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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Aymara of the Peruvian altiplano in the bicentenary: representation and political participation 2024 Revista española de antropología americana 54 (1): 129-41
  • Cesario Ticona Alanoca
  • Jorge Apaza-Ticona
  • Romel Percy Melgarejo-Boliva
  • Vicente Alanoca-Arocutipa
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Rumi, pierres des Andes. Saillances lithiques dans les communautés aymaras du nord-Potosi (Bolivie) 2024 Techniques et culture (79): 28-45
  • Charlier Zeineddine
*H6 [TECHNIQUES-] 0248-6016
Caring for herd animals in Isluga 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 249-314
  • Penelope Dransart
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
“Stones go away but don’t get lost”: biography of Misa Qala, a guardian-stone (northern Potosí, Bolivia) 2024 Journal of anthropological research 80 (2): 111-42
  • Laurence Charlier Zeineddine
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
Style and rebus in an emergent script from Bolivia: the Koati variant of an Andean pictographic writing 2023 Ethnohistory 70 (1): 95-117
  • Sabine Hyland
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
Criminal proceedings against Lucia Aparicio. The case of a Tayka waranka in the18th century in Viacha, Bishopric of La Paz 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (1): 109-26
  • Gabriela Behoteguy Chávez
  • María Carolina Odone Correa
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Northern Aymaran toponymy, revisited: a systematic approach to the linguistic origins of place names 2023 International journal of American linguistics 89 (4): 493-530
  • Arjan Mossel
  • Nicholas Q. Emlen
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Aymara gender and kinship. Bolivian female mobilities and political horizons 2023 Mana 29 (3): 1-31
  • Esteban Nazal
  • Lina Magalhães
  • Menara Guizardi
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
Chaninchay. Conflict and restoration in the Peruvian Andes 2023 Cultural Survival quarterly 47 (3): 22-3
  • Cliver Ccahuanihancco Arque
H6/KD [CULTURAL-] 0740-3291
Dancing at the border. Corporal itineraries of Aymara-Bolivian and Afro-Colombian women in Arica (Chile) 2023 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 78 (2): 1-16
  • Isabel Araya
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
Baroque modernity in Latin America: situating indigeneity, urban indigeneity and the popular economy 2022 Bulletin of Latin American research 41 (1): 6-20
  • Angus McNelly
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Migratory trajectories of the Aymara people of the Peruvian altiplano 2022 Alteridades (63): 107-18
  • Cliver Cahuanihancco Arque
  • Duverly Joao Incacutipa Limachi
  • Javier Santos Puma Llanqui
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Q'uepis, ancestors, and territories. Historical ritual practices in pre-Hispanic contexts in Antofagasta de la Sierra, northwest Argentina 2022 Chungará 54 (2): 291-307
  • María Lorena Chen
  • María Soledad Martinez
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Narrating from landscape in Andean archaeology: the problem of the suni natural region 2022 Journal of social archaeology 22 (2): 191-211
  • Gabriel Ramón
  • Martha G. Bell
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1469-6053
Between markets, healers, and remedies. The traditional Andean healthcare network in northern Chile's cross-border area 2022 Estudios Atacameños 68 (): 1-28
  • Alan Rodríguez-Valdivia
  • Carlos Piñoes-Rivera
  • Wilson Muñoz-Henríquez
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Performance and citizenship: Andean dance as an act of recognition 2022 Estudios Atacameños 68 (): 1-24
  • Andrea Chamorro Pérez
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Articulating gender and kinship: an ethnography of Bolivian Aymara migrant families of origin in the Azapa Valley (Chile) 2022 Estudios Atacameños 68 (): 1-32
  • Carolina Stefoni
  • Eleonora López Contreras
  • Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
The archaeology of musical bamboos: native bamboos and pre-Hispanic flutes on the Andean altiplano around Lake Titicaca (a first approximation) 2022 Journal of anthropological archaeology 68 (): 1-18
  • Sebastian Hachmeyer
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
The lightning's children and my own child: notes on twin births and double crowns in the Huarochiri manuscript 2022 Indiana 39 (1): 201-23
  • Sarah Bennison
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
From 'beast of burden' to 'backbone of society': the fiscal forging of a new Bolivian middle class 2022 Critique of anthropology 42 (4): 381-99
  • Miranda Sheild Johansson
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Overflow: the experience of an escalating chi’xi revolution in Bolivia 2021 History and anthropology 32 (1): 116-28
  • Helene Risør
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Musicking Aymara and Quechua immigrants translocalities in São Paulo 2021 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 6 (1): 1-27
  • Cristina De Branco
  • Mariana Santos Teófilo
Another turn of the screw: the etymology of <Quechua> in Quechua and Aymara 2021 Indiana 38 (2): 159-77
  • Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
Rituals: 'Alma Pinkillo' reed flute's ethnography. From YouTube to the Titicaca Lake 2021 Revista española de antropología americana 51 (): 155-68
  • Gerardo Fernández Juárez
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Shepherds and farmers of Socoroma: a case of ecological complementarity during the 20th century in northern Chile 2021 Estudios Atacameños 67 (): 1-29
  • Jorge Moreira Peña
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Late period (1400-1536 AD) aryballos in northern Chile. Semantic media and identity in the Tawantinsuyu 2020 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 25 (1): 183-200
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Claudia Ogalde
  • Freddy Viñales
  • Juan Pablo Ogalde
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
Las campanas del Ungallire. Manuel Mamani y el paisaje sonoro andino 2020 Chungará 52 (3): 369-71
  • Alberto Diaz Araya
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
The call of the rain: Tarqueada in Arica as sound experience and performance 2020 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 25 (2): 83-95
  • Andrea Chamorro Pérez
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
To migrate, die and keep belonging. The central-Andes Day of the Dead in the Flores Cemetery of Buenos Aires 2020 Estudios Atacameños (64): 361-90
  • Pablo Mardones
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Marriage practices and gender relations in two Aymaras communities in the northern highlands of Chile 2020 Estudios Atacameños (65): 339-62
  • Vivian Gavilán
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Le parole quechua e aimara indicanti le feste e il festeggiare 2020 Thule (48/49): 325-37
  • Vito Bongiorno
H6/KUL [THULE-] 1126-8611
L'assunzione di bevande alcoliche nelle feste andine 2020 Thule (48/49): 473-82
  • Vito Bongiorno
H6/KUL [THULE-] 1126-8611
Fashion in Bolivia's cultural economy 2019 International journal of cultural studies 22 (2): 213-28
  • Kate Maclean
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Where places fold: the co-production of matter nad meaning in an Aymara ritual setting 2019 Journal of material culture 24 (1): 101-21
  • Angel Aedo
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
Freddy Mamani Silvestre: Aymara architect 2019 First American art magazine 23 (): 66-71
  • José Luis Monteverde transl
  • Vivian Zavataro
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
Indianism and the current discussion on the political constitution of Indians in Bolivia 2019 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (37): 139-59
  • Odin Ávila Rojas
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Chronicle of Chilenization. Andean religiousness in the accounts of Father Julio Ramírez Ortiz. Sierra de Arica, 1922-1931 2019 Chungará 51 (4): 627-38
  • Alberto Díaz Araya
  • Felipe Casanova Rojas
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Women’s Andean soccer: a translocal sport practice 2019 Chungará 51 (4): 675-91
  • Andres Álvarez Díaz
  • José Miguel Villegas Robertson
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Strolling through the "Paceñas" alleys on the traces of urban mural art. Artistic representations of indigenous epistemologies, indigenous and political discourses in Bolivia 2019 Cadernos de arte e antropologia 9 (1): 96-110
  • Jordi Blanc Ansari
Espacios locales y espacios trascendentales de la conversión: las Postrimerías de Carabuco y la producción performativa de epistemologías transculturales 2019 Colonial Latin American review 28 (1): 59-80
  • Astrid Windus
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Cultural contents of gender in the Aymara religiosity of northern Chile 2019 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 74 (1): e009
  • Vivian Gavilán
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
“Beings those of depraved customs”: Cholos and Andean Indians in Chilean testimonies during the War of the Pacific (1879 – 1884) 2019 Estudios Atacameños (61): 111-33
  • Patricio Ibarra Cifuentes
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Lengua X: an Andean puzzle 2018 International journal of American linguistics 84 (2): 265-85
  • Matthias Pache
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Aymara 2018 International journal of American linguistics 84 (supplement 1): S165-S185
  • Edwin Benegas-Flores
  • Matt Coler
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Making textiles into persons: gestural sequences and relationality in communities of weaving practice of the south central Andes 2018 Journal of material culture 23 (2): 239-60
  • Denise Y. Arnold
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
Are anthropologists monsters? An Andean dystopian critique of extractivist ethnography and Anglophone-centric anthropology 2018 Hau 8 (1/2): 48-64
  • Anders Burman
Identity, alterity and the Día de los Muertos in the Aymara plateau of Puno, Peru 2018 Anales de antropología 52 (2): 141-55
  • Domenico Branca
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Alterities, exchange, marchantes (merchants) in the Codpa Valley, Northern Chile, in the mid-20th century 2018 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología 32 (): 125-46
  • Cristhian Cerna
  • Leslia Véliz
  • Shirley Samit-Oroz
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Correspondence of semiotic sun and moon constellations in the central and south Andes 2018 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 23 (2): 121-41
  • Felipe Hasler
  • María Catrileo
  • Rodrigo Moulian
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
The Encounter with God. The Aymaras' conversion to Pentecostalism in contexts of medical pluralism 2018 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 73 (2): 525-45
  • Carlos Piñones Rivera
  • Miguel Ángel Mansilla
  • Rodrigo Galdames del Solar
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981