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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
"Those people with little fear of god": the letters of censorship and excommunion (New Spain, 17th century) 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (70): 5-35
  • Carlos G. Mejía Chávez
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Between parishes, missions and conversion territories. The pastoral visit of Francisco Aguiar y Seijas to Queretaro and Sierra Gorda (1685-1686) 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (70): 37-67
  • Berenise Bravo Rubio
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
"There are two heavens and two hells": José Mariano de Ayala's lies and social criticism, 1757-1785 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (70): 183-214
  • Julieta Espinoza Bacilio
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Seeing the obscene: the protective power of display in the fig-hand amulet 2024 Folklore 135 (1): 20-47
  • Leticia Cortina Aracil
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
“It is only bad priests and outlaws who thrive nowadays”. The Catholic Church, the colonial authorities, and elite rumor networks in the 1820s Lesser Antilles 2024 New West Indian guide 98 (1-2): 59-91
  • Felicia Fricke
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Creed, meaning, and social organization in Christian imagery in Tunja, Colombia 2024 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (55): 115-36
  • Andrés Felipe Ospina Enciso
  • Marley Cruz Fajardo
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
The challenges of the Catholic Church in contexts of violence: religious activism against crime in Michoacán, Mexico 2024 Revista colombiana de antropología 60 (2): 1-24
  • Salvador Maldonado Aranda
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Murderous and negligent nurses: the hospital orders and crisis of care in eighteenth-century Mexico 2024 Colonial Latin American review 33 (1): 3-27
  • Christina Ramos
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
The baller and the court: Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón’s battle with Ololiuhqui and his courtship of the Mexican Inquisition in seventeenth-century Mexico 2024 Ethnohistory 71 (2): 195-225
  • Edward Anthony Polanco
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
“Large and undisciplined” clergy utopia and reality of reform to the secular clergy in the Archbishopric of Mexico, 1764-1810 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (71): 53-84
  • Luis Fernando Vivero Domínguez
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Funerary emblems in Manila and the rise of devotion to Jerónima de la Asunción, OSC (1555-1630) 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (71): 85-116
  • Wei Jiang
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
"A estos ídolos les levantaban humilladeros”. Rhetoric of the evil in the work by Andrés Pérez de Ribas (1645) 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (71): 149-77
  • Ismael Jiménez Gómez
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
“The real reason for censorship, in my opinion”. Satire and scandal in the Diario Literario de México (1768), Alzate’s first gazettes 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (71): 221-51
  • Gabriela Goldin Marcovich
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
How a city materializes religion: an ethnography among priests, pilgrims, and locals 2024 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 49 (1): 285-306
  • Adriano Godoy
H6 [ANUARIO-] 2357-738X
The economy of the Santafé (Bogotá) Jesuits: the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé and the house-novitiate of Las Nieves (1752-1766) 2024 Fronteras de la Historia 29 (2): 224-51
  • Julián Galindo Zuluaga
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Royal patronage and the ecclesiastical patronage in the Philippines: the case of the military vicar Jerónimo de Herrera y Figueroa (1668-1677) 2024 Fronteras de la Historia 29 (2): 344-67
  • Alexandre Coello de La Rosa
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The Holy See in the face of the Putumayo scandals in Peru: the apostolic journey of Giovanni Genocchi to America (1911-1912) 2024 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 19 (2): 1-27
  • Jérri Roberto Marin
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Tiempo para los laicos ¿y las laicas?: mujeres católicas en la arquidiócesis de México posconciliar (1965–1975) 2024 Mexican studies 40 (2): 254-79
  • Susana Salazar Chavarría
*H6/KUL [MEXICAN-] 1533-8320
Style and rebus in an emergent script from Bolivia: the Koati variant of an Andean pictographic writing 2023 Ethnohistory 70 (1): 95-117
  • Sabine Hyland
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
The election and celebration of Saint Bernard as patron saint of Mexico City patron. Transversal agent's practices, and corporate dynamics 2023 Estudios de historia novohispana (68): 71-101
  • Lucía Hernández Flores
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Contentiousness and ecclesiastical power in the Archbishopric of Manila, 1635-1641 2023 Estudios de historia novohispana (68): 135-67
  • Alexandre Coello de La Rosa
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Criminal proceedings against Lucia Aparicio. The case of a Tayka waranka in the18th century in Viacha, Bishopric of La Paz 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (1): 109-26
  • Gabriela Behoteguy Chávez
  • María Carolina Odone Correa
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Christianity's stamp: of hybrids, traitors, false peace, massacres and other horrors 2023 History and anthropology 34 (1): 123-44
  • Philippe Buc
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Presentación 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (1): 9-12
  • Carlos Gustavo Hiestroza González
  • Julian Andrei Velasco Pedraza
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The many Paulinas: the power of representation in the images of a Catholic saint 2023 Mana 29 (1): 1-28
  • Emerson Giumbelli
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
The regular clergy reform in the Indies, 16th century 2023 Estudios de historia novohispana (59): 179-204
  • Leticia Pérez Puente
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
Afro-Catholic ritual performances, lay brotherhoods and African nations in late-colonial Buenos Aires 2023 Boletín americanista (86): 151-75
  • Lea Geler
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Patagonia terra nullius: imaginaries, institutionality and territorial dispute 2023 Revista Tefros 21 (2): 108-36
  • Walter Alejandro Paris
Catholicism and Communism: a possible alliance in the thirties under the gaze of Murilo Mendes and Jacques Maritain 2023 Iberoamericana 23 (83): 129-44
  • Laura Cabezas
Women away from the altar! Resistance to the gender equality pressures in the Polish organisations of the Catholic Church in England, Sweden, and Belgium 2023 Journal of contemporary religion 38 (2): 305-24
  • Katarzyna Leszczyńska
  • Katarzyna Zielińska
  • Sylwia Urbańska
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 1353-7903
Water, identity, and baptism in K'iche'an Mayan narratives from colonial highland Guatemala 2023 History of religions 63 (2): 135-65
  • Malllory E. Matsumoto
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
Teaching and preaching: missionary education and colonial subjects in Italian Eritrea (1890-1935) 2023 Journal of religion in Africa 53 (3-4): 407-26
  • Temesgen Tesfamariam
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Reflections on Christian magic 2023 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (28): 138-46
  • Astrid Cambose
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
Making and unmaking witchcraft attacks in twenty-first century Lorraine (France) 2023 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (28): 56-71
  • Déborah Kessler-Bilthauer
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
Pharmarelics, between the natural and the supernatural. Patient narratives of healing miracles in 18th-century France 2023 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 68 (203): 91-115
  • Eva Yampolsky
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
The question of falsehood. Carré de Montgeron: lying and the truth of miracles 2023 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 68 (203): 117-40
  • Serge Margel
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
A miraculous network. Relationships, actors and meaning of pain around the healing activity of the Jesuit Giuseppe Pignatelli (first half of the 19th century) 2023 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 68 (203): 141-66
  • Fernanda Alfieri
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Social experience and mission in the Catholic Church in Latin America in the 20th century. Review of the literature and contributions 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 9-28
  • Fernando Armas Asín
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Testimonies of faith: the use of ex-votos for the propagation of Josephine devotion in Mexico during the first decade of the 20th century 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 29-58
  • María Fernanda Romero Mendoza
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Portraits of civilization. Missional photography at Apostolic Vicariate of La Goajira, Colombia (1918-1930) 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 59-102
  • Valentina Castillo Quinto
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Heterodox Catholicism and Catholic press in Peru. The work of Virgilio Vidal y Uría, between public confrontation and anti-modern discourse (1890-1906) 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 103-44
  • Fernando Armas Asín
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
From the clerical-conservative alliance to the Catholic parallelism. The bishops and the Colombian political debate between 1902 and 1945 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 145-72
  • Francesco Ferrari
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Fernando Vives Solar S.J. His social apostolate and the tensions between the Church and politics in Chile, 1910-1935 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 173-200
  • Sergio Peralta Venegas
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
"A Pan-American collaboration". American Catholicism in Pius XII’s projects for Latin America during the 1950s 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 201-27
  • Federico M. Requena
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Liberation theology, political Catholic activism, and left-wing parties in Peru. The relationship between a Jesuit NGO and the Izquierda Unida in the district of El Agustino, Lima (1980-1992) 2023 Allpanchis 50 (92): 229-71
  • Juan Miguel Espinoza Portocarrero
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Inculturation and environmental struggles: Catholic Church, public sphere and anthropocentric preservationism in Brazil 2023 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 48 (3): 54-70
  • Marcos Pereira Rufino
H6 [ANUARIO-] 2357-738X
Graves of slaves and the materialization of inequality in the face of death in colonial Rio de Janeiro 2023 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 21 (2): 362-85
  • Claudia Rodrigues
  • Marcio de Sousa Soares
Straw craft, imperial education and ethnographic exhibitions as tightly braided sites of gender production in Haiti and Curaçao 2023 Journal of material culture 28 (4): 515-38
  • Charlotte Hammond
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
Between homage to Javanese identity and triumphant colonial universalism: the theological and political motivations of a Jesuit missonary aesthetic (1896-1940) 2023 Archipel (106): 151-78
  • Rémy Madinier
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Chiesa e media in dialogo 2023 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 153 (): 47-64
  • Michele La Rocca
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009