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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Violence and warfare in medieval western Islam 2023 History and anthropology 34 (1): 39-60
  • Pascal Buresi
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Long-term history in Moroccan oasis zone: the Middle Draa Project 2015 2017 Journal of African archaeology 15 (2): 141-72
  • Andrew Lamb
  • Aurelie Cuénod
  • Corisande Fenwick
  • David J. Mattingly
  • Julia Nikolaus
  • Katrien Janin
  • Louise Rayne
  • Maria Carmela Gatto
  • Martin Sterry
  • Niccoló Mugnai
  • Nick Ray
  • Youssef Bokbot
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Andalusi sherds from Prague 2013 Archeologické rozhledy 65 (1): 198-206
  • Claire Delery
  • Ladislav Hrdlička
  • Petr Charvát
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Un sultan en quête de spiritualité? Suivi de Bilad-Esh-Sham: la destination favorite des maghrébins 2012 Annales de sociologie et d'anthropologie 23 (): 77-111
  • Ouiza Gallèze
H6/KW [ANNALES-] 1729-6951
From one peninsula to the other: Cordova, 'Uthmān (644-656) and the Arabs during the Almohad period (12th-13th centuries) 2010 Al-Qanṭara 31 (1): 7-29
  • Pascal Buresi
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Three Anṣāri families in the Almohad period 2009 Al-Qanṭara 30 (2): 361-401
  • Maria Luisa Ávila
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Ibn Sab'īn's Sicilian questions: the text, its sources, and their historical context 2008 Al-Qanṭara 29 (1): 115-46
  • Anna Ayşe Akasoy
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Una nueva interpretación del patio de la casa de contración del Alcázar de Sevilla 2007 Al-Qanṭara 28 (1): 181-228
  • Antonio Almagro
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
'Wa-waṣalnā 'alā barakat Allāh ilā īġīlīz': à propos de la localisation d'Īgīlīz-des-Harga 2006 Al-Qanṭara 27 (1): 153-94
  • Abdallah Fili
  • Jean_Pierre Van Staëvel
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Con la guía del Corán: crisis y evolución del discurso numismático almohade 2006 Al-Qanṭara 27 (2): 477-527
  • Miguel Vega Martín
  • Salvador Peña Martín
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Hermenéutica y gramática bajo los Almohades: Ibn Jarūf y los testimonios tardíos 2005 Al-Qanṭara 26 (2): 371-80
  • Salvador Peña Martín
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
The Almohad Mecca. Locating Igli and the cave of Ibn Tūmart 2005 Al-Qanṭara 26 (): 175-90
  • Allen J. Fromherz
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Las genealogías de [Abd Al Mu]min, primer califa almohade 2003 Al-Qanṭara 24 (1): 77-107
  • Maribel Fierro
H6/KW 'AL-QANTARA-' 00211-3589
Archaeozoological research in Medieval Iberia: fishing and fish trade on Almohad sites 1994 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 34 (1-2): 453-75
  • An Lentacker
  • Arturo Morales Muniz
  • Dolores Carmen Morales Muñíz
  • Eufrasia Roselló Izquierdo
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