • Mara Buchbinder
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
Medical reports compiled by Chinese maritime customs as a platform for intellectual exchanges on the infectious diseases between Western and local medicines in late nineteenth-century East Asia 2022 Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (80): 5-34
  • Wataru Iijima
H6/KWV [TOKYO-] 0082-562X
Accumulating local medical knowledge through medical missionary work and Medical reports: Wallace Taylor and parasitology in late 19th-century Japan 2022 Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (80): 61-78
  • Hiroki Inoue
H6/KWV [TOKYO-] 0082-562X
The general, his fandom, and a participatory pandemic 2021 Folklore (Tartu) 82 (): 53-78
  • Angelina Ilieva
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
“Doctors just don’t care about people!” How medical specialists are depicted in a vaccine-critical Estonian Facebook group 2021 Folklore (Tartu) 82 (): 215-36
  • Marko Uibu
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Inside the doctor's office. Talking about intersex with Italian health professionals 2021 Culture, health & sexuality 23 (4): 484-99
  • Ines Testoni
  • Marta Prandelli
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Leaders and laggards in life expectancy among European scholars from the sixteenth to the early twentieth century 2021 Demography 58 (1): 111-35
  • David de la Croix
  • Mikko Myrskylä
  • Robert Stelter
Covid-19 and social stigma in hospitals: a new epidemic of signification? 2021 Medical anthropology 40 (7): 667-81
  • Rubén Muñoz Martínez
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Imprinting the body with food practices: contributions to thinking about the relations between children, bodies and food in pediatric narratives 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (12): 54-77
  • Nuria Caimmi
Transcending the ethical dilemma of Christian humanitarianism: American medical missionaries at a hospital in rural Zambia 2021 Ethnos 86 (5): 853-76
  • James Wintrup
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Selecting, caring, and sending: doctors at the Battle for Rubber (1942-1944) 2021 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 16 (3): 1-25
  • Gabriela Alves Miranda
  • Gilberto Hochman
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Doctors, the social-weavers 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (1): 74-95
  • Hubert WierciƄski
Doctors of plural medicine, knowledge transmission, and family space in India 2020 Medical anthropology 39 (3): 282-96
  • Venera R. Khalikova
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Indigenous identification by health professionals in a Mexican hospital setting 2020 Medical anthropology 39 (2): 123-38
  • Ingris Peláez-Ballestas
  • Tirsa Colmenares-Roa
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Cuban female doctors in a Brazil "that is not in a soap opera" 2020 Mundo Amazonico 11 (1): 57-79
  • Sandro Martins de Almeida Santos
A local midwife or a doctor? Two systems of knowledge in birthing practices of Russian Old Believers 2020 Folklore (Tartu) 80 (): 169-90
  • Natalia Dushakova
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Prendre soin des manifestants. Les street medics dans le mouvement des Gilets jaunes 2020 Techniques et culture (74): 160-73
  • Perrine Poupin
*H6 [TECHNIQUES-] 0248-6016
Knowledges, power and imagination: the transcultural mediation paradigm 2020 L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 21 (1): 52-62
  • Carole Giacobi
  • Marie Rose Moro
  • Serge Bouznah
H6 [AUTRE-] 1626-5378
A capable surgeon and a willing electrologist: challenges to the expansion of transgender surgical care in the United States 2019 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 33 (2): 282-301
  • Eric Plemons
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
Temporal dynamics in the daily lives of health practitioners 2019 Time and society 28 (4): 1552-76
  • Cynthia Wang
H6 [TIME-] 0961-463X
A Harvard physician's reports on a 1857 visit to Saamaka 2019 New West Indian guide 93 (3-4): 259-78
  • Christopher D.E. Willoughby
  • Richard Price
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Shouldering moral responsibility: the division of moral labor among pregnant women, rabbis, and doctors 2019 American anthropologist 121 (4): 857-69
  • Elly Teman
  • Tsipy Ivry
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
What's up doc? Seventh sons in Victorian and Edwardian Lancashire 2019 Folklore 130 (4): 395-414
  • Simon Young
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Physician anthropologists 2019 Annual review of anthropology 48 (): 187-205
  • Claire L. Wendland
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Experte in zwei Welten. Der Arzt und Ethnomediziner Armin Prinz (1945-2018) 2019 Curare 42 (1-2): 145
  • Ruth Kutalek
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
Classification as narrative: a renewed perspective on a longstanding topic in ethnobiology 2018 Journal of ethnobiology 38 (1): 105-22
  • Denise M. Glover
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
'You can learn merely by listening to the way a patient walks through the door': the transmission of sensory medical knowledge 2018 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 32 (1): 138-54
  • Gili Hammer
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
Cannabis fear deconditioning: an autobiological marijuana memoir of a South Asian-Oklahoma physician-scientist 2018 Journal of ethnobiology 38 (3): 489-503
  • Sunil Kumar Aggarwal
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Training doctors for Botswana, 1966-2017 2018 Botswana notes and records 50 (): 232-43
  • Edward Maganu
  • Loeto Mazhani
  • Oathokwa Nkomazana
  • Thabo Mokoean
*H6/KY [BOTSWANA-] 0525-5090
The journey thus far: chronicling events of the only medical school in Botswana 2018 Botswana notes and records 50 (): 244-58
  • Japhter Masunge
  • Keikantse Mathagela
  • Keromeng Johnson
  • Ludo Badlangana
  • Thabo Mokoena
*H6/KY [BOTSWANA-] 0525-5090
Toxic care (?): scepticism and treatment failure in post-Soviet Mongolia 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 219-41
  • Elizabeth Turk
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Ayurvedic college education, reifying biomedicine and the need for reflexivity 2018 Anthropology and medicine 25 (2): 162-75
  • Maarten Bode
  • Prasan Shankar
H6/KGT [BRITISH-] 1364-8470
"Witchdoctors" in white coats: politics and healing knowledge in Tanzania 2018 Medical anthropology 37 (8): 722-36
  • Amy Nichols-Belo
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Organizing the Estonian Physician's Nutritional and Dietetics Sociaety in Tartu University Hospital 2018 Papers on anthropology 27 (2): 38-42
  • Liidia Kiisk
H6/HB [PAPERS-] 1406-0140
The white coat trap: pharmacy as an ethnic dominated occupation in Israel 2018 Ethnic and racial studies 41 (7): 1312-31
  • Ariela Popper-Giveon
  • Ido Liberman
  • Yael Keshet
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
'A holy experiment': medical mission sisters or how nuns within the Catholic Church became doctors 2018 Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva 58 (3/4): 77-90
  • Ana Jelnikar
The social and medical situation of children in Slovakia after the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic 2018 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 112 (59): 128-48
  • Zora Mintalová Zubercová
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Caring for strangers: aging, traditional medicine, and collective self-care in post-Socialist Russia 2017 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 31 (1): 78-96
  • Tatiana Chudakova
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
A flavour of Alzheimer's 2017 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 23 (2): 249-66
  • Laurence Anne Tessier
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Mohiti's pharmacon: symptom, rotational bodies, and pharmaceuticals in rural Rajasthan 2017 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 31 (3): 332-48
  • Andrew McDowell
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
Physician opinions concerning legal abortion in Bogotá, Colombia 2017 Culture, health & sexuality 19 (8): 873-87
  • Chelsey Brack
  • Kaitlyn Stanhope
  • Kalie Richardson
  • Lauren Fink
  • Roger Rochat
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Out-of-sync cancer care: health insurance companies, biomedical practices, and clinical time in Colombia 2017 Medical anthropology 36 (3): 187-201
  • Camilo Sanz
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
In memoriam: Eugen Strouhal (24.1.1931-20.10.2016) 2017 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 38 (1): 2-6
  • Pavel Onderka
  • Radek Podhorný
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X