Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Baldr, Ymir, and the myth of the first death in Old Norse mythology (Part 1) 2024 Folklore 35 (1): 159-81
  • Kristen Mills
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Cat spirits in North-western China: worship practices, origin, and external relations 2023 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 17 (1): 101-25
  • Ilya Gruntov
  • Olga Mazo
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Åke Hultkrantz on method: the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Metodvägar inom den jämförande religionsforskningen 2023 Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 59 (2): 149-56
  • Göran Larsson
African archives in the Caribbean: the Yoruba tradition, cultural experts, and the unmaking of religious knowledge in twentieth-century Trinidad 2023 History and anthropology 34 (5): 779-800
  • Dianne M. Stewart
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Cemetery meditations and Morbid Visions: death metal as a spiritual exercise 2023 Culture and religion 23 (4): 448-68
  • Fabien Muller
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
Volga-Ural and West Siberian components in the folklore of the Sámi and the Baltic Finns 2022 Folklore 133 (1): 47-72
  • Evgeny Duvakin
  • Yuri Berezkin
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Putting a Q into the study of religions: observations from a global study with the faith Q-Sort 2022 Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 58 (1): 7-40
  • Peter Nynäs
Tricksters unmasked 2022 Journal of the Southwest 64 (1): 1-99
  • Mardith K. Schuetz-Miller
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
Sword bridge, Chinvat bridge and golden deer: passages to the otherworld in Vedic, Zoroastrian, Sarmatian and Arthurian tradition 2022 Cosmos 33-36 (): 3-44
  • Attila Mátéffy
H6/KFO [COSMOS-] 0269-8773
Religious orthodoxies: provocations from the Jewish and Christian margins 2022 Annual review of anthropology 51 (): 325-43
  • Ayala Fader
  • Vlad Naumescu
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Chaga, Koshchey and living shereshyrs 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 183–201
  • Kostyantyn Rakhno
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Nahua (maseual) and Totonac (tutunakú) cosmologies of the Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexico), Part one: the time of creation 2021 Anales de antropología 55 (2): 161-77
  • Pierre Beaucage
  • Xanath Rojas Mora
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Lunar mythology: a case study of Natko Nodilo's 'Mythology of nature' 2021 Ethnologia slovaca et slavica 42 (): 29-44
  • Suzana Marjanić
H6/KVL [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1335-4116
Introduction 2021 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 66 (193): 11-24
  • Peter Van der Veer
  • Vincent Goossaert
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Erysichthon's crime and punishment: the prehistory of a famine demon 2021 Journal of Indo-European studies 49 (1-2): 67-103
  • Laura Massetti
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Ethnological reception of the Ancient Faith believers: Response from the other side (2) 2021 Etnolog (New Series) 31 (): 207
  • Katja Hrobat Virloget
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Myths, hashish, and Hindu culture. Interview with Michael Witzel 2020 Folklore (Tartu) 78 (): 197-202
  • Henri Zeigo interv
  • Michael Witzel
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Aztec mythology does not exist 2020 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 60 (): 9-45
  • Guilhem Olivier
  • Michel Graulich
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
“Jesus Christ died because he was intoxicated”. Notes on Christian influence in Mesoamerican myths and on the comparative method for its study. Response to Michel Oudijk 2020 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 60 (): 77-119
  • Guilhem Olivier
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
La narración mítica en algunos grupos etnográficos sudamericanos 2020 Archivos 18 (): 51-60
  • Mario Califano
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
El mito del árbol cósmico wanámei de los mashcos de la Amazonia sudoccidental 2020 Archivos 18 (): 91-131
  • Mario Califano
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
Análisis comparativo de un mito mashco 2020 Archivos 18 (): 133-80
  • Mario Califano
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
The divine miscarriage: Mārtāṇḍa, the sun, and the birth of mankind 2020 Journal of Indo-European studies 48 (1-2): 151-72
  • Per-Johan Norelius
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Heroes, kings and monsters in a cave under the mountain (Indo-Europeans and the Caucasus) 2020 Journal of Indo-European studies 48 (3-4): 445-70
  • Yaroslav Vassilkov
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
A threefold heresy: reassessing Jewish, Christian, and Islamic animal sacrifice in late antiquity 2019 History of religions 58 (3): 251-76
  • Curtis Hun
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
"Finding" the Eucharist in central Australia: Intichiuma ceremonies and the study of ritual sacrifice as a sacrament of communion 2019 History of religions 58 (3): 277-318
  • Jens Kreinath
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
From sovereignty to solidarity: some transformations in the politics of sacrifice from Reformation to Robertson Smith 2019 History of religions 58 (3): 319-46
  • Robert Yelle
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
La geminación de los dioses 2019 Arqueología mexicana 27 (158): 16-25
  • Alfredo López Austin
  • Karina Munguria Ochoa
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Folklore and the civilizing gaze of modernity: an Indian folklorist in colonial Karnataka 2019 Folklore 130 (3): 300-10
  • Vijayakumar Boratti, M.
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
New insights on the Slavic god Volosъ/Velesъ from a Vedic perspective 2019 Studia mythologica slavica 22 (): 55-81
  • Milorad Ivanković
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Was Guðmundr á Glasisvǫllum Irish? 2019 Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 55 (1): 75-95
  • Felix Lummer
The Dagda, Thor and ATU 1148B: analogues, parallels, or correspondences? 2019 Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 55 (1): 97-120
  • John Shaw
The last judgement on a slate with pebbles 2019 Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 30 (): 77-91
  • Ion Ghinoiu
H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] 1220-5230
Freedom for the tertium: on conditions and provisions for comparison in the study of religion 2018 History of religions 57 (3): 288-305
  • Oliver Freiberger
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
On the coherence of Yasna: a critical assessment of recent arguments 2018 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 81 (1): 57-82
  • Amir Ahmadi
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Correspondence of semiotic sun and moon constellations in the central and south Andes 2018 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 23 (2): 121-41
  • Felipe Hasler
  • María Catrileo
  • Rodrigo Moulian
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
Black Virgins, black Christs, and the cult of Esquipulas 2018 Journal of the Southwest 60 (3): 637-77
  • Mardith Schuetz-Miller
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
The storm god and the hunter: a fragment of an old Balto-Slavic epos? 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 27-37
  • Patrice Lajoye
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Trance, disassociation, and shamanism: a cross-cultural model 2018 Journal of cognition and culture 18 (5): 508-36
  • Christopher J. Lynch
  • Connor Wood
  • Ross Gore
  • Saikou Diallo
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1567-7095
Current trends of Muslim academia in comparative religions 2018 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 7 (1): 53-70
  • Andleeb Gul
¿Religión o religiones mesoamericanas? 2018 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 56 (): 163-83
  • Alfonso Caso
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
Alfred Loisy's comparative method in Les mystères païens et le mystère chrétien 2017 Numen 64 (1): 64-96
  • Annlies Lannoy
  • Danny Praet
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
Study of the concept of stone and stone animation in the central Andes 2017 Anales de antropología 51 (1): 11-22
  • José Rafael Romero Barrón
  • Luis Millones
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Studying votives across cultures 2017 Material religion 13 (1): 104-6
  • Jessica Hughes
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Literature, innovation, and Bhuddhist philosophy: Shabkar's Nine emanated scriptures 2017 Numen 64 (4): 371-93
  • Rachel H. Pang
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
Incarnations: the materiality of the religious gazes in Hindu and Byzantine icons 2017 Material religion 13 (2): 206-30
  • Valentina Gamberi
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Indonesian Theosophical Society (1900-40) and the idea of religious pluralism 2017 Southeast Asian studies 6 (1): 139-65
  • Media Zainul Bahri
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Armeno-Indian epic parallels 2017 Journal of Indo-European studies 45 (1-2): 172-86
  • Armen Petrosyan
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
The explosion of the gaze: On tobacco for the Arawa of the Purus river 2017 Mana 23 (1): 9-35
  • Miguel Aparicio
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
Unbundling sincerity: language, mediation, and interiority in comparative perspective 2017 Hau 7 (1): 123-38
  • Niloofar Haeri