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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Early Iron Age elite grave from the Kapiteljska njiva barrow cemetery (Novo mesto, Slovenia): an approach to dental profiling through non-invasive and minimally-invasive techniques 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (2): 183-96
  • Erika Cvetko
  • Iztok Štamfelj
  • Marko Fonović
  • Petra Stipančić
  • Robert Vidmar
  • Tadej Mirt
The age of Marymoor (45K19) and its place in the cultural chronology of the southern Puget Sound region 2024 Journal of northwest anthropology 58 (1): 26-47
  • James C. Chatters
  • James W. Brown
H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] 1538-2834
Intérêt de l’étude de la base du crâne en anthropologie médico-légale. I. Le foramen magnum 2024 Anthropologica et praehistorica (133): 95-118
  • Alexandra Boucherie
  • Caroline Polet
  • François Beauthier
  • Jean-Pol Beauthier
  • Philippe Lefèvre
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
Burial methods, age profiles, chronology, and diet of hunter gatherers from the central pampean dunefields: Laguna de Los Pampas Site (Pampas Region, Argentina) 2023 Chungará 55 (2): 297-320
  • Gustavo G. Politis
  • Mariela E. González
  • Narella Marini
  • Pablo G. Messineo
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Estructura y dinámica poblacional en la frontera de cazadores-recolectores/agricultores: el registro bioarqueológico de Jaime Prats-1 (Mendoza, Argentina) 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (3): 458-76
  • Adolfo F. Gil
  • Claudia Aranda
  • Eva A. Peralta
  • Gustavo A. Neme
  • Leandro H. Luna
  • María de la Paz Pompei
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
An evaluation of the Gilbert-McKern pubic symphyseal age estimation method using Bayesian statistics and principal component analysis: a computed tomographic exploration in an Indian population 2023 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 80 (3): 341-57
  • Kewal Krishan
  • Pawan Kumar Garg
  • Rutwik Shedge
  • Shilpi Gupta Dixit
  • Tanuj Kanchan
  • Varsha Warrier
Paleodemography on the Prehispanic agricultural frontier (central western Argentina) at the end of the Late Holocene: an approach based on osteological proxies 2023 Chungará 55 (3): 519-38
  • Claudia M. Aranda
  • Eva Ailén Peralta
  • Leandro H. Luna
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Forensic age estimation of living individuals: a novel biometric approach to the literature review 2023 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 29 (S2): S50-S74
  • Lucina Hackman
  • Valentina Panci
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Age estimation biases based on body size: the differential impact of soft tissue on skeletal ageing 2023 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 29 (S2): S75-S93
  • Catherine E. Merritt
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Teeth and truth? Age IDentities of migrants in the making 2022 Ethnos 87 (2): 290-305
  • Sabine Netz
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Rock art from Andriamamelo Cave in the Beanka Protected Area of western Madagascar 2022 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 17 (2): 171-94
  • Ramilisonina
  • Chantal Radimilahy
  • David A. Burney
  • Gregory J. Middleton
  • Julian P. Hume
  • Owen Griffiths
  • Radosoa A. Andrianaivoarivelo
  • Roger Randalana
  • Tanambelo Rasolondrainy
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Bone mineral density in femora of documented age at death from Schoten (Belgium, 19th-20th century) 2022 Anthropologica et praehistorica (131): 161-75
  • Emmanuel Glissen
  • Rosine Orban
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
The 2019 survey of petroglyphs in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, western China 2022 Rock art research 39 (2): 143-54
  • Lari Jiyanangnima
  • Li Man
  • Li Yongxian
  • Robert G. Bednarik
  • Tang Huisheng
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Variation and age of the Gran Mural rock paintings of Baja California Sur, Mexico 2022 Rock art research 39 (2): 182-94
  • Alan Watchman
  • Maria de la Luz Gutiérrez
  • María Isabel Hernández Llosa
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Inca human sacrifices on Misti Volcano (Peru) 2021 Latin American antiquity 32 (1): 138-53
  • Dagmara M. Socha
  • Johan Reinhard
  • Ruddy Chávez Perea
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Sexual politics and social reproduction in the Pampa del Tamarugal: sex-age structure in the Tarapacá 40 cemetery (BC 1000-600 AD) 2021 Chungará 53 (3): 442-63
  • Andrea González-Ramírez
  • Arturo Sáez
  • Felipe Miranda
  • Francisca Santana-Sagredo
  • Lía Leyton
  • María José Herrera Soto
  • Mauricio Uribe Rodríguez
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
La Valle dei Templi in epoca medievale. Caratterizzazione antropologica e paleopatologica delle sepolture antistanti il Tempio della Concordia 2021 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 151 (): 139-64
  • Claudia Fiorentino
  • Luca Sineo
  • Maria Serena Rizzo
  • Roberto Miccichè
  • Salvatore Ficarra
  • Valentina Caminneci
  • Zelia Di Giuseppe
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
Cremations, more than just a little pile of ash 2021 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (1-2): 7-19
  • Birgit Grosskopf
Socioeconomic differences in permanent teeth mineralization of Portuguese girls and boys from Porto, Portugal 2021 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (4): 267-77
  • Hugo F. V. Cardoso
  • Inês Morais Caldas
Palaeodemographic interpretation of skeletal assemblages of past populations: a new evaluation of early medieval cemeteries at the 3rd and 6th churches in Mikulčice 2020 Archeologické rozhledy 72 (1): 67-101
  • Eliška Zazvonilová
  • Jaroslav Brůžek
  • Petr Velemínský
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Discovery of new type of rock paintings in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China 2020 Rock art research 37 (1): 5-18
  • Li Man
  • Shi Lanying
  • Tang Huisheng
  • Wu Xiaohua
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
The 2017 rock art mission in Hubei Province, China 2020 Rock art research 37 (1): 67-73
  • Fan Zhiyan
  • Giriraj Kumar
  • Jin Anni
  • Li Man
  • Liu Weipeng
  • Robert G. Bednarik
  • Tang Huisheng
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
The 2018 and 2019 rock art expeditions to Lianyungag, east China 2020 Rock art research 37 (1): 74-81
  • Chao Ge
  • Jin Anni
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Antiquity of Iran's rock art: pre-history or historic-Islamic time? 2020 Rock art research 37 (1): 102-6
  • Sirvan Mohammadi Ghasrian
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Prehistoric fingerprints, epidermal ridge breadth, and the age of Fremont figurine makers 2020 Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology 40 (2): 205-13
  • David T. Yoder
H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0191-3557
A millennium of population change in pre-modern Danish Ribe 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (1): 13-25
  • Dorthe Dangvard Pedersen
  • George Robert Milner
  • Hans Christian Petersen
  • Jesper Lier Boldsen
  • Morten Søvsø
  • Peter Tarp
Degenerative variance on age-related traits from pelvic bone articulations and its implication for age estimation 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (3): 243-58
  • Andrew T. Chamberlain
  • Eugénia Cunha
  • Pia Nystrom
  • Vanessa Campanacho
The impact of using new and conventional methods for the age-at-death estimation in a Czech medieval population (Mikulčice, 9th-10th century): the relationship between age-at-death and linear enamel hypoplasia 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (3): 259-68
  • Eliška Zazvonilová
  • Jaroslav Brůžek
  • Petr Velemínský
Fingerprints identification on 3000 year old Egyptian mummies 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (4): 313-31
  • Esperanza Gutiérrez-Redomero
  • Jesús Herrerín
Who painted that? The authorship of schematic rock art at the Los Machos rockshelter in southern Iberia 2020 Antiquity 94 (377): 1133-51
  • Assumpció Malgosa
  • Francisco Martínez-Sevilla
  • Javier Carrasco Rus
  • José Antonio Lozano Rodríguez
  • Kate Sharpe
  • Margarita Sánchez Romero
  • Meritxell Arqués
  • Xavier Jordana
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Study of two human mandibles. Excavations of Bas-Moulins cave (Monaco) 2019-2020 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (59): 105-9
  • Giampiero Vianello
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Investigating the expected archaeomagnetic dating precision in Europe: a temporal and spatial analysis based on the SCHA.DIF.3K geomagnetic field model 2019 Journal of archaeological science 108 (): 1-15
  • Evdokia Tema
  • Lluís Casas
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Modelling massacres. The agent-based modelling of catastrophic events using skeletal data from archaeological excavations 2019 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 76 (3): 217-21
  • Andreas Duering
Postnatal maturation of the sternum in a Portuguese skeletal sample: a variable ossification process 2019 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 76 (4): 319-31
  • Andrew T. Chamberlain
  • Hugo F. V. Cardoso
  • Vanessa Campanacho
Great Moravian skeletal remains from the open-air Archaeological Museum at Modra near Velehrad: an anthropological analysis 2019 Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales 104 (1): 15-29
  • Martina Fojtová
H6/KE [ACTA-] 0323-0570
New findings about the diet of males from the late bronze age accumulation of human skeletons K7/90 from Cezavy near Blučina, south Moravia 2019 Archeologické rozhledy 71 (2): 241-66
  • Barbara Rendl
  • Ivana Jarošová
  • Katharina Rebay-Salisbury
  • Milan Salaš
  • Sylva Drtikolová Kaupová
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
The dead don’t bury themselves: reflections on atypical burial arrangements and gender in Mierzanowice culture cemeteries 2019 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 71 (): 65-88
  • Mark Toussaint
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Expectation of life at old age: revisiting Horiuchi-Coale and reconciling with Mitra 2018 Genus 74 ():
  • Dalkhat M. Ediev
H6/HB [GENUS-] 2035-5556
Eastern Baltic region vs. Western Europe: modelling age related changes in the pubic symphysis and the auricular surface 2018 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 75 (1): 19-38
  • Rimantas Jankauskas
  • Šarūnas Jatautis
The 2015 rock art missions in China 2018 Rock art research 35 (1): 25-34
  • Giriraj Kumar
  • Jin Anni
  • Liu Wuyi
  • Robert G. Bednarik
  • Tang Huisheng
  • Wu Jiacai
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Modelling caprine age-at-death profiles using the Gamma distribution 2018 Journal of archaeological science 99 (): 19-26
  • Adrian Timpson
  • Katie Manning
  • Mark G. Thomas
  • Rosalind E. Gillis
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Skeletal remains of neonates from the Roman cemetery of Günzburg (Bavaria, FRG) - how long did the newborns survive? Microscopic assessment of the presence of the neonatal line in dental enamel 2018 Anthropologie (Brno) 56 (1): 1-10
  • Gisela Grupe
  • Lisa Stenzel
  • Martin Grünewald
  • Sidney Sebald
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Anthropological prospection of ossuary situated in Saint James Church in Brno, Czech Republic 2018 Anthropologie (Brno) 56 (2): 115-28
  • Dana Fialová
  • Eva Drozdová
  • Kateřina Boberová
  • Kristýna Brzobohatá
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Demography of Urnfields in Slovakia. View of anthropology and archaeology 2018 Památky archeologické 109 (): 97-126
  • Jaroslava Pavelková
  • Václav Furmánek
H6/KE [PAMATKY-] 0031-0506
New findings on the remains from graves K1 and K2 from the St. Vitus Rotunda at Prague Castle 2018 Archeologické rozhledy 70 (2): 260-93
  • Jan Frolík
  • Milena Bravermanová
  • Miluše Dobisíková
  • Petra Stránská
  • Sylva Kaupová
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Demographic data and figures derived from Estonian Iron Age graves 2018 Papers on anthropology 27 (2): 16-30
  • Raili Allmäe
H6/HB [PAPERS-] 1406-0140
Jackrabbit age profiles as an indicator of hunting behavior: an example from southern Arizona 2017 Kiva 83 (2): 162-82
  • Joseph E. Beaver
  • Rebecca M. Dean
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 0023-1940
Homo naledi's surprisingly young age opens up new questions 2017 Digging stick 34 (2): 17-18
  • Anonymous
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 1013-7521
New rock art complex in Saudi Arabia 2017 Rock art research 34 (2): 179-88
  • Majeed Khan
  • Robert G. Bednarik
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Pre-Columbian fishing on the coast of the Atacama Desert, northeast Chile: an investigation of fish size and species distribution using otoliths from Camarones Punta Norte and Caleta Vitor 2017 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 12 (1-4): 428-50
  • Bronwyn M. Gillanders
  • Calogero M. Santoro
  • Chris Carter
  • Morgan C.F. Dissipain
  • Sean Ulm
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894