Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Towards practice research in ethnomusicology | 2022 | Ethnomusicology forum 31 (1): 10-27 | H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] | 1741-1912 | |||
The bagpipe player in the cradle, an Irish changeling motif | 2017 | Folklore 128 (4): 376-95 | H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] | 0015-587X | |||
Xeremiers de sa Calatrava, from heydey to unemployment: lives dedicated to the Mallorcan bagpipes | 2016 | Yearbook for traditional music 48 (): 48-70 | H6/KFYV [YEARBOOK-] | 0740-1558 | |||
The cultivation and preservation of the martial music of the highlands by the Highland Society of London | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 55-71 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Romanian folklore at the Budapest. Conference about Béla Bartók in 1914 | 2015 | Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 26 (): 101-13 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | 1220-5230 | |||
Piping sung: women, Canntaireachd and the role of the tradition-bearer | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 45-65 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
La funzione rituale del suono. L'universo sonoro nella festa di San Zopito a Loreto Arutino | 2012 | Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) (1-2): 107-47 | H6/KVQ [REVISTA-] | 0034-8198 | |||
Cossack musical instruments in Polish literature | 2011 | Literatura ludowa 3 (): 33-8 | H6/KVM [LITERATURA-] | 0024-4708 | |||
Forgotten musical instruments: bagpipe and Lithuania | 2011 | Tautosakos Darbai (NS) 42 (): 194-222 | H6/KVT [TAUTOSAKOS-] | 1392-2831 | |||
Bagpipe festival in Belarus | 2010 | Slovenský národopis 58 (1): 77-80 | H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] | 1335-1303 | |||
'You'll break your heart trying to play it like you sing it': intermodal imagery and the transmission of Scottish classical bagpiping | 2010 | Ethnomusicology 54 (3): 395-424 | H6/KFYV [ETHNOMUSICOLOGY-] | 0014-1836 | |||
Folk musical instruments in the Hutsul lands | 2009 | Rocznik Muzeum Etnograficznego w Krakowie 15 (): 179-94 | H6/KVM [ROCZNIK-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Bartók's bagpipes | 2006 | Hungarain heritage 7 (1-2): 19-25 | *H6/KVN [HUNGARIAN-] | 1585-9924 | |||
Folk music in Chodsko in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century | 2005 | Národopisná revue 4 (): 217-24, 264 | H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] | 8062-8351 | |||
In memoriam: Kostadin Varimezov | 2003 | Bulgarski folklor 29 (1): 91-3 | H6/KVR 'BALGARSKI-' | 0323-9861 | |||
Possiblities for analysing portrayals of bagpipe players | 2003 | Néprajzi értesítő 85 (): 157-73 | H6/KVN [BUDAPEST. Magyar Nemezeti Muzeum. Neprajzi Tar. A Neprajzi Muzeum Ertesitoje-] | 0007-9699 | |||
'Pour les amateurs de beau-jeu': deux solitaire au pays des cornemuses | 2002 | Cahiers de musiques traditionelles 15 (): 3-16 | |||||
Bagpipes and dance: the authenticity of the iconographical collection | 2001 | Český Lid 88 (2): 173-9 | 0009-0794 | ||||
Delayed commentaries on the publication by Jaroslav Markl [Česká didácká hudba' ('The Czech bagpipe music]) | 2001 | Český Lid 88 (4): 377-81 | 0009-0794 | ||||
Gaelic names of Pibrochs: a classification | 2000-2006 | Scottish studies 34 (): 20-59 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Some features of Anastenaria/Nestinarstvo and its sound in northern Greece | 2000 | East European meetings in ethnomusicology 7 (): 20-40 | H6/KFYV [EAST-] | 1221-9711 | |||
Objects and what they are(not) talking about. From the memories of bagpipe on the Great Hungarian Plain | 1998 | Ethnographia 109 (1): 147-58 | 0014 1798 | ||||
Garhwali bagpipes: syncretic processes in a north Indian regional musical tradition | 1997/8 | Asian music 29 (1): 1-16 | |||||
Revitalization of bag-pipes in the Palatinate (Bavaria) | 1997 | Český Lid 84 (4): 309-13 | |||||
Bagpipes and folk music instrument groups in Bohemia in the 19th century | 1992 | Český Lid 79 (1): 47-60 | |||||
Bagpipe zone of middle Europe | 1992 | Český Lid 79 (1): 37-46 | |||||
Towards some of the problems of the transcription in the playing of folk instruments | 1992 | Slovenský narodopis 40 (4): 399-421 |