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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Estrategias de manejo de plantas leñosas en ambientes de altura: Área Natural Protegida Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina) 2022 Latin American antiquity 33 (4): 693-712
  • Diego Andreoni
  • Víctor Durán
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Pastoral paleoclimate palimpsests of the south-central Andes: high-altitude herder dwellings in the 2nd millennium A.D. 2022 Journal of field archaeology 47 (5): 341-59
  • Arturo F. Rivera Infante
  • Bronwen L. Konecky
  • Jarunetr Sae-Lim
  • Martin Polo y La Borda
  • Sarah I. Baitzel
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
A review of my books on high altitude archaeology: rethinking ritual violence and sacrifices in the Andes 2021 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 19 (2): 327-43
  • María Costanza Ceruti
High-altitude agro-pastoralism in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: new excavations of the Chap Farmstead (1065–825 cal B.C.) 2020 Journal of field archaeology 45 (1): 29-45
  • Elina Ananyevskaya
  • Elise Luneau
  • Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute
  • Inga Merkyte
  • Kubatbek Tabaldiev
  • Lynne M. Rouse
  • Mindaugas Grikpedis
  • Taylor Hermes
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
High-altitude agro-pastoralism in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: new excavations of the Chap Farmstead (1065–825 cal b.c.) 2020 Journal of field archaeology 45 (1): 29-45
  • Elina Ananyevskaya
  • Elise Luneau
  • Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute
  • Inga Merkyte
  • Kubatbek Tabaldiev
  • Lynne M. Rouse
  • Mindaugas Grikpedis
  • Taylor Hermes
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Haematological responses in high- and lower-altitude Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India 2019 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 54 (3): 196-205
  • Bhaboklang Sohkhlet
H6/KWL [INDIAN-] 0019-4387
The spatial structure of Galician megalithic landscapes (NW Iberia): a vase study from the Monte Penide region 2019 Journal of archaeological science 108 (): 1-10
  • Andrew Bevan
  • Mark W. Lake
  • Miguel Carrero-Pazos
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Collaboration and discord in international debates about coca chewing, 1949-1950 2018 Medicine Anthropology Theory 5 (2): 35-51
  • Adam Warren
Habit or addiction? Collaboration and misunderstandings in international debates about coca-leaf chewing 2018 Medicine Anthropology Theory 5 (2): 52-5
  • Rossio Motta Ochoa
The late period occupation of Mendoza's precordillera: technological organization at Agua ce la Cueva, north sector (~470-1700 cal BP) 2018 Anales de arqueología y etnología 73 (1): 7-40
  • Lucía Yebra
  • Silvina Celeste Castro
H6/KUL [MENDOZA. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto de Etnografia Americana. Anales] 0325-0288
Hunter-gatherer mobility strategies in the high Andes of northern Chile during the late Pleistocene-early Holocene transition (ca. 11,500-9500 CAL B.P.) 2017 Journal of field archaeology 42 (3): 228-40
  • Calogero M. Santoro
  • Claudio Latorre
  • Daniela Osorio
  • Donald Jackson
  • Eugenia M. Gayo
  • José M. Capriles
  • Katherine A. Herrera
  • Marcela Sepúlveda
  • Paula C. Ugalde
  • Ricardo De Pol-Holz
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Late prehistoric high-altitude hunter-gatherer residential occupations in the Argentine southern Andes 2017 Journal of field archaeology 42 (3): 214-27
  • Adolfo F. Gil
  • Carina Llano
  • Christopher Morgan
  • Clara Otaola
  • Gustavo Neme
  • Laura Salgan
  • Miguel Giardina
  • Nuria Sugrañes
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Altitude effects on growth and development of childern and adolescents 2016 Acta anthropologica sinica (2): 267-82
  • Huanjiu Xi
  • Kun Liu
  • Loufeng Wen
  • Wenhui Li
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Geographic variation in gorilla limb bones 2016 Journal of human evolution 95 (): 68-79
  • Rebecca S. Jabbour
  • Tessa L. Pearman
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Traditional technology and cultural adaptation to mountain ecosystem: a case study of a Himalayan village 2016 Oriental anthropologist 16 (1): 37-49
  • Dhananjay Kumar
  • Niharranjan Mishra
*H6/KF [ORIENTAL-] 0972-558X
Geographical altitude, size, mass and body surface area in children (1-4 years) in the province of Jujuy (Argentina) 2015 Annals of human biology 42 (5): 431-8
  • Emma Laura Alfaro
  • Estela María Román
  • Guadalupe Abdo
  • Ignacio Felipe Bejarano
  • José Edgardo Dipierri
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Integration of data from non-invasive archaeological research: the case of Asparos (Gonio) fortification, Georgia 2014 Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 50 (2): 113-30
  • Krzysztof Misiewicz
  • Miron Bogacki
  • Wiesław Małkowski
qH6/KE [FONTES-] 0071-6863
Comparative study of the height, weight and chest circumferences of children and adolescents between the Tibetan Plateau and the Andes 2014 Acta anthropologica sinica 33 (2): 198-213
  • Fu Ren
  • Hailong Zhang
  • Huanjiu Xi
  • Wenhui Li
  • Youfeng Wen
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Associations between arterial oxygen saturation, body size and limb measurements among high-altitude Andean children 2013 American journal of human biology 25 (5): 629-36
  • Emma Pomeroy
  • J. Jaime Miranda
  • Jay T. Stock
  • Sanja Stanojevic
  • Tim J. Cole
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Differences in human birth weight and corollary attributes as a result of temperature regime 2013 Annals of human biology 40 (5): 385-95
  • Marten Sørensen
  • Per M. Jensen
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Obsidian hydration at high elevation: archaic quarrying at the Chivay source, southern Peru 2012 Journal of archaeological science 39 (5): 1360-7
  • Jelmer W. Eerkens
  • Nicholas Tripcevich
  • Tim R. Carpenter
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The archaeobotanical record from El Salado valley, Mendoza: taphonomic problems and human exploitation 2012 Chungará 44 (2): 269-85
  • Carina Llano
  • Gustavo Neme
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Camelid consumption (Vicugna vicugna) from a ceremonial site in the high Andes (Tinogasta Department, Catamarca, Argentina) 2012 Chungará 44 (2): 287-98
  • Marianna De Nigris
  • Norma Ratto
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Lowland origin women raised at high altitude are not protected against lower uteroplacental O2 delivery during pregnancy or reduced birth weight 2011 American journal of human biology 23 (4): 509-16
  • Colleen G. Julian
  • Enrique Vargas
  • Jennifer L. Hageman
  • Lorna G. Moore
  • Megan J. Wilson
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Influence of accessibility to the infrastructure and natural resources on lifestyle and workload of rural women: scenario of Indian central Himalaya 2010 Journal of human ecology 31 (1): 27-35
  • Bhagwati Prasad Kothyari
  • Bhupendra Singh Bisht
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Native highland and lowland populations differ in gamma-globin gene promoter polymorphisms related to altered fetal hemoglobin levels and delayed fetal to adult globin switch after birth 2010 Anthropological Science 118 (1): 41-8
  • Francisco Rothhammer
  • Inken Rottgardt
  • Manuela Dittmar
Evolutionary adaptation to high altitude: a view from in utero 2009 American journal of human biology 21 (5): 614-22
  • Colleen Glyde Julian
  • Lorna G. Moore
  • Megan J. Wilson
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Nutritional, developmental, and genetic influences on relative sitting height at high altitude 2009 American journal of human biology 21 (5): 606-13
  • Sara Stinson
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Geographic altitude, surnames, and height variation of Jujuy (Argentina) conscripts 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 138 (2): 158-63
  • Alberto Andrade
  • Emma L. Alfaro
  • Ignacio F. Bejarano
  • José E. Dipierri
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Age, altitude and gender differences in body dimensions 2008 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66 (4): 419-34
  • Mary Grace Tungdim
  • Renu Tyagi
  • Satwanti Kapoor
  • Shaila Bhardwaj
Age changes in biological variables among high altitude Bodh males of Lahaul Tehsil, Lahaul-Spiti district, Himachal Pradesh, India 2008 The Anthropologist 10 (3): 193-202
  • I. P. Singh
  • Kanwaljit Singh
  • M. K. Bhasin
El soroche o mal de altura 2007 Boletín de Lima 29 (149-50): 291-8
  • Louis Adré Gosse
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Somatotypes of high altitude Spitian boys 2007 Journal of human ecology 22 (2): 129-33
  • L. S. Sidhu
  • Pritpal Singh
  • Promila Malhotra
  • S. P. Singh
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Growth among Tibetans at high and low altitudes in India 2007 American journal of human biology 19 (6): 789-800
  • Ranjan Gupta
  • Vikal Tripathy
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Ethnomedical practices in a high altitude Vashist village in Himachal Pradesh 2007 South Asian anthropologist 7 (1): 37-45
  • P.C. Joshi
  • Sonia Kaushal
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
[Altitude] and human biodiversity. The case of French populations of the South-East (16th-19th centuries) 2006 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 24 (1-2): 81-93
  • Gilles Boëtsch
  • Michel Prost
  • Monique Revol
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Yahuar Huaca y las enfermedades en las minas auríferas 2006 Boletín de Lima 28 (143): 14-27
  • Jorge Olivari Ortega
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Exhaled nitric oxide decreases upon acute exposure to high-altitude hypoxia 2006 American journal of human biology 18 (2): 196-202
  • Cynthia M. Beall
  • Daniel E. Brown
  • Kingman P. Strohl
  • Phoebe S. Mills
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Effect of the interaction between high altitude and socioeconomic factors on birth weight in a large sample from South America 2006 American journal of physical anthropology 129 (2): 305-10
  • Fernando A. Poletta
  • Hebe Campaña
  • Jorge S. López Camelo
  • Rita Santos
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Birth weight among Tibetans at different altitudes in India: are Tibetans better protected from IUGR ? 2005 American journal of human biology 17 (4): 442-50
  • Ranjan Gupta
  • Vikal Tripathy
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Elevated rock art. Maritime images and situations 2005 Adoranten (): 5-32
  • Johan Ling
Cross-sectional study of echocardiographic characteristics in healthy children living at high altitude 2005 American journal of human biology 17 (6): 704-17
  • Alberto Pacheco
  • Edgar Gloria
  • Jaime Silva
  • Luis Huicho
  • Manuel Muro
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Body proportions in ancient Andeans from high and low altitudes 2005 American journal of physical anthropology 128 (3): 569-85
  • Karen J. Weinstein
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Risk and marginality at high altitudes: new interpretations from fieldwork on the Faravel Plateau, hautes-Alpes 2004 Antiquity 79 (304): 289-305
  • Kevin Walsh
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Fertility and mortality differentials among the population groups of the Himalayas 2003 Human biology 75 (5): 729-47
  • A. K. Kapoor
  • Gautam K. Kshatriya
  • Satwanti Kapoor
Tibetan protection from intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and reproductive loss at high altitude 2001 American journal of human biology 13 (5): 635-44
  • David Young
  • Lorna G. Moore
  • Robert E. McCullough
  • Stacy Zamudio
  • Tarshi Droma
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Pattern of transhumance among the Muslim Gujjars of north-western India 2001 South Asian anthropologist 1 (1): 7-12
  • R. S. Balgir
Time at high altitude: experiencing time on the roof of the world 2001 Time and society 11 (1): 141-6
  • Manuel Schneider
A high altitude archaeological survey in northern Chile 2001 Chungará 34 (1): 85-99
  • Johan Reinhard
Effect of mountaineering training on selected body measurements and physical fitness in children 2000 The Anthropologist 2 (2): 93-102
  • Inuka Gakhar
  • S. L. Malik