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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Christian allegory on the northern frontier of New Spain: González de Eslava’s Coloquio quinto 2024 Colonial Latin American review 33 (1): 56-78
  • Stephanie Schmidt
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
"You here, don't do it this way": allegory and domestic dwellings in Bernardino de Sahagún's Nahuatl Sermons of the House 2024 Ethnohistory 71 (2): 145-72
  • Berenice Alcántara
  • Pedro A. Muñoz
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
"Was it you Lord?": The faces of countermessianism in bodies, allegories, and icons at the Carnival Mangueira Samba School 2023 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 8 (2): 1-24
  • Evandro de Sousa Bonfim
  • João Gustavo Martins Melo de Sousa
Reconnecting with the urban vernacular through post New-Order visual art 2023 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 179 (2): 175-215
  • Edwin Jurriëns
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
'The dialogue between a cat and a mouse' in Mahābhārata 12.136 and narratives about spiritual liberation (mokṣa) in ancient Indian literature 2023 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 33 (3): 661-84
  • Valters Negribs
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
Memory and pain of the witnesses of the Pacific War and their sculptural proposals to commemorate the fallen heroes. Peru 1883-1897 2023 Iberoamericana 23 (84): 217-48
  • Rodolfo Monteverde Sotil
Filmic allegories of the conquest of America. From pre-Columbian apocalypse to the dawn of colonialist imperialism 2021 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 26 (2): 151-69
  • Ignacio Gaztaka-Eguskiza
  • Víctor Iturregui-Motiloa
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
Ruins for the future: critical allegory and disaster governance in post-tsunami 2021 American ethnologist 48 (1): 7-21
  • Andrew Littlejohn
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
The trouble with "America" 2020 Ethnohistory 67 (1): 1-28
  • Matthew Restall
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Furstebild, samhällsspegel och självorganiserande av minnet. Om avsändare och mottagare i minnesmärkenas nordiska historia 2020 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (1): 43-66
  • Mattias Ekman
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
Pictures and words: allegorical and persuasive cartography 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (2): 373-99
  • Jelena Mrgić
Of wildmen and white men: cryptozoology and inappropriate/d monsters at the cusp of the Anthropocene 2019 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 25 (2): 223-40
  • Nils Bubandt
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Recruitment and re-memory: S.E.K. Mqhayi's 'Ukmosi Wemidaka: the Dark Skinned Army' (1916) and Fred Kumalo's Dancing the Death Drill (2017) 2019 Journal of southern African studies 45 (2): 303-21
  • Neville Smith
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Spectacles and specters of indigenous peoples in How tasty was my little Frenchman 2019 American Indian culture and research journal 43 (1): 99-112
  • Katherine D. Johnson
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
Spectacles and specters of indigenous peoples in How tasty was my little Frenchman 2019 American Indian culture and research journal 43 (1): 99-112
  • Katherine D. Johnson
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
Sport, death and political allegories: ethnography fears around a sport-oriented nation 2019 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 44 (1): 253-84
  • Luis Henrique de Toledo
H6 [ANUARIO-] 0102-4302
Illusion: a serpent mistaken for a rope 2018 Liaudies kultūra 3 (): 13-20
  • Dainius Razauskas
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 0236-0551
Snake, water, saying an assay of commentary on the relationship between misogyny and the fear of the uncertainty 2018 Journal of folklore and literature 1 (): 177-96
  • S. Yetkin Işık
Las grutas de Juxtlahuaca y la historia pintada de una deidad del maíz olmeca 2018 Arqueología mexicana 26 (153): 18-23
  • Martha Cabrera Guerrero
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
La alegoría de la nación peruana en las novelistas de la posguerra con Chile 2018 Bulletin de la Société suisse des Américanistes (78): 93-9
  • Carmen Carrasco Luján
Eloquence and ethnohistory: indigenous loyalty and the making of a Tagalog letrado 2018 Colonial Latin American review 27 (4): 522-74
  • Dana Leibsohn
  • Stuart M. McManus
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Arantzazu and the need of landscape: an allegory of thought 2018 Kobie: antropología cultural (21): 63-74
  • Genoveva Linaza Vivanco
H6/KVE [KOBIE-] 0214-7971
La parca: personificación macabra de la muerte en Caracas a mediado del siglo XVIII 2018 Antropología americana 3 (6): 79-106
  • Hernando Villamizar
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0252-841X
Ordenen Stjernen i Øst og julens budskap 2017 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 16 (1): 41-54
  • Ingvild Sælid Gilhus
  • Lisbeth Mikaelsson
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
El discurso nacionalista mexicano en el cómic Águila Solitaria de Víctor Fox 2017 Studies in Latin American popular culture 35 (): 79-103
  • Ross Swanson
*H6/KUL [STUDIES-] 0730-9139
Solar observatory or allegory? Calakmul's gropu E-type complex form and function 2017 Ancient Mesoamerica 28 (2): 559-83
  • Anne S. Dowd
  • Anthony F. Aveni
  • Ramón Carrasco
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
An overview of "Mesoamerican cultural astronomy and the calendar" 2017 Ancient Mesoamerica 28 (2): 559-83
  • Anthony F. Aveni
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Los perros de Lázaro 2017 Arqueología mexicana 25 (146): 20-5
  • Alfredo López Austin
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Ecocriticism and anthropocentrism in Yann Martel's Life of Pi 2017 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 12 (3): 883-903
  • Biljana Vlašković Ilić
Last chance incorporated 2016 Cultural anthropology 31 (2): 297-318
  • Jason Pine
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
On multispecies mythology: a critique of animal anthropology 2016 Theory, culture and society 33 (5): 159-72
  • Matthew C. Watson
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
A cine-anthropologue within the triple helix of image, metaphor and allegory: Theodors Angelopoulos 2016 Journal of folklore and literature 2 (): 45-58
  • Şebnem Pala Güzel
Symbolic metaphors of passage and integration in ritual funerary speech 2016 Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 27 (): 277-89
  • Nicoleta Coatu
H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] 1220-5230
The cave of Euripides 2015 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 8 (3): 279-302
  • Carl A.P. Ruck
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
Forget the poor. Radio kinship and exploited labor in Zambia 2015 Current anthropology (Supplement) 56 (11): S137-S145
  • Harri Englund
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
The description and symbolic value of the unicorn in French literature of the 12th and 13th centuries 2015 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 10 (2): 461-85
  • Marija Panić
Viejos olores en la moderna "acuápolis": el mural del cárcamo de Chapultepec 2015 Arqueología mexicana 23 (135): 60-3
  • Omar Olivares Sandoval
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Mythical images in 'The seasons' by Kristijonas Donelaitis: the grass 2015 Tautosakos Darbai (NS) 49 (): 72-94
  • Dainius Razauskas
H6/KVT [TAUTOSAKOS-] 1392-2831
Seeing through stone: materiality and place in a medieval Scottish pendant reliquary 2014/2015 Res 65/66 (): 242-58
  • Karen Overbey
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Seeing sound: Perhaps love, YouTube, and Hong Kong's cultural convergence 2014 Visual anthropology 27 (1-2): 149-65
  • Marc L. Moskowitz
*H6 [VISUAL-] 0894-9468
The crucifixion with virtues in stained glass: wounds, violent sexualities, and aesthetics of engagement in the Wienhausen cloister 2014 Journal of glass studies 56 (): 317-43
  • Corine Schleif
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0075-4250
The three Graces, or the allegory of the gift: a contribution to the history of an idea in anthropology. Translated by Eléonore Rimbault 2014 Hau 4 (2): 339-68
  • Denis Vidal
Representación e imagen del indio desde las configuraciones mentales de los europeos 2014 Anales del Museo Nacional de Antropología 16 (): 213-33
  • Javier García Bresó
H6/KVE [ANALES-] 1135-1853
Igniting food assemblages in Sri Lanka: ritual cooking to regenerate the world and interrelations 2013 Contributions to Indian sociology (New Series) 47 (1): 33-60
  • Wim Van Daele
Pieter Bruegel and Carlo Ginzburg: the debatable land of renaissance dreams 2013 Cosmos 29 (): 59-126
  • Louise S. Milne
H6/KFO [COSMOS-] 0269-8773
'Eigi er sá heill, er í augun verkir'. Eye pain in thirteenth-and fourteenth-century Íslendingasögur 2013 Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore 69 (): 7-35
  • Kirsi Kanerva
H6/KVT [ARV-] 0066-8176
Some clues from Borneo for deciphering hand stencils 2013 American Indian rock art 40 (): 363-72
  • Jean-Michel Chazine
Barbie en Palenque, o la manifactura de lo intangible 2013 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (102): 65-91
  • Emilie Carreón Baline
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Nuevas reflexiones sobre las pinturas incrustadas de concha y el trabajo de Juan y Miguel González 2013 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (102): 125-76
  • Sonia I. Ocaña Ruiz
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Homer, the spirit of paganism, and philosophers: a conflict between sorts of wisdom 2012 L'Homme 201 (): 55-84
  • François Dingremont
H6 [HOMME-] 0439-4216