Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Operations log kept by Captain Jorge Pacheco from November 13th, 1800 to May 31st, 1801 2024 Revista Tefros 22 (2): 193-285
  • Diego Bracco
Some first-hand accounts of the Japanese occupation 2024 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 97 (1): 102-23
  • Paul H. Kratoska
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
"What think you now of Africa?": Daniel Coker's unpublished diary 2023 International journal of African historical studies 56 (1): 83-111
  • Walker Mimms
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
The ‘haunting’ and the ‘haunted’: whiteness, orthography and the (post)-apartheid condition in Namibia 2023 History and anthropology 34 (3): 497-520
  • Mattia Fumanti
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Sex work stigma and the recuperation of moral personhood through gendered labour: sex worker diaries in Ukraine 2023 Culture, health & sexuality 25 (8): 976-90
  • Dynamics Study Team
  • Daria Pavlova
  • Lisa Lazarus
  • Marissa L. Becker
  • Maureen A. Murney
  • Nicole Herpai
  • Olga Balakireva
  • Robert Lorway
  • Tatiana Tarasova
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Trading goods, disseminating knowledge: Indigenous intercommunication across the Greater Southwest 2023 Journal of anthropological research 79 (3): 287-306
  • Peter M. Whiteley
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
William Barnard's "notes" and the archaeology of Marajó 2023 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 18 (3): 1-17
  • Adenor Sarraf Pacheco
  • Lucas Monteiro Araújo
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Facing the flames: the Herskovitses, Trinidad, and the anthropological imagination 2023 American ethnologist 50 (3): 368-74
  • Ryan Cecil Johnson
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
My dear diaries: following, valuing and reflecting on moments with research materials 2023 Qualitative research 23 (3): 632-50
  • Lauren White
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Young people engaging in event-based diaries: a reflection on the value of diary methods in higher education decision-making research 2023 Qualitative research 23 (3): 686-705
  • Zoe Baker
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Restitution. Two small jewellery hoards discovered at Poiana during the 1949 campaign 2023 Materiale şi cercetări arheologice (Serie Nouă) (19): 37-53
  • Daniel Spânu
A comment on Kostiw's "The false account of seventeenth century travellers" 2023 The bulletin: journal of the New York State Archaeological Association (137): 93-5
  • Charles T. Gehring
  • William A. Starna
*H6/KE [BULLETIN-] 1046-2368
Response to Dr. William Starna and Dr. Charles Gehring - a long tale of a longhouse 2023 The bulletin: journal of the New York State Archaeological Association (137): 96-101
  • Scott F. Kostiw
*H6/KE [BULLETIN-] 1046-2368
Black imaginaries and Nahua rhetoric in colonial Mexico: diario de Don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin 2023 Ethnohistory 70 (4): 473-94
  • Manuel R. Cuellar
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
Ethnic culture of Slovenes in the personal archival fund of Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevskiĭ (based on materials from 1841) 2023 Etnolog (New Series) 33 (): 105-23
  • Marijam M. Kerimova
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
A 19th century royal scrapbook: military, scientific and geographical miscellany 2023 Studies in Nepali history and society 28 (2): 389-448
  • Shubhanga Pandey
*H6/KWL [STUDIES-] 1025-5109
The journal of the Galliot Nieuwer Amstel: a 1660 voyage to Curaçao from New Amsterdam (Manhattan) 2022 New West Indian guide 96 (1-2): 1-33
  • Jaap Jacobs
  • Jeroen Dewulf
  • Julie van den Hout
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Marginal history 2022 History and anthropology 33 (1): 86-103
  • Chris Ballard
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
The first Magallanes-Elcano global circumnavigation trip: a look at the initiatic encounters with South American biodiversity 2022 Magallania 50 (): 1-23
  • Fabián M. Jaksic
  • Sergio A. Castro
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0718-0209
“To the master with care”. An encounter with Hugo Ratier 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 581-8
  • Hugo Ratier
  • María Inés Pagano interv
The journal of the Galliot Nieuwer Amstel. A 1660 voyage to Curaçao from New Amsterdam (Manhattan) 2022 New West Indian guide 96 (3-4): 291-323
  • Jaap Jacobs
  • Jeroen Dewulf
  • Julie van den Hout
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Letters in verse from the Great War 2022 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (27): 47-66
  • Mirela Florian
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
Chronicles of Catholicism in the rubber boom: Friar Isidoro Irigoyen's Desobrigas with indigenous peoples from Purus River (1938-1968, Amazonas, Brazil) 2022 Iberoamericana 22 (81): 117-43
  • Miguel Aparicio
The boundaries of Eurasia: dividing minds, lands, and bodies in eighteenth century Siberia 2022 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 21 (1): 53-78
  • Henry Jennings
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
Travels through an illusory paradise: notes on Betty Megger's expedition to the lower Amazon region and her collaboration network (1948-1949) 2022 Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) (39): 206-26
  • Mariana Moraes Oliveira Sombrio
H6/KUL [SAO PAULO-] 0103-9709
“Ha! suck on that Corona, I found something to do”. Capturing adolescent experiences during lockdown in Finland 2022 Ethnologia fennica 49 (2): 127-46
  • Inés Matres
H6/KVT [ETHNOLOGIA-] 0355-1776
The false account of seventeenth century travelers Jasper Dankers and Peter Slyuter 2022 The bulletin: journal of the New York State Archaeological Association (136): 80-2
  • Scott F. Kostiw
*H6/KE [BULLETIN-] 1046-2368
Decolonizing anthropology's archive: Alfred Haddon's journals from the Torres Strait and New Guinea, 1888 and 1898 2022 Journal of museum ethnography (35): 24-45
  • Anita Herle
  • Jude Philp
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
The writing gestures in Raymundo Faoro’s diaries (Porto Alegre, 1943-1946) 2022 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 47 (3): 109-25
  • Paulo Augusto Franco de Alcántara
H6 [ANUARIO-] 2357-738X
Danish diaries of Palmyra 2022 Antiquity 96 (388): 1030-31
  • Jennifer A. Baird
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The fading of yearnings for liberation and passage when the bet on love is lost. A study of the memoirs and letters of an Arabian princess 2022 Hawwa: journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world 20 (3): 230-55
  • Abdalla El-Fakki El Bashir
H6/KW [HAWWA-] 1569-2078
Researching 'non-sexualities' via creative notebooks: epistemology, embodiment and empowerment 2022 Qualitative research 22 (6): 897-915
  • Karen Cuthbert
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
“A new understanding and appreciation for the marvel of growing things”: exploring the college farm’s contribution to transformative learning 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (3): 481-98
  • Amanda S. Green
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
The politics of testing positive: an autoethnography of media (mis)representations at the ‘start’ and ‘end’ of different pandemics 2021 Culture, health & sexuality 23 (11): 1485-99
  • Mark Morris
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
The literary diary in the Iberian context: the diaries of Rosa Chacel, Miguel Torga and Josep Pla 2021 Iberoamericana 21 (76): 123-36
  • Álvaro Luque Amo
Dialogues between travelers. Intertextuality in the travel diary of José Fernando Ramírez during the Second Mexican Empire 2021 Iberoamericana 21 (77): 147-68
  • Romana España Paredes
Mah Uhle in Argentina: his beginnings and his contribution to the archaeology of Tinogasta (Catamarca) 2021 Indiana 38 (2): 205-34
  • Manuela Discher
  • Norma Ratto
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
The finding of a human body with tembetas in the pampas of El Toco, Maria Elena 2021 Taltalia: Revista del Museo Augusto Capdeville Rojas 14 (): 139-44
  • Claudio Castellón
Lt George Grey's 'script': journal, plate and painting 2021 Rock art research 38 (2): 229-31
  • Michael P. Rainsbury
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Coronavirus 2020. The life of the inhabitants of Starchiojid village during the pandemic 2021 Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 32 (): 231-42
  • Cristian Muşa
H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] 1220-5230
Metaphors we work with: reflections on collection methodology in the Finno-Ugric expedition diaries of the Estonian National Museum in 1975-1989 2021 Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat 63 (1): 15-43
  • Art Lete
  • Piret Koosa
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 1406-0388
Encountering/thinking mosquitos 2021 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 14 (3): 417-30
  • Mari Olafson Lundemo
  • Roger Norum
  • Vesa-Pekka Herva
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
The interweaving of diaries and lives: diary-keeping behaviour in a diary-interview study of international students' employability management 2021 Qualitative research 21 (6): 829-45
  • Emily F. Henderson
  • Xuemeng Cao
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Corporeal and emotional aspects of fieldwork in Finno-Ugric expedition diaries 2021 Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat 63 (2): 67-86
  • Piret Koosa
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 1406-0388
Die Epidemie schreiben 2021 Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie 30 (2): 121-31
  • Alain Montandon
H6/KF [PARAGRANA-] 0938-0116
Erzählen gegen den Tod: Pandemie und Literatur 2021 Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie 30 (2): 132-44
  • Günter Blamberger
H6/KF [PARAGRANA-] 0938-0116
An artist on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin: Simon Coleman’s visit to the Aran islands in 1959 on behalf of the Irish Folklore Commission 2020 Folklore 131 (1): 1-33
  • Patricia Lysaght
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Guantánamo diary and African studies 2020 African studies review 63 (2): 399-402
  • Benjamin N. Lawrence
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
القياس اضيع [Likening can be misleading]: reflections on Africa and Africans in Guantánamo 2020 African studies review 63 (2): 403-10
  • Mohamedou Ould Slahi
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
Authoritarian Africa beyond Guantánamo: freedom in captivity 2020 African studies review 63 (2): 411-16
  • Erin Pettigrew
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206