Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
An emergent sovereignty: interruptions and impasses in interactions with public servants 2024 Revista colombiana de antropología 60 (1): 8-24
  • Rihan Yeh
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Emotional community: a case of accompaniment to relatives, indirect victims of femicide in Chiapas, México 2024 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 39 (67): 90-109
  • Marcela Fernández Camacho
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
The praxis of co-labor research: pathways, obstacles and strategies in working with indigenous women activists against gender violence 2024 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 39 (67): 110-29
  • Ana Cecilia Arteaga Böhrt
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Research, activism and human rights. Thirty years since the creation of the Program of Political and Legal Anthropology 2024 Cuadernos de antropologia social (59): 119-39
  • Florencia Corbelle
  • Soledad Gesteira
H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] 1850-275x
Dilemmas of the activist-researcher: balancing militant ethnography, security culture, and reflexive ethics in Australia 2024 Qualitative research 24 (3): 570-90
  • Élise Imray Papineau
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Compensation for cultural loss in Indigenous Australia 2024 Anthropology today 40 (3): 3-6
  • Richard J. Martin
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Siberia, protest, and politics: Shaman Alexander in context 2023 Focaal (95): 30-45
  • Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Enlisted in struggle: being Marxist in a time of protracted crisis 2023 Focaal (95): 61-73
  • Ahmed Kanna
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
A confusing tangle: public anthropology, indigenous lands, and ruralist myths in modern Brazil 2023 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 18 (2): 1-23
  • Cristhian Teófilo da Silva
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
The role of anthropology in India's public health: a comparative perspective with the USA and Europe 2023 Anthropology in action 30 (2): 14-18
  • Manisha Nitin Gore
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
Editors' note. Decolonizing anthropology: global perspectives 2023 American ethnologist 50 (3): 345-9
  • Jesse Hession Grayman
  • L.L. Wynn
  • Susanna Trnka
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Islanders fight. A periodization of the socio-environmental conflict in the Islas de Santa Fe National Park (Argentina) 2023 Etnografías Contemporáneas 9 (16): 64-84
  • Brián G. Ferrero
A manifesto against property 2023 Focaal (97): 1-6
  • Oscar Salemink
  • Thomas Hylland-Eriksen
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Joining the ongoing struggle: Vine Deloria, Nancy Lurie, and the quest for a decolonial anthropology 2023 Journal of anthropological research 79 (4): 468-91
  • Arndt Grant
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
Xavier Albó: theological engagement, politics and academy. Itinerary of a Jesuit missionary in Bolivia 2023 Boletín americanista (87): 191-213
  • Verushka Alvizuri
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Scholarly engagements in times of catastrophe 2023 Ethnography 24 (4): 457-60
  • Francio Guadeloupe
  • Sarah Bracke
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
I said, they said: the ethnographic backstage and the politics of producing engaged anthropology 2023 Ethnography 24 (4): 580-604
  • Roseann Liu
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Embracing disconcertment: on the need for anthropological engagement in interdisciplinary research 2023 Anthropology in action 30 (3): 20-31
  • Jennifer Jo Thompson
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
Integrando metodologias de pesquisa em antropologia e história — analisando o caso Xukuru do Ororubá x estado brasileiro na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (Cidh) 2023 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia (63): 261-75
  • Kelly Emanuelly de Oliveira
  • Rita de Cássia Neves
  • Vânia Fialho
From cultural defense to the use of anthropological expertise: developments and limitations in the recognition of sociocultural diversity in the criminal courts of the southern macro-region of Chile 2023 Chungará 55 (4): 807-22
  • Fabien Fabien Le Bonniec
  • Katherine Maldonado
  • Rodrigo Lillo
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Sovereignty and coloniality in the French-speaking Pacific: a reflection on the case of New Caledonia, 1980–2021 2022 Oceania 92 (1): 107-32
  • Isabelle Leblic
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Assembling ‘enduring peoples,' mediating recognition: anthropology, the Pascua Yaqui Indians, and the co-construction of ideas and politics 2022 History and anthropology 33 (4): 452-71
  • Nicholas Barron
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Tech-colonialism: gentrification, resistance, and belonging in San Francisco's colonial present 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (4): 785-814
  • Manissa M. Maharawal
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Anthropologists at war? 2022 Anthropology today 38 (3): 3-4
  • Aleksandar Bošković
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Society for Medical Anthropology statement on Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Decision 2022 Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 36 (4): 433-41
  • Claire L. Wendland
  • Elyse O. Singer
  • Joanna Mishtal
  • Mara Buchbinder
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0745-5194
The applied anthropology degree program at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana: features of the applied signature of anthropological wisdom from its historical praxis 2022 Human organization 81 (2): 141-50
  • José Enrique Juncosa
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Decolonizing education: roles for anthropology 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 196-214
  • Peter Demerath
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
A roadmap of possibilities: a response to Peter Demerath's frameworks to decolonize education in anthropology 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 215-20
  • Gabrielle Oliveira
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
A conversation on redefining ethical considerations in forensic anthropology 2022 American anthropologist 124 (3): 597-612
  • Allysha P. Winburn
  • Donovan M. Adams
  • Jaymelee Kim
  • Justin Z. Goldstein
  • Mari Isa
  • Marin A. Pilloud
  • Megan K. Moore
  • Sean D. Tallman
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Implementing an antiracist framework in forensic anthropology: our responsibility in professional organizations and as scientists 2022 American anthropologist 124 (3): 575-9
  • Chu J. Hsiao
  • Samantha M. McCrane
  • Sean D. Tallman
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Arthur Ramos: pionieirismo e militância antirracismo no Brasil (1926-1949) 2022 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia (62): 139-53
  • Daniel Florence Giesbrecht
Investigate and military against prisons. Methodological reflections to build ethnographic knowledge in confinement contexts 2021 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 42 (2): 367-83
  • Camila Pérez
Policing race and performing state power: immigration enforcement and undocumented Latinx immigrant precarity in central Florida 2021 City and society 33 (2): 364-81
  • Nolan Kline
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
Introduction 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 181-6
  • Antonio De Lauri
Encounters with an anthropologist 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 187-209
  • Roberto J. González
Antennas up! Laura Nader's undergraduate lecture courses as public anthropology 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 210-31
  • Erik Harms
Studying up: four modalities, two challenges 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 232-52
  • Hugh Gusterson
How others see us: anthropologists, WikiLeaks, and the vertical slice 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 253-76
  • David H. Price
Coda: letter to a mentor 2021 Public anthropologist 3 (2): 277-83
  • Elisabetta Grande
  • Ugo Mattei
Engaged research in a hurry: the case for an complications of immediate anthropology 2021 Human organization 80 (2): 117-27
  • Dillon Mahoney
  • Krista Billingsley
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Delia's return: the detention and deportation of an unaccompanied child 2021 American anthropologist 123 (3): 685-8
  • Lauren Heidbrink
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Multimodal extractivism 2021 American anthropologist 123 (3): 689-93
  • Dada Docot
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Controlling migrants: anthropological perspectives 2020 Runa 41 (1): 7-15
  • Corina Courtis
  • Denise Fegunde Jardim
  • María Inés Pacecca
Living in a toxic world 2020 Annual review of anthropology 49 (): 209-24
  • Alex M. Nading
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Haiti: an archive of occupation, 2004 - 2020 Transforming anthropology 28 (1): 3-23
  • Jemima Pierre
H6 [TRANSFORMING-] 1051-0559
Anthropologie de l'accueil. Quelques réflexions sur le contexte italien 2020 Anthropologica (New Series) 62 (1): 190-5
  • Francesco Spagna
Locating the anthropology of climate change: an interview with Ben Orlove by Virginia R. Dominguez 2020 American anthropologist 122 (4): 958-60
  • Ben Orlove
  • Virginia R. Dominguez interv
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
En mi casa quiero señas. photovoice as language advocacy 2020 Visual anthropology review 36 (2): 255-74
  • Anne E. Pfister
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Confessions of an ambivalent country expert: queer refugeeism in the UK and the political economy of (im)mobility in and out of Trinidad and Tobago 2019 Anthropological theory 19 (1): 191-215
  • Keith E. McNeal
An unlikely cause: the struggle for dirver's licenses to prevent family separation 2019 Practicing anthropology 41 (1): 3-6
  • Jennifer R. Guzmán
  • Melanie A. Medeiros
qH6 [PRACTICING-] 0888-4552