Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
New discoveries change existing views on the domestication of the horse and specify its role in human prehistory and history – a review | 2022 | Archeologické rozhledy 74 (3): 299-345 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKÉ-] | 0323-1267 | |||
The Funnel Beaker culture on the Kolín Bypass Road (3900/3800–3500/3400 BC). The settlement network of the micro-region and long barrow-type enclosures in east central Bohemia | 2022 | Památky archeologické 113 (): 45–134 | H6/KE [PAMATKY-] | 0031-0506 | |||
Obsidian core from Füzesabony-ÁFOR elosztó telep | 2022 | Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae (): 5-12 | H6/KE [COMMUNICATIONES-] | 0231-133X | |||
The Eneolithic inhumation burial rite in Moravia in light of radiocarbon dating | 2021 | Archeologické rozhledy 73 (3): 315-58 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKÉ-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Barbara Burchard and studies on the chronology of the Funnel Beaker culture in Lesser Poland | 2020 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 11-29 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Return to Książnice Wielkie near Kraków | 2020 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 277-312 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Flint axes from the Funnel Beaker and Funnel Beaker-Baden settlement phases at site 1 in Książnice Wielkie, Proszowice district | 2020 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 197-211 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Fortified settlements of the Funnel Beaker-Baden phase in western Lesser Poland | 2020 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 173-95 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Cultural and settlement changes in the second half of the 4th millennium BC in the area between the Bug, Dniestr and Prut rivers | 2020 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (1): 63-85 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Prehistoric defensive structures in the Szreniawa valley | 2019 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 71 (): 303-39 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
The Funnel Beaker culture in Western Lesser Poland: yesterday and today | 2019 | Archaeologia polona 57 (): 79-101 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] | 0066-5924 | |||
Eneolithic inhumation graves from Holubice, Praha-západ district. On the Baden culture burial rite in Bohemia | 2018 | Archeologické rozhledy 70 (4): 507-25 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
New perspectives on the problems of the exploitation area and the prehistoric use of the Buda hornstone in Hungary | 2018 | Archaeologia polona 56 (): 167-89 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] | 0066-5924 | |||
Neolithic materials from the J. Żurowski’s research conducted in 1932 at site 1 in Chełm, Bochnia district | 2018 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 42 (): 147-79 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
Materials of the Baden culture in the collection of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków from Trenčín, western Slovakia | 2018 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 42 (): 129-46 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
'Phasen' - 'Perioden' - 'Zeitscheiben'. Zur Chronologies der spätkupferzeitlichen Nekropolen im Karpatenbecken | 2017 | Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 68 (1): 5-46 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0001-5210 | |||
The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia | 2017 | Arheološki vestnik 68 (): 59-84 | H6/KE [ARHEOLOSKI-] | 0570-8966 | |||
The extraction of chert in Krumlov Forest in south Moravia during the period of the Funnel Beaker culture | 2017 | Archeologické rozhledy 69 (1): 3-22 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
The settement of the Baden culture at site 1 in Zofipole, Kraków district (results of excavations conducted in 1986) | 2016 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 68 (): 223-62, [plates i-ii] | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Äneolithische Spaltindustrien aus dem Ort II-19-1 im Abbaugebiet von Krumlovský les | 2016 | Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales 101 (2): 157-70 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0323-0570 | |||
Flint stone materials from the neolithic and the bronze epoch from the site 5, 5a, 5b in Krakow-Nowa Huta-Wyciąże (research in the years 1988-1997) | 2016 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 41 (): 115-59 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
The classic stage of Baden culture in Bohemia based on the example of settlement in Kolín | 2015 | Památky archeologické 106 (): 43-93 | H6/KE [PAMATKY-] | 0031-0506 | |||
Neolithic materials from excavations of Zdzisław Lenartowicz in Złota, Sandomierz county | 2015 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 40 (): 125-59 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
Polish-Slovak research project to investigate cultural relations of the Baden culture from areas of the upper Vistula river basin and Slovakian part of the Tisza river basin (3300-2900 BC). Objectives and methodology | 2015 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 40 (): 299-306 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
Non-invasive exploration of site 1 in Gniazdowice, Proszowice district (Poland) | 2014 | Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 50 (2): 83-97 | qH6/KE [FONTES-] | 0071-6863 | |||
Balkan-Carpathian variant of the IAmnaia culture-historical region | 2014 | Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 5-20 | H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA ARKHEOLOGIYA-] | 0869-6063 | |||
The late phase of the Funnel Beaker culture in north-western Bohemia: the Brozany nad Ohří settlement site | 2013 | Archeologické rozhledy 65 (3): 451-503 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Die Badener Kultur und oberes Odergebiet | 2013 | Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales 98 (2): 239-75 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0323-0570 | |||
Daten zum Ende des Badener Keramikstils und dem Beginn der Frühbronzezeit aus Foeni-Gaz im rumänischen Banat | 2013 | Praehistorische Zeitschrift 88 (1-2): 38-113 | H6/KE [PRAEHISTORISCHE-] | 0079-4848 | |||
Neolithic plant exploitation at Bronocice | 2012 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 64 (): 77-112 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
The Lengyel culture stockade buildings. Ground plans, interior, and their function | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 251-84 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The palaeoeconomy of the Bohemian and Moravian Lengyel and eneolithic periods fom the perspective of archaeozoology | 2012 | Památky archeologické 103 (): 5-70 | H6/KE [PAMATKY-] | 0031-0506 | |||
'Spool-shaped clay artefact': an unknown object-type of the Boleráz/Baden cultures | 2012 | Arheologia Moldovei 35 (): 297-310 | H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] | 0066-7358 | |||
The chipped stone industry of Linear Pottery culture of Žádovice (district of Hodonín) | 2011 | Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales 96 (1): 19-31 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0323-0570 | |||
Other sites in the Doboj region | 2011 | Glasnik zemaljskog Muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine v Sarajevu (Nova Serija) 52 (): 259-61 | H6/KVP [SARAJEVO. Zemaljski Muzei Glasnik] | 0581-7501 | |||
The Badenization of the Funnel Beaker culture communities from the lowlands of the Elbe and Vistula basin in the period of 3600/3500-2400/2350 BC. An outline of chronological and spatial systematics | 2011 | Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 16 (): 327-35 | H6/KE [FOLIA-] | 0239-8524 | |||
Eneolithic children's toys from the Gomolava site | 2010 | Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 52 (): 37-48 | H6/KVP [NOVI-] | 1450-6696 | |||
The late Copper Age settlement at Nagyút-Göbölyjárás II (questions on the periodisation of the Baden culture) | 2010 | Antaeus 31-32 (): 303-74 | H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] | 0238-0218 | |||
Gräberfeld der Badener Kultur in Balatonlelle-Felső Gamász | 2010 | Antaeus 31-32 (): 375-98 | H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] | 0238-0218 | |||
The date of the late Copper Age ritual mask from Balatonőszöd-Temetői-Dűlő | 2010 | Antaeus 31-32 (): 499-512 | H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] | 0238-0218 | |||
Late Copper Age vessel with cattle head decoration from Vác | 2010 | Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 61 (2): 381-99 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0001-5210 | |||
Manifestation des Transzendenten in der Badener Siedlung von Balatonősződ-Temetői-Dűlő - Zeremoniengefässe | 2010 | Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 51 (1): 1-48 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0001-5210 | |||
Manifestationen des Transzendenten in der Badener Siedlung von Balatonőszöd-Temetői Dűlő - Kultgegenstände | 2010 | Praehistorische Zeitschrift 85 (1): 79-119 | H6/KE [PRAEHISTORISCHE-] | 0079-4848 | |||
Botanical analysis of the multicultural site in Smroków, Słomniki commune | 2010 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne 62 (): 335-52 | H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] | 0081-3834 | |||
Pottery, cultures, people? The European Baden material re-examined | 2008 | Antiquity 82 (317): 617-28 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Die Badener und Řivnáč-Kultur in Nordwestböhmen | 2008 | Archeologické rozhledy 60 (3): 383-458 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Sozialmorphologische Studie der spätkupferzeitlichen Baden-(Pécel)-Kultur | 2008 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 138 (): 159-203 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
The paraphernalia of cult life in the late Copper Age | 2008 | Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 59 (2): 171-81 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0001-5210 | |||
Houses of the Baden cultre at the Balatonőszöd - Temető dűlő site | 2007 | Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 58 (1): 43-105 | H6/KE [ACTA-] | 0001-5210 | |||
Eine jungneolithische eingetiefte Huette in Prag 9 - Miskovice. Ergebnisse der archaeologischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Analysen | 2007 | Památky archeologické 98 (): 31-108 | H6/KE [PAMATKY-] | 0031-0506 |