Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Sin and sovereignty in the lives of urban Baptists in Zimbabwe | 2021 | Ethnos 86 (3): 408-25 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 1469-588X | |||
The National Party and the ideology of welfare in South Africa under apartheid | 2020 | Journal of southern African studies 46 (6): 1145-62 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 1465-3893 | |||
A study of the acceptance and accommodation of Calvinism in the Korean Presbyterian Church: the Pyungyang Mission Station of Chosun-ya-so-kyo, 1990-1930 | 2018 | International review of mission 107 (2): 530-41 | H6/KFO [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0020-8582 | |||
The anatomical perspective: epistemology and ethics in a colonial missionary clinic | 2016 | Comparative studies in society and history 58 (1): 211-41 | H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] | 0010-4175 | |||
The family in the process of re-emigration to Slovakia from 1946 to 1948 | 2015 | Ethnologia slovaca et slavica 37 (): 59-77 | H6/KVL [ETHNOLOGIA-] | 1335-4116 | |||
'The one-child pest is now affecting the body of the Slovak nation' (Bazovský 1929): on restricted reproduction in southern Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century | 2015 | Ethnologia slovaca et slavica 37 (): 41-58 | H6/KVL [ETHNOLOGIA-] | 1335-4116 | |||
The psalms book of the Romanian Reformed Church from Transylvania (I) | 2013 | Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 24 (): 197-215 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | 1220-5230 | |||
'Religious experience' and the contribution of theology in Tanya Luhrmann’s When God talks back | 2013 | Hau 3 (3): 369-73 | 2049-1115 | ||||
The spirit of calculation | 2012 | Cambridge anthropology 30 (1): 3-17 | H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] | 0305-7674 | |||
A note on Arjun Appadurai's 'The spirit of calculation' | 2012 | Cambridge anthropology 30 (1): 18-24 | H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] | 0305-7674 | |||
'Saa ere nu saadanne Billedstytter døde træ oc stene'. Billedstriden i Bergen 1568-1572 | 2011 | Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (2-3): 73-83 | H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] | 1502-7473 | |||
Population of Jelnia parish in the 17th century (Stara Litwa or following the traces of Yotvingians in the Diocese of Vilnius) | 2011 | Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2 (): 21-30 | H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] | 0202-3342 | |||
Make-up of the Simnas deanery in the second half of the seventeenth century | 2010 | Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 39-56 | H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] | 0202-3342 | |||
The importance of ethnicity and religion in the life cycle of immigrant churches: a comparison of Coptic and Calvinist churches | 2009 | Canadian ethnic studies 41 (1-2): 191-214 | H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Un jesuita en los límites de la religión: Joannes Alexius Schabel y la misión de Curazao (1698-1715) | 2008 | Fronteras de la Historia 13 (2): 327-52 | H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] | 0123-4676 | |||
The meaning of Protestant-Calvinist imagery in urban America: an interpretation of the city-suburb structure | 2008 | Space and culture 11 (4): 422-36 | H6 [SPACE-] | 1206-3312 | |||
Ulster, God's people, and the interplay between Old Testament and Calvinistic conceptions of covenant | 2007 | Journal of contemporary religion 22 (1): 19-34 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 1353-7903 | |||
Candles in Swedish churches | 2007 | Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 36 (1): 29-38 | H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] | 0352-0447 | |||
Pomegranate shrub motifs Calvinist altar [cloths] in eastern [Hungary] | 2007 | Agria 43 (): 423-35 | H6/KVN [EGER-] | 0236-9168 | |||
Birth and baptisms among the Calvinists of the Balaton highlands | 2006 | Agria 42 (): 327-39 | H6/KVN [EGER-] | 0236-9168 | |||
Religious life in seventeenth century Norway seen through the eyes of the Spanish Inquisition | 2006 | Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore 61 (): 7-23 | H6/KVT [ARV-] | 0066-8176 | |||
The ethnological research of religion in Hungary | 2006 | Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafiya 4 (): 33-44 | H6/KVY [NARODNA-] | 0130-6936 | |||
Baptism traditions in Deutschbarnag/Németbarnag and Werstuhl/Vöröstó in the 20th century | 2004 | Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen 21 (): 181-97 | H6/KVN [BEITRAGE-] | 0230-2225 | |||
Behaviour of the religious communities in ethnically mixed local society in Tekovské Lužany | 2003 | Etnologické rozpravy (2): 8-27 | H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] | 1335-5074 | |||
The Calvinist Presbyterate of a market-town of the plains (Gyula) in the 19th century | 2003 | Ethnographia 114 (1-2): 1-42 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
More than a leap of faith: the impact of biological and religious correlates on reproductive behaviour | 2003 | Human biology 75 (5): 705-27 | 0018-7143 | ||||
The people of God in Drávaszög | 2003 | Hungarian heritage 4 (): 55-8 | 1585-9924 | ||||
A Calvinist pious society: conversion stories of university students | 2003 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 48 (1/2): 139-47 | 1216-9803 | ||||
Folk religion in a Calvinist context: Hungarian models ands Scottish examples | 2002 | Folklore 113 (2): 139-49 | H6/ KF [FOLKLORE-] | 0015-587X | |||
'We were led by the Lord in s special way...': visions, explications and reality in a twentieth century Calvinist congregation | 2001 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 46 (1/2): 153-9 | H6/KVN [ACTA-] | 1216-9803 | |||
Religious conflicts and cultural differences in the Jászkunság region in the 18.-20. centuries | 2000 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 45 (1/2): 151-64 | 1216-9803 | ||||
Les ruses de la conversion: la sade du Haut-Varaita | 2000 | Le monde alpin et rhodanien 1/3 (): 33-58, 243 | 0758-4431 | ||||
O futuro não será protestante | 1999 | Ciencias Sociales y Religion 1 (1): 89-114 | 0893-0465 | ||||
Some historical aspects of laic Calvinist piety | 1999 | Studies in folklore and popular religion 3 (): 235-43 | 1406-1090 | ||||
Night revels and werewolfery in Calvinist Guernsey | 1998 | Folklore 109 (): 53-62 | H6/ KF [FOLKLORE-] | ||||
The Calvinist church from Daia, Harghita county. Archaeological researches | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche şi arheologie 49 (2): 157-80 | H6/KE [STUDII-] | 1220-4781 | |||
The discourse of souls in Tana Toraja (Indonesia): indigenous notions and Christian conceptions | 1993 | Ethnology 32 (1): 55-68 | |||||
Contexts of ambivalence: the folkloristic activities of nineteenth century Scottish highland ministers | 1992 | Folklore 103 (2): 207-21 | H6/ KF [FOLKLORE-] |