Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Making it count - tracing signs of consciousness and potentiality in severe brain injury in Denmark 2024 Medical anthropology 43 (2): 115-29
  • Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg
  • Lise Marie Andersen
  • Mette Terp Høybye
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Is a psychotic anthropology possible? Or how to have inclusive anthropologies of subjectivity and personhood 2023 Annual review of anthropology 52 (): 365-80
  • John Marlovits
  • Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Sartre and Marion on intentionality and phenomenality 2022 Theory, culture and society 39 (1): 41-60
  • King-Ho Leung
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Anthropology and psychoanalysis: the looping effects of persons and social worlds 2022 Annual review of anthropology 51 (): 155-71
  • Douglas W. Hollan
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Finding agency in reciprocity: a story of learning 2022 Journal of folklore research 59 (2): 67-79
  • Lisa Rathje
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
Revisiting the Chinese room: looking for agency in a world packed with archaeological things 2021 Cambridge archaeological journal 31 (3): 533-41
  • Artur Ribeiro
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Bodies as arenas of experimentation: experiencing novel ways of running 2021 Journal of contemporary ethnography 50 (4): 524-49
  • Toomas Gross
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
Spiritual dimensions in exploring the human-geosphere relationship under a values-based approach in Lake Turgoyak, Southern Urals, Russia 2021 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 20 (1): 58-94
  • Frances Bellaubi
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
Minding the field: sensory and affective engagements with high Arctic fieldwork 2021 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 14 (3): 349-70
  • Roger Norum
  • Tina Paphitis
  • Vesa-Pekka Herva
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
“…Not the action of mind upon matter, but the action of mind-matter upon matter-mind…”: a world of many minds in archaeology and ethnography 2021 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 14 (4): 481-5
  • Jack Hunter
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
Upper Palaeolithic art as a perceptual search for magical images 2021 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 14 (4): 487-99
  • Derek Hodgson
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
Material culture and consciousness: a thought experiment 2021 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 14 (4): 517-35
  • Michael Shapland
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
Singularity: from emancipation to interdependence. The anthropocene: reflection of our essence and spiritual awakening 2021 International journal of anthropology 36 (3-4): 211-14
  • M. Louvriere Clerc
H6/HB [INTERNATIONAL-] 0393-9383
Signs of time: Awaiting a change of the paradigm 2021 Konteksty 75 (3): 67-71, 242-3
  • Marcin Trzęsiok
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
The labyrinth of COVID-19 2021 Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie 30 (2): 78-87
  • Susan Visvanathan
H6/KF [PARAGRANA-] 0938-0116
How to study implicit and explicit learning in animals? 2021 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (36): 104-20
  • Raphaëlle Malassis
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
A sultan poet in the perception of İnsan-ı Kâmil: Muhibbi 2020 Journal of folklore and literature (101): 173-85
  • Nazire Erbay
Alzheimer's disease and shamanism: (im)possible dialogues 2020 Mana 26 (2): 1-44
  • Daniela Feriani
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
Smoking as communication in Rastafari: reasonings with 'professional' smokers and 'plant teachers' 2020 Ethnos 85 (3): 900-19
  • Anna Waldstein
H6 [ETHNOS-] 0014-1844
Descent from the peak: mystical navigations of paradox and trauma on the down-climb 2020 Culture and religion 21 (1): 86-99
  • Linda C. Ceriello
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
Bringing science to the study of ancient senses archaeology and visual psychology 2020 World archaeology 52 (2): 183-204
  • Lisa-Elen Meyering
  • Paul Pettitt
  • Robert Kentridge
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Feeling the vibe: sound, vibration, and affective attunement in electronic dance music scenes 2020 Ethnomusicology forum 29 (1): 21-39
  • Luis-Manuel Garcia
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Virtual/reality: how to tell the difference 2020 Journal of visual culture 19 (1): 11-27
  • Janet H. Murray
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1470-4129
Afterword: reversing the world - what austerity does to time and place 2019 Focaal (83): 67-71
  • Theodoros Rakopoulos
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Time for Bourdieu: insights and oversights 2019 Time and society 28 (3): 951-70
  • Will Atkinson
H6 [TIME-] 0961-463X
Time as sociology's basic concept: a perspective from Alfred Schutz's phenomenological sociology and Niklas Luhmann's social system theory 2019 Time and society 28 (3): 995-1012
  • Mitsuhiro Tada
H6 [TIME-] 0961-463X
Coffee and socialism in the Venezuelan Andes 2019 Focaal (84): 1-17
  • Aaron Kappeler
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
W.E.B. Du Bois, double consciousness and the 'spirit' of recognition 2019 Sociological review 67 (1): 47-62
  • Nasar Meer
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
Being and landscape: an ontological inquiry into a Japanese rural community 2019 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 20 (3): 232-46
  • Ricardo Santos Alexandre
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
The music box: songs of futility in a time of torture 2019 Ethnomusicology 63 (2): 222-46
  • Steven M. Friedson
The dialectics of eating and speaking in Ivo Brešan’s plays 2019 Narodna umjetnost 56 (1): 117-28
  • Gordana Čupković
H6/KVP [NARODNA-] 0547-2504
Eigen-Sinnig With my own senses. Prologue 2019 Curare 42 (3-4): 7-10
  • Inga Scharf Da Silva
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
Homeopathic prescribing as an apprehension of the whole 2019 Curare 42 (3-4): 145-55
  • Natalie Harriman
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
The birth of Mnemosyne. The emergence of the image of the human at the dawn of food production 2019 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia (59): 169-88
  • Luiz Oosterbeek
Land reform, historical consciousness and indigenous activism in later twentieth-century Ecuador 2018 Journal of Latin American studies 50 (2): 411-40
  • Sergio Miguel Huarcaya
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Hooked on Sol-Fa: the do-re-mi heuristic for Yorùbá speech tones 2018 Africa 88 (2): 267-90
  • Aaron Carter-Ényì
H6/KY [AFRICA-] 0001-9720
Neuzeitliche Anthropologie und Bewusstsein. Ein Rezensionartikel 2018 Anthropos (St Augustin) 113 (1): 235-9
  • Michael Colsman
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
Men and the menstruation dynamic. Anthropology, history, and body without organs 2018 Anthropos (St Augustin) 113 (1): 258-67
  • Mina Meir-Dviri
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
'I choose to go without everything really': moral imperatives, economic choice and ageing 2018 The Australian journal of anthropology 29 (2): 195-208
  • Juliana Mansvelt
  • Mary Breheny
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
The action and inaction of care: care and the personal preserve 2018 The Australian journal of anthropology 29 (2): 250-7
  • Nigel Rapport
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
'Going with the flow' of dementia: a reply to Nigel Rapport on the social ethics of care 2018 The Australian journal of anthropology 29 (2): 258-62
  • Andrew Dawson
  • Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
22. juli-fortellinger og for hand lingen om hva terroren skal bety for fremtiden 2018 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (1): 89-106
  • Claudia Lenz
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
Cognition in high-frequency trading: the costs of consciousness and the limits of automation 2018 Theory, culture and society 35 (6): 75-95
  • Ann-Christina Lange
  • Armin Beverungen
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Affective formations of class consciousness: care consciousness 2018 Sociological review 66 (6): 1177-93
  • Margaret Crean
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
The reciprocity of perspectives 2018 Social anthropology 26 (4): 502-18
  • Roy Wagner
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0964-0282
Introduction: hollowed crowns, composite India's value crisis and the never-ending business of education 2018 South Asia research 38 (3): 219-28
  • Irmgard den Hollander
  • M. Christhu Doss
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Nationalism imagined? Hidden impacts of the uprising of 1857 2018 South Asia research 38 (3): 229-46
  • Pramod Kumar Srivastava
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Indian Christians and the making of composite culture in South India 2018 South Asia research 38 (3): 247-67
  • M. Christhu Doss
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Sports education in colonial Bengal: a double-edged sword? 2018 South Asia research 38 (3): 268-86
  • Basudhita Basu
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Shame and guilt in India: declining social control and the role of education 2018 South Asia research 38 (3): 287-306
  • Pravin J. Patel
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280