Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Breaking the chains of television: streaming and the 'Netflix effect' in Turkey 2024 International journal of cultural studies 27 (1): 47-64
  • Aslı Ildır
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
New online histories from memorial portrait photographs of Nigerian nationalists posted on social media 2024 Cahiers d'études africaines (253): 61-91
  • Okechukwu Nwafor
Legitimating taste in cultural fields: generational classifications and symbolic struggles in representations of 'natural' wine 2024 Journal of consumer culture 24 (1): 120-37
  • Elias le Grand
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Anachronistic archives. Magdalena Jitrik on political deference 2024 Iberoamericana 24 (85): 13-25
  • Cecilia Macón
Archive of the revolt: from awakening to the virtual museum for the Chilean case 2024 Iberoamericana 24 (85): 27-50
  • Natalia Taccetta
Classical tradition in the celebrations of the Centenary of the Republic of Chile (1910) 2024 Iberoamericana 24 (85): 155-83
  • Carolina Valenzuela Matus
  • Tomás Aguilera Durán
Aesthetic assemblages: relational aesthetics of the Israeli movement practice Gaga 2024 Material religion 20 (1): 73-99
  • Lina Aschenbrenner
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Representations of gender in Estonian graffiti and street art 2024 Folklore (Tartu) 92 (): 7-48
  • Eve Annuk
  • Piret Voolaid
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
The appearance of grotesque forms in Crystal manor tales 2024 Folklore (Tartu) 92 (): 145-66
  • Esra Sazyek
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic 2024 Antiquity 98 (398): 305-22
  • Aaron Rawlinson
  • David Bridgland
  • Frederick Foulds
  • Luke Dale
  • Mark White
  • Nick Ashton
  • Pete Knowles
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and his insights into art 2024 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 46 (124): 9-34
  • Ana Luisa Izquierdo y de la Cueva
  • Elaine Day Schele
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
On the creation and articulation of forms in the abstract rock art of Durango. The case of signs made by pressing with the hands 2024 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 46 (124): 35-90
  • Daniel Herrera Maldonado
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Uses of the image in the Novo-Hispanic prints within the congregation of Saint Philip Neri 2024 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 46 (124): 91-115
  • Erika B. González León
  • Marina Garone Gravier
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Foreign aromatics, olfactory culture, and scent connoisseurship in late medieval China 2024 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 34 (2): 435-53
  • Linda Rui Feng
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
Pragmatism in Yoruba art: Dada Areogun's narrative woodcarving as cultural stewardship 2024 African arts 57 (2): 16-33
  • Christopher O. Adejumo
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
The crossover: integrating Indian sign language with mudras in an Indian classical dance performance creation 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 146-65
  • Babitha Justin
  • Methil Devika
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Attractiveness and attainment: status, beauty, and jobs in China and United States 2024 American journal of sociology 129 (6): 1720-62
  • András Tilcsik
  • Christopher Marquis
  • Ying Zhang
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
Were metal tweezers exclusively used as hair removers in the central Andes? 2024 Estudios Atacameños 70 (): 1-45
  • Luisa Vetter Parodi
  • Sergio Barraza Lescano
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Contemporary ethnographic aesthetics: the TikTok turn 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 195-211
  • Anna Magdalena Vollmer Mateus
  • Lesley Nicole Braun
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Epistemology of the ethnographic image: hybridizing genre in South Sudan's autobiographical cinema 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 283-300
  • Addamms S. Mututa
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Camaleón cultural: la construcción discursiva, musical y performativa "chola" en la artista peruana Ruby Palomino 2024 Studies in Latin American popular culture 42 (): 75-96
  • Sandra Bernal Heredia
*H6/KUL [STUDIES-] 0730-9139
Unlocking the soul of Java: the role of ethnopoetics in shaping cultural and evolutionary narratives in east Javanese literature 2024 Human evolution 39 (1-2): 85-99
  • A. Setijowati
  • I.B.P. Manuaba
  • L. Santoso
  • N. Agdholy
  • P. Karyanto
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
El disco es cultura: sonic artifacts and Latinx Chicago 2024 American anthropologist 126 (2): 282-94
  • Alex E. Chávez
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
'Plastic pollution' and plastics as pollution in Mumbai, India 2023 Ethnos 88 (1): 167-86
  • Gauri Pathak
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
An aesthetic theory of the subversive sublime of Ital cuisine 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (1): 24-46
  • Maria Ann Noland
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
“A sense of life”: the abstruse language of taste in Chinese culture 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (1): 47-62
  • Jinghong Zhang
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
On material and embodied power dynamics and religion 2023 Material religion 19 (1): 80-1
  • Lina Aschenbrenner
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Feeling material culture: affect, power, sensation 2023 Material religion 19 (1): 82-4
  • Donovan Schaefer
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Antecendents, continuities, and experimental stages in a design system: a symmetry analysis of geometric designs of the Mimbres tradition 2023 Kiva 89 (1): 26-50
  • Dorothy Washburn
  • Leon Vance
  • Stella Gregovich
  • Zane Badawi
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
‘Inbetweenness’, Tanah Air and Nusantara in Dain Said’s Bunohan (2012), Interchange (2016) and Dukun (2018) 2023 Indonesia and the Malay world 51 (149): 100-18
  • Mohd Erman Maharam
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1469-8382
Painting for fools 2023 Theory, culture and society 40 (1-2): 179-200
  • Catherine M. Soussloff
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
(In)visibility, mediated, and sporting perceptions: Bollywood, biopics, and the epistemic turn in Mary Kom 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (3): 249-79
  • Goutam Karmakar
  • Payel Pal
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Anthropological vision in interwar art and its publications: an ethnographic turn 2023 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 45 (122): 175-98
  • Javier Mañero Ridicio
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Visual effects: a fake indigenous warrior, a contested hill and urban imaginaries of indigeneity in Santiago de Chile 2023 Bulletin of Latin American research 42 (2): 264-82
  • Jonathan R. Barton
  • Olivia Casagrande
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Formas y relaciones: un análisis diacrónico de la comunicación visual en el arte rupestre de grupos cazadores-recolectores del extremo sur del Macizo del Deseado (Patagonia, Argentina) 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (1): 59-78
  • Agustín Acevedo
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Floral beadwork of the Menominee Nation 2023 Whispering wind 49 (6): 6-11
  • Frank Kodras
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
Artifacts from the perspective of Effutu masquerade performance, an aesthetic album 2023 African arts 56 (2): 48-63
  • Evans Kwadwo Donkor
  • Owusu-Ansah Ankrah
  • Victor Kweku Bondzie Micah
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Beyond the “popular” versus “serious” criticism binary: towards new histories of Black art criticism 2023 African arts 56 (2): 64-77
  • Pfunzo Sidogi
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Navigating discipline and indulgence: the performance of contradiction on Instagram food posts in the Philippines 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (3): 793-813
  • Edson Tandoc
  • Kwok Yingchen
  • Marvin Joseph F. Montefrio
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Art and politics: artivism as a world changing language and form of action 2023 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 8 (2): 1-26
  • Paulo Raposo
"Was it you Lord?": The faces of countermessianism in bodies, allegories, and icons at the Carnival Mangueira Samba School 2023 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 8 (2): 1-24
  • Evandro de Sousa Bonfim
  • João Gustavo Martins Melo de Sousa
Between images and processes of making see: research on the Mebengokré-Xikrin figurative drawings from the Lux Vidal collection 2023 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 8 (2): 1-28
  • Mariana Floria Baumgaertner
The bearable lightness of being LiNK: anti-aesthetic banality and student humanitarianism concerning North Korean refugeees 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 121-48
  • Robert Oppenheim
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Women and arts: spiritual force and ancestral African wisdom 2023 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 18 (2): 1-18
  • Liliana Parra-Valencia
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
¡Nakíssimo! Transnational identities, cultural tourism, and the aesthetics of consumption in NaCo Clothing 2023 Studies in Latin American popular culture 41 (): 21-44
  • Andrew Gordus
*H6/KUL [STUDIES-] 0730-9139
Making Fatima’s presence visible: embodied practices, ShiÊ¿i aesthetics and socio-religious transformations in Iran 2023 Material religion 19 (2): 171-89
  • Yafa Shanneik
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
From demon to deity: forging a new iconography for Mahishasur 2023 Journal of material culture 28 (1): 106-30
  • Moumita Sen
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
"I randomize, therefore I think". Computational indeterminacy and the tensions of liberal subjectivity among writers of computer-generated poetry in the United States 2023 American ethnologist 50 (1): 90-102
  • Eitan Wilf
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Pigeons and papyrus at Amarna: the birds of the Green Room revisited 2023 Antiquity 97 (391): 104-19
  • Barry J. Kemp
  • Christopher M. Stimpson
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Archaeological knowledge production: reading mortuary reconstructions 2023 Antiquity 97 (391): 213-30
  • Marianne Moen
  • Neil Price
  • Unn Pedersen
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X