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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Folk demonology of Polesye in the context of East-Slavic traditional beliefs (Part 2): Non-localised characters (people with demonic properties) 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 125–40
  • Liudmila N. Vinogradova
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
'Impure' dead people in perceptions of the population of the Belarusian-Russian (Polotsk-Pskov and Vitebsk-Smolensk) borderland 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 141–63
  • Auseichyk Uladzimir
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Chaga, Koshchey and living shereshyrs 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 183–201
  • Kostyantyn Rakhno
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The votive offerings of the 18th-20th cc. in the History Museum of Armenia 2021 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 1 (): 111-24
  • Astkhik Israelian
Characteristics of traditional pilgrimage in Judaism 2021 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 16-22
  • Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich Zaĭtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Supernatural being (Z)MORA / MARA in the Southern Podlasie tradition from a Polish and all-Slavonic perspective 2021 Studia mythologica slavica 24 (): 79–99
  • Mariia V. Iasinskaia
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Aetiological notes: 'Story about Ivan' 2021 Studia mythologica slavica 24 (): 101–40
  • Bogumil Gasanov
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Folk demonology of Polesye in the context of East-Slavonic traditional beliefs (Part 1): spirits of domestic and natural loci; demons of the deceased 2021 Studia mythologica slavica 24 (): 179-93
  • Liudmila N. Vinogradova
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
'Merry funeral': the Armenian version of the carnival 2020 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 3 (): 140-61
  • Emma Petrosian
The modification of the myth of the acquisition of a wood particle from Noah's Ark by Hakob Mtsbnetsi in European travel literature 2020 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 2 (): 68-81
  • Goar Karagezian
Old Believers in Belorussia and neighbouring countries: historical stage of research and methodological approaches 2020 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 25-34
  • Andreĭ Sergeevich Tsmyg
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Family traditions among Jews of Belorussia 2020 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 78-84
  • Vasiliĭ Fedorovich Bat'iaev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Traditional ceremonies and worship in East-Slavonic paganism 2020 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 2 (): 145-51
  • Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich Zaĭtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
On mythological motifs reflected in the bylina 'Dobrynya and Nastas'ia' 2020 Studia mythologica slavica 23 (): 119–35
  • Maksim Anatol’evich Iuiukin
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Early Slavs in the Primary Chronicle: myths of the chronicles and historiography 2020 Slavia antiqua 61 (): 53-65
  • Márta Font
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
On the archaic features of the Ruthenian folk culture in eastern Slovakia 2019 Studia mythologica slavica 22 (): 83-106
  • Marina M. Valentsova
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
In search of the archetype: from 'the Mother archetype' to 'the archetype of Baba IAga' 2019 Studia mythologica slavica 22 (): 121-33
  • Irina S. Guseva
  • Mariia G. Ivanova
  • Vladimir G. Ivanov
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The thanatological motifs of 'A terrible vengeance' story by Nikolaĭ Gogol' in the context of the ethnocultural connections of the Ukrainians 2019 Studia mythologica slavica 22 (): 143-61
  • Konstantin Rakhno
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Exhibits from the Prussia-Museum (Königsberg) in a catalogue of copies from the Central Roman-German Museum (Mainz) 2019 Slavia antiqua 60 (): 7-17
  • Vladimir Kulakov
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Phenomonon of urban memory: social-philosophical analysis 2019 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 33-40
  • O.M. Rostovskaia
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
Cultural life of the population of Belarus in the First World War periodicals 2019 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 50-5
  • O.P. Dmitrieva
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
The site of an ancient settlement near Kara-IAkupovo village in Bashkiria as a new object of the sacralization of an archaeological site 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 39-49
  • Aĭnur I. Tuzbekov
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Etymology of the Carpathian Ukrainian mythonym CHugaĭster 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 51-6
  • Maksim I. IUiukin
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
On the archaic features of folk demonology of the Ruthenians of eastern Slovakia 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 109-27
  • Marina M. Valentsova
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Traditional pilgrimage in India 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 15-20
  • D.M. Zaĭtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
Historical memory of Belarusians: a sociological review 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 21-32
  • N.F. Denisova
  • N.M. Brovchuk
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
The formation of a multi-party system in Belarus (late 20th and early 21st centuries) 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 33-9
  • A.V. Havrikov
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
Peculiarities of traditional pilgrimage in Buddhism 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 273-9
  • D.M. Zaĭtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
Specifics of professional activity of women-researchers in academic science of the Republic of Belarus 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 288-96
  • A.P. Soloveĭ
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
History of anthropological researches of Belarusian children, teenagers and youth (the end of the 19th - beginning of the 21st century) 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 317-28
  • O.V. Marfina
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
National langauge policy in the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1920s - early 1930s) and its influence on the profile of Polish langauge 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 338-47
  • M.A. Ratkevich
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
Jewish libraries on the terrotory of Belarus before the First World War 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 3 (): 297-305
  • O.P. Dmitrieva
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
A few remarks on the bident from the Bodzya burial ground in central Poland 2018 Slavia antiqua 59 (): 265-79
  • Sergeĭ Vasil'evich Beletskiĭ
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Acheulian handaxes of the Northeast Caucasus 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 3-18
  • KHizri Amirkhanovich Amirkhanov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Seasonal settlements of the Middle Don Catacomb Culture: a landscape-ecological pattern 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 19-33
  • A.V. Borisov
  • E.I. Gak
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Specific traits of house-building among the population of the late bronze age Pakhomovo culture 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 34-43
  • Aleksandr A. Tkachev
  • Aleksandr Al. Tkachev
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Organic admixtures in handmade pottery of the bearers of the Hatched ceramic culture (Strichkeramik- Kultur) of Belarus 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 44-54
  • M.I. Loshenkov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Ornaments with Champlevé enamels of the Eastern European style on the Pontic steppes and in the Crimea 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 55-69
  • A.M. Oblomskiĭ
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Database of sources on the archaeology of Smolensk (VIII-XIII centuries) 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 70-86
  • I.N. Ershov
  • N.A. Krenke
  • O.M. Oleinikov
  • T. IU. Murentseva
  • V.A. Raeva
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Archaeological-palinological studies at Sobornaia Gora in the city of Smolensk 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 87-95
  • E.G. Ershova
  • N.A. Krenke
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Non-ferrous metals from the medieval settlements of Krutik and Nikolskoe V in the Beloe Lake area 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 96-115
  • I.E. Zaĭtseva
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
A hoard of implements of the Srubnaya/Timber Grave Culture near the village of Alfa in the Tambov oblast 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 116-23
  • F.A. Poliakov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Chemical composition and origins of raw glass from the underwater excavation area of Phanagoria: corrected data 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 124-30
  • K.N. Belikov
  • O.S. Rumiantseva
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
The Ostrogozhsk hoard (the last third– the end of the late 7th century AD) 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 131-140
  • Evgeniĭ A. Kutsev
  • Pavel M. Zolotarev
  • Valeriĭ D. Berezutskiĭ
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Emperor Theophilus’ coins (AD 829–842) in the territory of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 141-9
  • A.O. Shevtsov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Weaponry and horse harness pieces of the10th–early half of the12th century and from Suzdal and rural settlements of the Suzdal Opolye 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 150-67
  • S.V. Shpolianskiĭ
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Textile imprints on early pottery: issues of interpretation 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 168-79
  • O.A. Lopatina
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
In memoriam: Mariia Nikolaevna Pogrebova (24.4.1931-12.11.2015) 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 ():
  • A.P. Pogozheva
  • M.G. Moshkova
  • O.S. Gadziatskaia
  • V.B. Kovalevskaia
  • V.G. Petrenko
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Bone artefacts from the Upper Palaeolithic layer of the Dvoĭnaia cave in the Northwest Caucasus 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 5-13 [insert i]
  • Elena Viktorovna Leonova
  • N.V. Serdiuk
  • O.I. Aleksandrova
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Lithic technology on campsites of the Ienevo Mesolithic culture 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 14-26
  • Dar'ia Kirillovna Es'kova
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063