Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The route most traveled: the Afar salt trail, north Ethiopia | 2019 | Chungará 51 (1): 95-110 | H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] | 0716-1182 | |||
Ecological and social wisdom in camel praise poetry sung by Afar nomads of Ethiopia | 2016 | Journal of ethnobiology 36 (2): 457-72 | *H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0278-0771 | |||
Vom Nomadentum zur Sesshaftigkeit. Der Wandel des Arbeitsalltags der äthiopischen Afar-Pastoralnomaden | 2014 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 144 (): 353-70 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
'They were about to take out their guns on us': accessing rural Afar communities in Ethiopia with HIV-related interventions | 2013 | Culture, health & sexuality 15 (3): S338-50 | H6/KGT [CULTURE-] | 1369-1058 | |||
Livelihood diversification among the pastoral and agropastoral groups in the Upper Awash Valley, Ethiopia | 2012 | Journal of human ecology 39 (3): 241-53 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
Lo scudo gascià nel Corno d'Africa. Da un'arma difensiva, un esempio di etnoarchaeologia | 2010 | Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 140 (): 93-113 | H6 [ARCHIVIO-] | 0373-3009 | |||
Capitalisation, commoditisation and obligation among Ethiopia's Afar pastoralists | 2006 | Nomadic peoples (NS) 10 (1): 29-52 | H6/KF [NOMADIC-] | 0822-7942 | |||
The Awash national park, Ethiopia: a clash of cows and cultures | 2006 | Practicing anthropology 28 (4): 17-21 | qH6 [PRACTICING-] | 0888-4552 | |||
Cenni sulle tradizioni guerriere e le armi del popolo Afar (Dancali) | 2006 | Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 136 (): 215-31 | H6 [ARCHIVIO-] | ||||
Raw material selectivity of the earliest stone toolmakers at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia | 2005 | Journal of human evolution 48 (4): 365-80 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Lucy, thirty years later: an expanded view of Australopithecus Afarensis | 2004 | Journal of anthropological research 60 (4): 465-86 | H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] | 0091-7710 | |||
2.6-million-year-old stone tools and associated bones from OGS-6 and OGS-7, Gona, Afar, Ethiopia | 2003 | Journal of human evolution 45 (2): 169-77 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Chalk and cheese | 2002 | Journal of human evolution 42 (4): 499-504 | 0047-2484 | ||||
A note on the Finaa (Fimaa) institution among the pastoral Afar of the middle Awash valley, northeastern Ethiopia | 1997 | Journal of Ethiopian studies 30 (2): 1-26 | |||||
Oasian agriculture and camel harnessed traction: a new initiative of the Afar pastoralists of the Awash valley in Ethiopia for complementary food production | 1991 | Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples 29 (): 42-52 | |||||
Livestock and economic differentiation in north east Ethiopia: the Afar case | 1991 | Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples 29 (): 10-20 | |||||
Camel and the household economy of the Afar: a study of selected members of Wahlifanta Camel Herders' Society of Awssa, Ethiopia | 1991 | Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples 29 (): 31-41 |