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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Sacred food, memory, and identity of Jacobites in Kerala 2023 International journal of anthropology 38 (1-2): 95-116
  • E. Varghese
  • J. Devarapalli
H6/HB [INTERNATIONAL-] 0393-9383
Process and punishment: alleged alumbrados before the Mexican Holy Office, 1593–1603 2020 Colonial Latin American review 29 (3): 357-75
  • Jessica J. Fowler
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
A specific social function of rumors and conspiracy theories: strengthening community's ties in troubled times. A multilevel analysis 2017 Slovenský národopis 65 (2): 187-202
  • Julien Giry
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
Ethnic-cultural identification of the followers of unorthodox Christian teachings (the case of Mordovian religious communities) 2015 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 63-72
  • Galina Al'bertovna Kornishina
The notions of the Cossack and Cossack traditions in the cultural and religious life of the Dukhobor sect 2015 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 70-82
  • Svetlana Aleksandrovna Inikova
A typology of intercultural interference 2015 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 14-26
  • Anna Aleksandrovna Ivanova
Bakhtin on the nature of dialogue: some implications for dialogue between Christian churches 2013 Temenos 49 (1): 65-82
  • Duncan Reid
H6/KFO [TEMENOS-] 0497-1817
Healing among Russian protestants 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 31-9
  • Elena Evgen'evna Ermakova
Negotiating the horizon - living Christianity in Melanesia 2011 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 12 (1): 1-12
  • Alison Dundon
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Capitalism, chaos, and Christian healing: Faith Tabernacle congregation in southern colonial Ghana, 1918-26 2011 Journal of African history 52 (1): 63-83
  • Adam Mohr
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Prosperity unbound? Debating the "sacrificial economy" 2011 Research in economic anthropology 31 (): 23-45
  • Simon Coleman
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
Publier l'expérience radicale: le cas de la conversion d'un trappiste 2010 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 55 (150): 99-115
  • Xenia von Tippelskirch
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Factors influencing the religious conversion of Roma: using the example of conversions to the Jehova's Witnesses and charismatic movements in Eastern Zemplín 2010 Slovenský národopis 58 (3): 306-22
  • Tomáš Hrustič
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
Echoes of Jewish identity in an Evangelical Christian sect in Minahasa, Indonesia 2010 Indonesia and the Malay world 38 (112): 387-402
  • Theo Kamsma
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Languages of divine service in the secular context of contemporary culture 2009 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1 (): 27-38
  • V.E. Semenkov
Rating of the priorities in the spiritual values of Seventh-Day Adventists (example from the Brest region) 2009 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 23-32
  • N.L. Balich
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
On the charisma, civility, and practical goodness of "modern" Christianity in post-Soviet Lithuania 2008 Focaal 51 (): 93-112
  • Gediminas Lankauskas
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
The other 'Samaritan women' 2008 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 4 (): 9-13
  • Serafima Evgen'evna Nikitina
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Ethno-religious groups of the Chuvash 2008 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 114-27
  • E.A. IAgafova
Reclaiming the (Swiss) nation for God: the politics of Charismatic prophecy 2008 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 12 (2): 425-51
  • Philippe Gonzalez
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Religion in the hands of political power: religion in Serbia in 1990s 2007 Etnologické rozpravy 1 (): 96-107
  • Danijela Djurišić
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] 1335-5074
The utopian idea of 'Slavonic unity' in the light of religious division between the Roman Catholicism and the Russian Orthodox Church: the conflict between the sister-Churches (the case of the western and eastern Slavs) 2007 Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafiya 1 (): 54-64
  • Iwona Kabzińska
H6/KVY [NARODNA-] 0130-6936
An old story of the 'New Jerusalem': about the Holy Christians of Zion 2007 Konteksty 1 (): 171-82, 194
  • Justyna Chmielewska
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
New religious movements and the work of folklorists 2006 Bulgarski folklor 32 (3/4): 47-57 [insert i-iv]
  • A. Panchenko
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
Eschatological and prophetic motifs in the folklore of the Czech lands in the second half of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century: songs about the King of Morocco 2006 Český Lid 93 (2): 153-77
  • Petr Janeček
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
Political transformation and manifestation of religious behaviour 2006 Bulgarska etnologiia 32 (4): 5-18
  • Evgeniia Troeva
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Petztorme women: responding to change in Lihir, Papua New Guinea 2003 Oceania 74 (1/2): 120-33
  • Martha Macintyre
H6/ KX [OCEANIA] 0029-8077
God or Devil? The role of a new Christian religious movement The Word of Life in the religious polarisation in the Romany colony at Plaveský Štvrtok 2003 Slovenský národopis 51 (1): 4-31
  • Tatiana Podolinská
'Rituals of renewal' the Toronto blessing as a ritual change of contemporary Christianity 2003 Journal of ritual studies 17 (2): 25-34
  • Ronald Schouten
The Circle 'God and truth': a pantheist movemend amidst the Afro-Brazilian population of Recife (1929-1968) 2002 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 117 (): 81-99
  • Marion Aubrée
Those who leave and those who feel left: the complexity of Quaker disaffiliation 2002 Journal of contemporary religion 17 (2): 213-28
  • Pink Dandelion
Morris Cerullo's London revivals as 'glocal' (neo-)Pentecostal movement events 2002 Culture and religion 3 (1): 105-23
  • Nancy A. Schaefer
The 'Health and Wealth' gospel in the UK: variations on a theme 2002 Culture and religion 3 (1): 89-104
  • Stephen Hunt
The Faith Movement: a global religious culture ? 2002 Culture and religion 3 (1): 3-19
  • Simon Coleman
Religious conflicts and divisions on the 'canonical territories of the Orthodox Church' 2002 Ethnologia polona 23 (): 17-37
  • Iwona Kabzińska
H6 [ETHNOLOGIA-] 0137-4079
Afro-Christianisme et politique de l'identité: l'Église du Christianisme Céleste versus Celestial Church of Christ 2002 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 118 (): 45-56
  • Andre Mary
New charismatic churches in Latvia as examples of postmodern religious subculture 2001 International review of mission 90 (359): 444-54
  • Valdis Teraudkalns
Diverstity and specificity of Protestants 2001 Alteridades 11 (22): 75-92
  • Patricia Fortuny Loret de Mola
Secrecy and the sense of an ending: narrative, time, and everyday millenarianism in Papua New Guinea and in Christian fundamentalism 2001 Comparative studies in society and history 43 (3): 525-51
  • Joel Robbins
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Sectarianism and the Miniafia people of Papua New Guinea 2001 Journal of ritual studies 15 (2): 38-54
  • David C. Wakefield
Religious history, displaced by modernity 2000 Numen 47 (3): 221-43
  • Hans G. Kippenberg
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
Three crises in the history of Ye'kuana cultural continuity 2000 Ethnohistory 47 (3/4): 731-46
  • Nelly Arvelo-Jiménez
Listening selves and spirit possession 2000 The World of Music 42 (2): 25-50
  • Judith Becker
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Religious change in the highlands of Papua New Guinea 2000 Journal of ritual studies 14 (2): 28-33
  • Andrew Strathern
  • Pamela Stewart
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0890-1112
Toronto blessing, or [Letničari] between us 2000 Etnologické rozpravy 1/2 (): 35-43
  • Maria Pavlovičová
Les malices du Malin en milieu vieux croyant (Bulgarie) 2000 Cahiers de litterature orale 48 (): 231-44
  • Ekaterina Anastassova
Spiritual seeking in the United States: report on a panel study 2000 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 109 (): 49-66
  • Wade Clark Roof
The Russian immigration in the USA as reflected in American statistics 1999 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 94-107
  • E. L. Nitoburg
Cultural logic and Maya identity: rethinking constructivism and essentialism 1999 Current anthropology 40 (4): 473-99
  • Edward F. Fischer
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
From bodies to brooms: resistance to routinization in the Shaker era of manifestations 1998 Journal of ritual studies 12 (1): 9-16
  • Martha Ellen Stortz