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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania 2022 Conference Distinguished Lecture: Social movement sightseeing in Melanesia and beyond 2022 Oceania 92 (3): 250-66
  • Lamont Lindstrom
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Access to excess: media as religion and the new cargo cults 2018 Culture and religion 19 (3): 345-60
  • Raymond L.M. Lee
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
Archiving a prophecy. An ethnographic history of the 'John Frum files' (Tanna, Vanuatu, 1941-1980) 2018 Paideuma 64 (): 99-124
  • Marc Tabani
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
The sprit and the gifts: Dako, Benjami Morrell and cargo in the Vitiaz trading area, New Guinea 2017 Oceania 87 (1): 21-37
  • James Fairhead
  • Jennifer Blythe
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
The red flag of peace: colonial pacification, cargo cults and the end of war among the south Fore 2014 Anthropologica (New Series) 56 (2): 341-52
  • Tobias Schwoerer
From Cannibal tours to cargo cult: on the aftermath of tourism in the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea 2012 Tourist studies 12 (2): 109-30
  • Eric K. Silverman
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
My boss: insincerity, capitalism and development in PNG 2010 Etnofoor 22 (1): 103-17
  • Will Rollason
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Leaving their tradition behind: development of the Lami movement in Fiji from 1949 to the 1990s 2010 People and culture in Oceania 26 (): 81-108
  • Norio Niwa
*H6/KX [MAN-] 1349-5380
Materialising Oceania: new ethnographies of things in Melanesia and Polynesia 2009 The Australian journal of anthropology 20 (1): 3-27
  • Haidy Geismar
  • Joshua A. Bell
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
Healing the nation: in search of unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu 2009 Social analysis 53 (1): 67-81
  • Annelin Eriksen
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
What happened to cargo cults?: Material religions in Melanesia and the West 2009 Social analysis 53 (1): 82-102
  • Ton Otto
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Visions of prosperity and conspiracy in Timor-Leste 2006 Focaal 75 (): 75-88
  • Judith Bovensiepen
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Renewed land debate and the 'cargo cult' in Mozambique 2004 Journal of southern African studies 30 (3): 603-25
  • Joseph Hanlon
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
'Vali did that too': on western and indigenous cargo discourses in West New Britain (Papua New Guinea) 2004 Anthropological forum 14 (2): 117-39
  • Holger Jebens
The interdict, origin of the techniques? Oceanian stops 2004 Techniques et culture (43-44): 3-23, 315, 319
  • Bernard Juillerat
*H6 [TECHNIQUES-] 0248-6016
Trickery or secrecy? On Andrew Latta's interpretation of [Bush Kaliai cargo cults] 2002 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 97 (1): 181-99
  • Holger Jebens
Cults and Christianity among the Enga and Ipili 2002 Oceania 72 (3): 196-214
  • Jerry Jacka
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
How the white man thinks 2001 Paideuma 47 (): 203-21
  • Holger Jebens
Secrecy and the sense of an ending: narrative, time, and everyday millenarianism in Papua New Guinea and in Christian fundamentalism 2001 Comparative studies in society and history 43 (3): 525-51
  • Joel Robbins
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
From invisible Christians to Gothic theatre: the romance of the millenial in Melanesian anthropology 2001 Current anthropology 42 (5): 615-50
  • Bronwen Douglas
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
A brief comment on difference and rationality 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 373-80
  • Nancy McDowell
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Cargo cult horror 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 294-303
  • Lamont Lindstrom
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Telephones, cameras and technology in west New Britain cargo cults 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 325-44
  • Andrew Lattas
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Cargo cults and discursive madness 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 345-61
  • Doug Dalton
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Our very own cargo cults 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 362-72
  • Roy Wagner
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Introduction 2000 Oceania 70 (4): 294-303
  • Doug Dalton
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Latencies and realizations in millennial practices 2000 Ethnohistory 47 (1): 3-27
  • Pamela J. Stewart
The trick, the cult and the religion: the ecological context 2000 The Anthropologist 2 (3): 185-7
  • Janet E. Gregory
  • John G. Peck
  • Robert J. Gregory
On discourse and power: 'cults' and [orientals] in Fiji 1999 American ethnologist 26 (4): 843-63
  • John D. Kelly
  • Martha Kaplan
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Cargo cults everywhere? 1999 Anthropological forum 9 (1): 83-98
  • Ton Otto
Millenaristische Erwartungshaltungen in Melanesien: Rückschau und Reflexionen an der Schwelle zur Jahrtausendwende 1999 Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 129 (): 247-57
  • Hermann Mückler
Mambu phone home 1999 Anthropological forum 9 (1): 99-105
  • Lamont Lindstrom
'Neither cargo nor cult...' 1999 Anthropological forum 9 (1): 106-12
  • Andrew Lattas
Konstruktionen von [Cargo]: zur Dialektik von Fremd- und Selbstwahrnehmung in der Interpretation melanesischer Kultbewegungen 1999 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 94 (1/3): 3-20
  • Holger Jebens
Death and the ideology of compensation among the Wodani, western highlands of Irian Jaya 1999 Social anthropology 7 (3): 297-326, 357-8
  • Ste phane Breton
H6/ KF [SOCIAL-] 0964-0282
Ritual trackways and fertility in New Guinea 1998 Journal of ritual studies 12 (1): 61-6
  • Pamela J. Stewart
Developing charisma: Nkrumah as a [cargo] benefactor in Ghana 1998 African study monographs 19 (4): 171-85
  • Michio Iijima
The sky came down: social movements and personhood in Mekeo society 1998 Oceania 69 (2): 116-31
  • Steen Bergendorff
Cargo Cults, cultural creativity, and autonomous imagination 1997 Ethos 25 (3): 333-58
  • Michele Stephen
Plato and the Vailala madness [text first broadcasted on BBC Radio 3, 16.2.1965] 1997 Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 28 (1): 33-9
  • Godfrey Ronald Lienhardt
Cargo, cards, and excess: the articulation of economies in Papua New Guinea 1996 Research in economic anthropology 17 (): 83-147
  • Douglas M. Dalton
Los últimos 500 años: ¿Capitalismo como cargo-cult? 1995 Anuario indigenista 34 (): 7-36
  • Gerrit Huizer
Cargo cult culture: toward a genealogy of Melanesian "kastom" 1993 Anthropological forum 6 (4): 495-513
  • L Lindstrom
Imagining cargo cults [introduction to special issue] 1992 Canberra anthropology 15 (2): 1-10
  • T Otto
Other messages, other missions; or, Sahlins among the Melanesians 1992 Oceania 63 (2): 97-113
  • M S Mosko
Hysteria, anthropological disclosure and the concept of the unconscious: cargo cults and the scientisation of race and colonial power 1992 Oceania 63 (1): 1-14
  • A Lattas
Cargoism, millennialism, and idealism 1991 Cambridge anthropology 15 (1): 70-84
  • Harvey Whitehouse
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