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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Planting the seed in a new land. Agricultural development and the formation of a Hmong diaspora in the Guianas since 1977 2024 New West Indian guide 98 (1-2): 40-58
  • Alexander M. Greene
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Informal entrepôts: witness testimony about slave ship arribadas to Santo Domingo and San Juan in the 1620s 2023 Colonial Latin American review 32 (1): 11-33
  • Marc Eagle
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Timber imports to Norse Greenland: lifeline or luxury? 2023 Antiquity 97 (392): 454-71
  • Lísabet Guðmundsdóttir
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Mixed ancestry of Europeans who settled Iceland and Greenland: 3D geometric-morphometric analyses of cranial base shape 2023 Antiquity 97 (395): 1249-61
  • Hildur Gestsdóttir
  • Keith Dobney
  • Kimberly A. Plomp
  • Mark Collard
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Inadequate life: the inconstance of the meaning of suffering and its effects on the doctor-patient relationship 2023 Mana 29 (3): 1-28
  • Everton de Oliverira
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
La colonización española en Sudamérica: estudio del primer asentamiento en la Cuenca del Plata mediante el registro de los microrrestos biosilíceos 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (4): 873-90
  • Agustín Azkarate
  • Alejandro Fabián Zucol
  • Esteban Passeggi
  • Gabriel Cocco
  • Iban Sánchez-Pinto
  • María de los Milagros Colobig
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Between the empty territory and the desired immigration. Dilemmas of national state construction at a parliamentary debate in 1863 2022 Revista Tefros 20 (1): 79-95
  • Mario Emanuel Larreburo
Death and life in Brazilian colônias: some issues about suicide in the German colonies of southern Brazil 2022 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 26 (2): 351-69
  • Everton de Oliveira
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Duas antropologias e as malhas do império (notas de trabalho) 2022 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia (62): 35-50
  • António Medeiros
An Anatolian-style lead figurine from the Assyrian colony period found in the Middle Bronze Age palace of Tel Kabri 2021 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (385): 87-97
  • Assaf Yasur-Landau
  • Eric H. Cline
  • Gilberto Artioli
  • Sturt W. Manning
H6/KW [AMERICAN-] 0003-097X
Early imperialism in the Andes: Wari colonisation of Nasca 2021 Antiquity 95 (384): 1527-46
  • Aldo Noriega
  • Chester P. Walker
  • Christina A. Conlee
  • Corina M. Kellner
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Cahokia’s influence in the Yazoo Basin: a ceramic analysis of early Mississippian features at the Carson site 2021 Southeastern archaeology 40 (2): 116-34
  • Catitlyn Burkes Antoniuk
Black disenfranchisement in the Cape colony, c.1887–1909: challenging the numbers 2020 Journal of southern African studies 46 (3): 455-69
  • Faray Niyka
  • Johan Fourie
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
The historian, the premier and forced labour in the Cape Colony, 1878–1879 2020 Journal of southern African studies 46 (3): 491-507
  • Denver A. Webb
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Colonies of benevolence: a carceral archipelago of empire in the greater Netherlands 2020 History and anthropology 31 (3): 352-70
  • Albert Schrauwers
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
'Their debts follow them into the afterlife': German settlers, ethnographic knowledge, and the forging of coffee capitalism in nineteenth-century Guatemala 2020 Comparative studies in society and history 62 (2): 389-420
  • Julie Gibbings
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Food traditions and colonial interactions in the ancient Mediterranean: stable isotope evidence from the Greek Sicilian colony Himera 2020 Journal of anthropological archaeology 57 (): 1-15
  • Britney Kyle
  • Laurie J. Reitsema
  • Stefano Vassallo
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Hoping for catastrophe: epidemic threat and political ambition in colonial Macao's early attempts at urban sanitation, 1885-1900 2019 Traditional dwellings and settlements review 30 (2): 33-46
  • Regina Campinho
H6 [TRADITIONAL-] 1050-2029
The national colony Cachoeira de Ilhéus, 19th century 2019 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 17 (2): 441-61
  • Ayalla Oliveira Silva
A database for the aegyptiaca from the Iberian southwest: colonial encounters and the ‘Mediterranization’ of the Atlantic Iberian societies (8th to 5th centuries BC) 2019 Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) (33): 28-35
  • Ronaldo G. Gurgel Pereira
H6/KUL [SAO PAULO-] 0103-9709
Coins and cultural contact: adoption and use of metal coins by non-Greeks in ancient Calabria (6th-5th centuries BC) 2019 Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) (33): 36-44
  • Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzan
H6/KUL [SAO PAULO-] 0103-9709
Migration theory and Greek colonisation: Milesians at Naukratis and Abydos 2019 Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) (33): 45-65
  • John Brendan Knight
H6/KUL [SAO PAULO-] 0103-9709
Are French Acadia and today’s Canadian colonies in the true sense of the word? 2019 Bulletin des séances. Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer (New Series) 65 (2): 133-46
  • Jacques Vanderlinden
H6/KY [INSTITUT-] 0001-4176
On the Viking enclaves and their relations with the inhabitants of the Carpathian - Dniester region between the 9th and the 11th centuries 2018-2019 Dacia (New Series) 62-63 (): 249-86
  • Ion Tentiuc
H6/KE [DACIA-] 0070-251X
Travellers and Arabists in pas de deux: colonial Morocco and the legendary Joaquín Gaell 2018 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 73 (1): 249-65
  • María Ángeles García Collado
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Cultural encounter in the mortuary landscape of a Tiwanaku colony, Moquegua, Peru (AD 650-1100) 2018 Latin American antiquity 29 (3): 421-38
  • Sarah I. Baitzel
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Rustic Reich: the local meanings of (trans)national Socialism among Paraguay's Mennonite colonies 2018 Comparative studies in society and history 60 (4): 998-1028
  • John Eicher
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Deserters and fugitives in Russian America 2018 Arctic anthropology 55 (2): 134-51
  • Andrei V. Ginëv
  • Richard L. Bland transl
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
What remained: materiality and colonialism in a collection of moving images 2018 Mana 24 (3): 247-76
  • Sofia Sampaio
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
Desde el desastre al Edén: experiencia y comunicación política en Chile, siglos XVI y XVII 2018 Colonial Latin American review 27 (3): 316-35
  • Mauricio Onetto Pavez
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Amana cemeteries as embodiments of religious and social beliefs 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (243): 181-200
  • Jonathan G. Andelson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
A comparative study of Pasto houses located in both Páramo and western lowland slopes between southern Colombia and northern Ecuador 2017 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 32 (54): 126-51
  • Josefina Vásquez Pazmiño
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Egyptian-south Levantine interaction in the early bronze age. Perspective from Nesher-Ramla, Israel 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 21-37
  • Vladimir Wolff Avrutis
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Zur Problematik der Gärtnerei und der Gartenkolonien in Tschechischen Ländern (mit spezieller Berücksichtung der Situation in Brünn) 2017 Folia ethnographica 51 (1): 3-19
  • Karel Altman
Tlaxcaltecan militias in Saltillo and Colotlán 2016 Estudios de historia novohispana 54 (): 50-73
  • Raquel E. Güereca Durán
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0185-2523
How Europe lost North America 2015 American Indian NMAI 16 (1): 38-41
  • James Ring Adams
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 1528-0640
Tremealeau entanglements: an ancient colony's causes and effects 2015 American antiquity 80 (2): 260-89
  • Danielle M. Benden
  • Robert F. Boszhardt
  • Timothy R. Pauketat
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Understanding Wari state expansion: a "bottom-up" approach at the village of Ak'Awillay, Cusco, Peru 2015 Latin American antiquity 26 (2): 180-99
  • Véronique Bélisle
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
North Africa's Spain: peripheral national identities and the nation-state as neo-empire 2015 Nations and nationalism 21 (3): 423-44
  • Daniel Karell
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
Exploring the African genetic influence in the first settlement founded by African slaves in America 2015 Anthropological Science 123 (2): 121-8
  • A. Solé-Llussà
  • A. Gorostiza
  • M. Gené
  • R. Robí-Castellanos
  • V. Acunha-Alonzo
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Using archaeological models for the inversion of magnetometer data 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 575-8
  • Armin Schmidt
  • Kayt Armstrong
  • Martijn van Leusen
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
The role of the Czech population in the life of the region of Upper Považie with particular emphasis on the city of Žilina from 1918 to 1938 2015 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 109 (56): 9-62
  • Hana Zelinová
  • Michala Sedláčková
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Set of documents on the persecution of the Roma in the Turiec region from 1939 to 1945 2015 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 109 (56): 63-87
  • Lucia Segľová
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Biała Góra: the forgotten colony in the medieval Pomeranian-Prussian borderlands 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 863-82
  • Aleksander Pluskowski
  • Daniel Makowiecki
  • Lisa-Marie Shillito
  • Monika Badura
  • Zbigniew Sawicki
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Late prehistoric burial structures and evidence of Spanish contact at Makira, southeast Solomon Islands 2013 Journal of Pacific archaeology 4 (2): 69-78
  • Martin Gibbs
  • Natalie Blake
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Some factors shaping the expansion of Hutterite colonies in Alberta since the repeal of the Communal Property Act in 1973 2013 Canadian ethnic studies 45 (1-2): 203-36
  • Simon M. Evans
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0008-3496
Searching for Fort Caroline: new perspectives 2013 Florida anthropologist 66 (4): 157-73
  • Rebecca Douberly-Gorman
H6/KUB [FLORIDA-] 0015-3893
Sovereign force and crime-focused law at the Cape colony 2013 Journal of historical sociology 26 (3): 318-38
  • George Pavlich
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0952-1909
Le culte de Poséidon à Mégare et dans ses colonies 2013 Dacia (New Series) 57 (): 65-80
  • Adrian Robu
H6/KE [DACIA-] 0070-251X
Le culte d'Apollon dans les cites grecques de la mer noire: l'apport de la documentation iconographique 2013 Dacia (New Series) 57 (): 81-97
  • Florina Panait-Bîrzescu
H6/KE [DACIA-] 0070-251X