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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Mestizo urbanism: enduring racial intersections in Latin American cities 2024 Journal of Latin American studies 56 (1): 37-62
  • Giulia Torino
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
“Anti-racist enunciation” in artistic practices in Colombia: dialogues and in-comprehensions in collaborative research 2024 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 39 (67): 59-89
  • Carlos Correa Angulo
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Anti-racist beauty micro-enterprises: Black women’s subversive entrepreneurship in Cali, Colombia 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (11): 2411-32
  • Danny Ramírez-Torres
  • Emilia Eneyda Valencia-Murraín
  • Krisna Ruette-Orihuela
  • Lina Lucumí-Mosquera
  • Mara Viveros Vigoya
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Afro-descendant corporalities in the Colombian Pacific 2024 Revista colombiana de antropología 60 (3): 1-24
  • Eduardo Restrepo
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Anthropological expertise and evidentiary elements in the case of the Afro-descendant communities displaced from the Cacarica River Basin 2023 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (50): 117-42
  • Jarlescy Maturana Abadía
  • Jesús Kilmer Valoyes Mosquera
  • Yennesit Palacios Valencia
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
The imales’ shadow. Esoteric knowledge and resistance as Islamic contribution to Latin America Afro-epistemology 2023 Revista colombiana de antropología 59 (1): 83-106
  • Antonio de Diego González
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Presentación 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 8-19
  • Ana Pérez
  • Kaherine Bonil Gómez
  • María Eugenia Chaves
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The palenque of Limón through the voice of a Maroon, provincia de Cartagena (17th century) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 21-49
  • María Cristina Navarrete
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The uprising of the African diaspora in the gold mines of Antioquia and the creation of the Palenque del Nechí (1580-1648) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 50-75
  • Paola Vargas Arana
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Women in the geographies of marronage - Territorial intimacy as a freedom strategy: the case of María de Los Santos and her Bonga 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 76-99
  • Ana Laura Zavala Guillen
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
From La Guaira to Nueva España: Juan Nepomuceno and blasphemy as a freedom strategy (1755-1796) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 100-25
  • Andrea Guerrero-Mosquera
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
"Servile freedom": juridical uncertainty and legal creativity on the road to emancipation (1789-1824) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 126-44
  • Edgardo Pérez-Morales
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
“Hasta que fue menester apelar al juzgado de su merced”: the legal culture of litigant slaves in the Viceroyalty of the Nuevo Reino de Granada (1789-1809) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 145-72
  • Hedy Katherine Mora Idárraga
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Freedom rumors during the Insurrection of the Comuneros in the province of Antioquia (1781-1782) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 173-98
  • Laura Jiménez Ospina
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Slave resistances and manumissions in New Granada during gradual abolitionism (1819-1849) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 199-226
  • María Fernanda Cuevas
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Afro-Catholic ritual performances, lay brotherhoods and African nations in late-colonial Buenos Aires 2023 Boletín americanista (86): 151-75
  • Lea Geler
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Dancing at the border. Corporal itineraries of Aymara-Bolivian and Afro-Colombian women in Arica (Chile) 2023 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 78 (2): 1-16
  • Isabel Araya
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
Public and engaged anthropology: the legacy of Nina S. de Friedemann 2022 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (46): 23-50
  • Greta Fiedman Sánchez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Geographies, essemblage and re-existences in the Black populations of the Patía Valley and the Colombian South Pacific 2022 Chungará 54 (1): 181-92
  • Javier Tobar
  • Yilver Mosquera-Vallejo
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Matachindé performance at Juntas de Yurumanguí (Buenaventura) 2022 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 36 (62): 59-86
  • Solange Bonilla Valencia
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
La perpetuación de la problemática racial con el uso del romance interracial como intertexto metafórico entre la novela Sab y la telenovela La esclava blanca 2022 Studies in Latin American popular culture 40 (): 127-45
  • Valérie Benoist
*H6/KUL [STUDIES-] 0730-9139
Bridging research and practice to influence national policy: Afro-Colombians territorial rights, from stagnation to implementation 2022 Bulletin of Latin American research 41 (3): 387-403
  • Cristiam Guerrero Lovera
  • Elias Helo Molina
  • Johana Herrera Arango
  • Omaira Bolaños Cárdenas
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Mining extractivism and its effects on climate change in the Chocó biogeographical region, Colombia 2022 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 37 (64): 47-60
  • Helcías Ayala Mosquera
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Underground multiculturalism: contentious cultural politics in gold-mining regions in Chocó Colombia 2021 Journal of Latin American studies 53 (1): 25-52
  • Jesse Jonkman
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Community participation in the National Museum of Colombia from a historical-legal analysis 2021 Chungará 53 (2): 329-40
  • Jhonny Antonio Pabon Cadavid
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Fragile fortunes: Afrodescendant women, witchcraft, and the remaking of urban Cartagena 2021 Colonial Latin American review 30 (2): 197-213
  • Ana María Silva Campo
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Catching the white fish: gossip and cocaine on Colombia's northern Pacific coast 2021 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 27 (1): 128-45
  • Nicolás Acosta García
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Repairing slavery in Colombia? Mobilization of law in a multicultural context 2021 Revista colombiana de antropología 57 (1): 49-69
  • Elisabeth Cunin
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Archaeology and history of Africans and Afro-descendants in Cauca, Colombia 2021 Revista colombiana de antropología 57 (1): 125-62
  • Diógenes Patiño Castaño
  • Martha C. Hernández
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
“Esa paz blanca, esa paz de muerte”: peacetime, wartime, and black impossible chronos in the Colombian postconflict 2021 Revista colombiana de antropología 57 (2): 143-67
  • Jaime Amparo Alves
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
(Imaginary) archaeology of memory: an investigation into the aesthetics and symbolism of the African diaspora in Colombia 2021 Revista colombiana de antropología 57 (2): 169-97
  • Martha Luz Machado Caicedo
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Social incorporartion of Colombian immigrants in Chile? Vulnerability and the struggle for recognition 2020 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (38): 137-62
  • Nicolás Gisi-Barbieri
  • Sebastián Polo Alvis
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Let's get formalized: peasant disputes in the upper Cauca 2020 Antipoda (40): 79-102
  • Luisa Fernanda Uribe Larrota
  • María Camila Jiménez Nicholls
  • Natalia Abril Bonilla
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Contentious bodies: the place, race, and gender of victimhood in Colombia 2020 Transforming anthropology 28 (1): 24-40
  • Dani Merriman
H6 [TRANSFORMING-] 1051-0559
Contentious bodies: the place, race, and gender of victimhood in Colombia 2020 Transforming anthropology 28 (1): 24-40
  • Dani R. Merriman
H6 [TRANSFORMING-] 1051-0559
Ampliación de derechos étnicos en el marco de la construcción de paz en Colombia. Paradojas del fortalecimiento de las guardias en el Cauca contemporáneo y posacuerdo 2020 Iberoamericana 20 (75): 221-7
  • María Cárdenas
Remembering the past, sowing the future: plants and the reconfiguration of the territory in Bellavista, Bojayá 2020 Revista colombiana de antropología 56 (2): 139-68
  • Bela Henríquez Chacín
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Return to rebuild the territory and dignify life: the experience of the community council of the Cacarica River Basin 2020 Revista colombiana de antropología 56 (2): 197-220
  • Wisthon Abadía
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Mourning for absent bodies in the Afro-Colombian community of North Chocó 2020 L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 21 (2): 204-7
  • Angela Maria Castillo Grandas
H6 [AUTRE-] 1626-5378
Ocean and coastal grabbing of territories: two case studies in the Colombian Caribbean 2019 Revista colombiana de antropología 55 (1): 119-52
  • Ana Isabel Márquez Pérez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Behind the scenes: ethnography of public policy for Afro-descendants in Cali, Colombia 2019 Revista colombiana de antropología 55 (1): 213-38
  • Sandra Patricia Martínez B.
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Burlesquin blackness: racial significations in canival and the carnivalesque on Colombia's Caribbean coast 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 5-20
  • Melissa M. Valle
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Refusing to be governed: urban policing, gang violence, and the politics of evilness in an Afro-Colombian shantytown 2019 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 42 (1): 21-36
  • Jaime Amparo Alves
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Audio-politics and bio-politics of contemporary Afro-diasporic musics in Colombia 2019 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 34 (57): 174-93
  • Mateo Pazos Cárdenas
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Dietary habits and nutritional status in the community of the hamlet of San Nicolás de Bari (Sopetrán-Antioquia): an approach from structural racism 2019 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 34 (58): 199-225
  • Víctor Hugo Mosquera Sánchez
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Photographic and ethnographic para-sites of Afro-inspired religious systems 2018 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (33): 149-59
  • Luis Carlo Castro Ramírez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
The social production of the sex market and the occupation of sexual workers in Spain 2018 Revista colombiana de antropología 54 (2): 35-58
  • Teodora Hurtado Saa
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Literary art and oral construction of the territory. Afrocolombian critical thought 2018 Revista colombiana de antropología 54 (2): 93-117
  • Carlos Alberto Valderramena Rentería
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Exchange, materiality and aesthetics in Colombian champeta 2018 Ethnomusicology forum 27 (1): 3-24
  • Michael Birenbaum Quintero
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
The discursive detachment of race from gentrification in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia 2018 Ethnic and racial studies 41 (7): 1235-54
  • Melissa M. Valle
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870