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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Mundane energies: the working body as a heat source in the Indian Himalayas 2016 Anthropology today 32 (4): 8-11
  • Heid Jerstad
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Genome sequencing suggests Inuit are adapted to the Arctic 2016 Above & beyond 1 (): 48-9
  • David Smith
  • Jenny Ge
H6/KE [ABOVE-] 0843-7815
Eye of the needle: cold stress, clothing, and sewing technology during the Younger Dryas cold event in North America 2014 American antiquity 79 (1): 45-68
  • Alan J. Osborn
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
On the chest size of Kebara 2 2014 Journal of human evolution 70 (): 69-72
  • Alon Barash
  • Cristina Utrilla
  • Daniel García-Martínez
  • Isabel Torres Sánchez
  • Wolfgang Recheis
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Dorset sled-shoe design and cold-season transport at Phillip's Garden (EeBi-1), northwestern Newfoundland 2014 Arctic anthropology 51 (1): 1-23
  • M.A.P. Renouf
  • Patricia J. Wells
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Exploring the impact of climate variability during the last glacial maximum on the pattern of human occupation of Iberia 2014 Journal of human evolution 73 (): 35-46
  • Ariane Burke
  • Dario Guiducci
  • Guillaume Levavasseur
  • Manuel Arturo Izquierdo
  • Patrick M.A. James
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Sergej Sergel's field research in northern Norway and Finland: contextualizing early 20th-century Sami 2013 Arctic anthropology 50 (1): 105-19
  • Elena Glavatskaya
  • Gunnar Thorvaldsen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Circumpolar adaptation, social change, and the development of autoimmune thyroid disorders among the Yakut (Sakha) of Siberia 2011 American journal of human biology 23 (5): 703-9
  • J. Josh Snodgrass
  • Larissa Tarskaia
  • Tara J. Cepon
  • Tatiana M. Klimova
  • William R. Leonard
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Relationship between mitochondrial haplogroup and psychophysiological responses during cold exposure in a Japanese population 2011 Anthropological Science 119 (3): 265-71
  • Midori Motoi
  • Ryuichiro Kondo
  • Shigeki Watanuki
  • Takayuki Nishimura
  • Yoshikazu Hoshi
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
The neanderthal face is not cold adapted 2011 Journal of human evolution 60 (2): 234-9
  • Chris B. Stringer
  • Thomas Koppe
  • Todd C. Rae
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Glacial cycling, large mammal community composition, and trophic adaptations in the Western Cape, South Africa 2010 Journal of human evolution 58 (1): 90-102
  • Amy L. Rector
  • Brian C. Verrelli
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The health of Arctic populations: does cold matter? 2010 American journal of human biology 22 (1): 129-33
  • T. Kue Young
  • Tiina M. Mäkinen
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Oral and physiological paleohealth in cold adapted peoples: northeast Asia, Hokkaido 2008 American journal of physical anthropology 135 (1): 64-74
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Marc F. Oxenham
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Are Neanderthal portraits wrong? Neanderthal adaptations to cold and their impact on palaeolithic populations 2008 Rock art research 25 (1): 101-16
  • Duncan Caldwell
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Human cold exposure, adaptation, and performance in high latitude environments 2007 American journal of human biology 19 (2): 155-64
  • Tiina M. Mäkinen
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Human cold adaptation: an unfinished agenda 2007 American journal of human biology 19 (2): 218-27
  • A. Theodore Steegman jr.
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Resisting the cold in ice age Tasmania: thermal environment and settlement strategies 2007 Antiquity 81 (313): 555-68
  • Ian Gilligan
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Is the protruding nasal saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus caused by adaptation to cold climate? 2007 Acta anthropologica sinica 26 (4): 289-94
  • Hong Shang
  • Xin-zhi Wu
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Neanderthal extinction and modern human behaviour: the role of climate change and clothing 2007 World archaeology 39 (4): 499-514
  • Ian Gilligan
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Basal metabolic rate in the Yakut (Sakha) of Siberia 2005 American journal of human biology 17 (2): 155-72
  • J. Josh Snodgrass
  • Larissa A. Tarskaia
  • Vadim G. Krivoshapkin
  • Vasili P. Alekseev
  • William R. Leonard
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Pleistocene migration routes into the Americas: human biological adaptations and environmental constraints 2004 Evolutionary anthropology 13 (4): 132-44
  • David Boling
  • Diana Roy
  • Robert Hall
H6/HB [EVOLUTIONARY-] 1060-1538
Climatic influences on basal metabolic rates among circumpolar populations 2002 American journal of human biology 14 (5): 609-20
  • Gary J. Spencer
  • M. J. Mosher
  • Mark V. Sorensen
  • Victoria A. Galloway
  • William R. Leonard
Neandertal cold adaptation: physiological and energetic factors 2002 American journal of human biology 14 (5): 566-83
  • Frank J. Cerny
  • Theodore Steegmann jr
  • Trenton W. Holliday
Five thousand years of human occupation in an extreme climate: from the Palaeoeskimo to the Inuit 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 159-88
  • Claude Pinard
  • Daniel Gendron
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ways of life in cold climates - the North American Subarctic 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 233-88
  • Jean-Luc Pilon
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ancient cold weather adaptations in the northern Great Plains 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 189-231
  • Ian Dyck
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Cold adaptation, heterochrony, and Neandertals 1998 Evolutionary anthropology 7 (2): 46-61
  • Steven Emilio Churchill
Bone loss, traditional diet, and cold adaptation in Arctic populations 1997 American journal of human biology 9 (3): 329-41
  • Richard A. Lazenby
Facial morphology of the Fueguians: a response to cold adaptation 1997 Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (Serie ciencias humanas) 25 (): 45-58
  • Carles Lalueza Fox
  • Clara Garcia-Moro
  • Miguel Hernandez
Postcranial evidence of cold adaptation in European Neandertals 1997 American journal of physical anthropology 104 (2): 245-58
  • Trenton W. Holliday
Physiological and cognitive responses to cold exposure in 11-12-year-old boys 1997 American journal of human biology 9 (1): 39-49
  • B. Falk
Brok-pa of Ladakh: a case of adaptation to habitat 1992 Journal of human ecology 3 (2): 81-113
  • V Bhasin
The USSR Academy of Sciences [programme] of fundamental investigation for the period till [the year 2000]. 'Man, science, society: a complex of investigations' 1992 Voprosy antropologii 86 (): 3-7
  • T I Alekseeva
Grim fairy tale: comments on some matters raised in "The Hansel and Gretel syndrome" by N. van Dijk [see above] 1991 New Zealand Journal of archaeology 13 (): 91-9
  • P Houghton
The Hansel and Gretel syndrome: a critique of Houghton's cold adaptation hypothesis and an alternative model [with comments by P Houghton, see below] 1991 New Zealand Journal of archaeology 13 (): 65-89
  • N van Dijk
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