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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Trypillia mega-sites: a social levelling concept? 2024 Antiquity 98 (398): 380-400
  • Johannes Müller
  • Nils Müller-Scheeßel
  • Robert Hofmann
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Southern connections. Metamorphosis of a particular type of anthropomorphic vessels in the area of the Cucuteni civilization 2023 Materiale şi cercetări arheologice (Serie Nouă) (19): 5-23
  • Adela Kovács
  • Senica Țurcanu
Archaeological research at Pietroasa Mică - Gruiu Dării (2019-2020). The Late Eneolithic period 2022 Materiale şi cercetări arheologice (Serie Nouă) (18): 45-74
  • Daniel Garvăn
  • Laurenţiu Grigoraş
  • Roxana Munteanu
  • Valentin Dumitraşcu
Community negotiation and pasture partitioning at the Trypillia settlement of Maidanetske 2022 Antiquity 96 (388): 831-47
  • Cheryl A. Makarewicz
  • Johannes Müller
  • Mykhailo Y. Videiko
  • Robert Hofmann
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Radiocarbon chronology of the Tripolye Culture Gordineşti group sites from northern Moldova and western Ukraine 2022 Archeologia polski 67 (): 9-30
  • Dariusz Król
  • Małgorzata Rybicka
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGIA-] 0003-8180
Analysis of ancient human mithocondrial DNA from Vertebra Cave, Ukraine, insights into the late Neolithic-Chalcolithic Cucuteni-Tripolye culture 2020 Anthropological Science 128 (1): 1-10
  • Daisuke Waku
  • Hiroki Oota
  • Jordan K. Karsten
  • Kae Koganebuchi
  • Ken Wakabayashi
  • Motoyuki Ogawa
  • Mykhailo Sokhatsky
  • Ryan W. Schmidt
  • Takashi Gakuhari
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
The chipped stone industry from the Chalcolithic in eastern Romania: a literature review. I. Raw material procurements and the blade technology 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 7-23
  • Diana-Măriuca Vornicu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The Cucuteni A3 site from Dobrovăţ - Pădurea Buda. 2019 research 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 141-73
  • Adela Kovács
  • Alexandru Berzovan
  • Carsten Mischka
  • Cornelia-Magada Lazarovici
  • Cristian Oprean
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici
  • Guo Zhiwei
  • Hou Xinjia
  • Lăcrămioara Stratulat
  • Mircea Oancă
  • Senica Ţurcanu
  • Wen Changhao
  • Wu Jintao
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The prehistoric origins of classical iconography. Janus-like representations in the Southeastern European Chalcolithic 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 175-207
  • Senica Ţurcanu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Cultural and settlement changes in the second half of the 4th millennium BC in the area between the Bug, Dniestr and Prut rivers 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 63-85
  • Małgorzata Rybicka
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Pottery kilns from the Tripolye settlement of Kamenets-Podolsky, Tatarysky, the 2019 excavation campaign: Regarding the issue of evolution of Tripolye pottery kilns 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 147-71
  • Aleksandr Diachenko
  • Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Journeys of the mind: cognitive landscapes, symbolic dialects, and networked identities in the European Neolithic 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (2): 11-40
  • Janusz Kruk
  • Kathryn M. Hudson
  • Sarunas Milisauskas
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Textile impressions on Trypillia culture pottery from Ogród and Verteba Cave sites in Bilcze Złote 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (2): 231-58
  • Weronika Skrzyniecka
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Ecological dimensions of population dynamics and subsistence in neo Eneolithic Eastern Europe 2019 Journal of anthropological archaeology 53 (): 92-101
  • Aleksandr Diachenko
  • Douglas J. Kennett
  • Thomas K. Harper
  • Yuri Ya Rassamakin
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Trypillia megasites in context: independent urban development in Chalcolithic Eastern Europe 2019 Cambridge archaeological journal 30 (1): 97-121
  • Bisserka Gaydarska
  • John Chapman
  • Marco Nebbia
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Regional aspects of phase A of Cucuteni culture from the point of view of statistics. Theory and case study on the shape variations of tumblers in five sites 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 7-19
  • George Bodi
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Unique pottery kiln construction? The interpretation of massive clay objects from the Trostianchyk site of the Trypillia culture 2019 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 71 (): 11-39
  • Anna Rauba-Bukowska
  • Olha Zaĭtseva
  • Robert Hofmann
  • Viktor Kosakivskyi
  • Vitaliĭ Rud
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Hoard of long flint blades from the Wodzisław Hummock, Lesser Poland 2019 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 71 (): 197-218
  • Anna Zakościelna
  • Beata Polit
  • Jerzy Libera
  • Piotr Mączyński
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Chronology of the Funnel Beaker culture settlement in western Ukraine in the context of radiocarbon dating 2019 Archaeologia polona 57 (): 103-117
  • Małgorzata Rybicka
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Research on the Lublin-Volhynian culture 2019 Archaeologia polona 57 (): 135-43
  • Anna Zakościelna
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
The Globular Amphora culture in the writings of Jan Kowalczyk 2019 Archaeologia polona 57 (): 157-75
  • Andrzej Bronicki
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Traditions of ceramic production in the Central and Eastern Europe eneolithic: Tripolye, late Malice and Lublin-Volhynian cultures 2018 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 70 (): 67-85 [plates i-viii]
  • Anna Zakościelna
  • Elena Starkova
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
The making of Chalcolithic assembly place: Trypillia megasites as materialized consensus among strangers? 2018 World archaeology 50 (1): 41-61
  • Andrew Millard
  • Bisserka Gaydarska
  • John Chapman
  • Marco Nebbia
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
The question of "proto-urban" sites in later prehistoric Europe 2018 Origini 42 (2): 317-38
  • Anthony Harding
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Recent investigations in the early Chalcolithic settlement of Balş - La Brigadă (Romania) 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 161-78
  • Andrei Asăndulesei
  • Diana-Măriuca Vornicu
  • Dumitru Boghian
  • Feli-Adrian Tencariu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The presence in Cucutenian sites east of the Carpathian of certain clay vessels linked to the exploitation of salt 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 179-92
  • Vasile Diaconu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Experimental (re)construction and use of a late Cucuteni-Trypillia kiln 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 241-56
  • Andreea Vornicu-Ţerna
  • Diana Măriuca Vornicu
  • Felix-Adrian Tencariu
  • Florica Măţău
  • Stanislav Ţerna
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Middle and late copper age settlements from the Brînzeni microzone on the Prut river: older research in a modern background 2017 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 69 (): 297-325 [insert i-xvi, CD ROM]
  • Sergiu Heghea
  • Stanislav Ţerna
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
The first cremation traces in the Eneolithic period north of the Carpathian mountains 2017 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 69 (): 353-71 [insert i-iv, CD ROM]
  • Anita Szczepanek
  • Stanisław Wilk
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
New hoards of metal objects of the Cucuteni-Tripol'e culture from the Middle Dniester area - Ukraine 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 179-94
  • Valentin Dergačev
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Geomagnetic prospections in the site of Scânteia 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 313-31
  • Carsten Mischka
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Geomagnetic survey of Cucuteni-settlements in Moldova - results of the FAU - campaign 2015 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 333-45
  • Alexander Rubel
  • Carsten Mischka
  • Doris Mischka
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Rekonstruktionsversuch eines kupferzeitlichen Hauses aus Scânteia, Kr. Iaşi, Rumänien. Vorläuflige Synthese der Projektergebnisse aus Magnetik und Ausgrabung 2016 2016 Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens 22 (): 101-14
  • Clara Drummer
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
  • Doris Mischka
H6/KE [EURASIA-] 0949-0434
Gradiometerprospektionen auf Fundplätzen der Cucuteni-Kultur im Kreis Neamţ (Rumänien) 2016 Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens 22 (): 115-31
  • Carsten Mischka
  • Constantin Preoteasa
  • Georg Schafferer
H6/KE [EURASIA-] 0949-0434
Prehistoric ornamentation: possible directions in research and aspects for interpretation as suggested by analysis of Tripolye-Cucuteni pottery 2016 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 68 (): 65-80
  • Il'ia V. Palaguta
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
The absolute chronology of late Tripolye sites: a regional approach 2016 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 68 (): 81-105, [plates i-iv]
  • Oleksandr Diachenko
  • Thomas K. Harper
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Cucuteni - perpetuation of a neolithic pottery tradition 2016 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 110 (57): 103-13
  • Adrian Scheinau
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Productivity of premodern agriculture in the Cucuteni-Trypillia area 2015 Human biology 87 (3): 235-82
  • Anvar Shukurov
  • Graeme Sarson
  • Kate Henderson
  • Mykhailo Videiko
  • Robert Shiel
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
The Cucutenian settlement of Cucuteni - Dealul Mânăstirii / La Dobrin) 2015 Arheologia Moldovei 38 (): 225-54
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Archaeozoological study of faunal remains from two Cucutenian sites: Creţeşti-La Intersecţie and Lohan-Camping (Vaslui county) 2015 Arheologia Moldovei 38 (): 283-93
  • Mariana Prociuc
  • Vicu Merlan
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The appearance of social inequalities: cases of neolithic and chalcolithic societies 2015 Origini 38 (2): 65-85
  • Johannes Müller
  • René Ohlrau
  • Robert Hofmann
  • Vesa P.J. Arponen
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Majaki - ein komplexes Denkmal der Usatovo-Kultur. Isotopendaten werfen neue Fragen auf 2015 Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens 21 (): 45-74
  • Claudia Gerling
  • Elke Kaiser
  • Vlad Petrenko
H6/KE [EURASIA-] 0949-0434
Anthropomorphic plastic art of the Tripolye culture people in the collections of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw 2015 Wiadomości archeologiczne 66 (): 247-82
  • Zuzanna Różańska-Tuta
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
A contribution to research into the clothing and body ornaments of the Cucuteni-Tripolye population on the basis of male representations 2015 Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 40 (): 11-34
  • Zuzanna Różańska-Tuta
H6/KE [MATERIALY-] 0075-7039
Magnetic prospecting on chalcolithic sites in north-eastern Romania: some considerations regarding intra-site spatial organisation 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 189-94
  • Andrei Asăndulesei
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Integrated prospection methods for documenting threatened prehistoric archaeological sites from north-eastern Romania 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 425-30
  • Andrei Asăndulesei
  • Cristi-Ionuţ Nicu
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei
  • Ştefan Balaur
  • Ştefan Caliniuc
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Landscape with enclosures. Magnetic prospection and surface survey of the Dobużek Scarp microregion in eastern Poland 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 267-71
  • Anna Zakościelna
  • Bartosz Myślecki
  • Maksym Mackiewicz
  • Mirosław Furmanek
  • Tomasz Chmielewski
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Evolution of human settlements and natural risk factors. A case study of chalcolithic archaeological sites in the Valea Oii watershed (Romania) 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 608-11
  • Gheorghe Romanescu
  • Ionut C. Nicu
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Pottery with a band and comb ornament from the Funnel Beaker settlement in Poganice, Słupsk county, site 4. Contribution to the study of directions of interregional contacts of the Łupawa group communities 2015 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 20 (): 531-44
  • Jacek Wierzbicki
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
Unpublished zoomorphic representations discovered in the Cucutenian settlement at Scânteia - Dealul Bodeştilor/La Nuci (Iaşi County) 2014 Arheologia Moldovei 37 (): 197-204
  • Radu-Gabriel Furnicǎ
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358