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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Archaeological research in the Ili region: a review 2020 Asian perspectives 59 (2): 338-84
  • Chi Zhang
  • Marcella Festa
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Cycles of historical inquiry: evaluating the historical paradigm of nomadism in Iron Age north central Eurasia 2018 World archaeology 50 (5): 748-63
  • Kathryn MacFarland
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
New Early Saka burials in the Northern Kazakhstan 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 142-54
  • Alekseĭ N. Sviridov
  • Sergazy K. Sakenov
  • Sergeĭ A. IArygin
  • Sergeĭ B. Val'chak
  • Sergeĭ V. Demidenko
  • Vladimir IU. Malashev
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Radiocarbon chronology of sites of the Sargatskaia culture of Western Siberia 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 3-20
  • N.P. Matveeva
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Scythian-Saka roots of the Buta ornament 2017 Bulgarski folklor 43 (4): 487-99 [plates i-iv]
  • KHasan Aziz-oglu KHasanov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
Early iron age kurgans from the North-Caucasus 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 280-4
  • Andreĭ B. Belinskiĭ
  • Anton Gass
  • Hermann Parzinger
  • Ina Hofmann
  • Jörg W.E. Fassbinder
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Gold of early Saks period from Shilikty valley, Kazakhstan 2009 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 15 (): 175-83
  • Abdesh Tashkenovish Toleubaev
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
On the origin of Saka archaeological culture (some research problems) 2008 Izvestiia Ministerstva Nauki Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, seria obschchestvennykh nauk 1 (): 61-6
  • A. S. Ganieva
H6/KVY [AKADEMIA-] 0202-1382
Cities and steppes in prehistory: sedentism and agriculturalism among Saka and Usun peoples in Jetysu, the region of Semirech'e (the Land of the Seven Streams) 2008 Izvestiia Ministerstva Nauki Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, seria obschchestvennykh nauk 1 (): 3-25
  • K. M. Baipakov
H6/KVY [AKADEMIA-] 0202-1382
On cultic meaning of constructions from adobe brick with crosses in the region of the middle Syr-Darya river 2008 Izvestiia Ministerstva Nauki Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, seria obschchestvennykh nauk 1 (): 218-38
  • G. A. Ternovaia
H6/KVY [AKADEMIA-] 0202-1382
Some types of hot-forged mirrors of Sarmatian times with high tin content (technical specifications) 2006 Kratkie soobshcheniia 220 (): 42-51, 227
  • I. G. Ravich
H6/KVY [AKADEMYA-] 0130-2620
Questions related to the study of the early iron age settlements in Central Kazakhstan 2006 Izvestiia Natsional’noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 252 (1): 36-45
  • A. Z. Beisenov
  • V. G. Loman
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK KAZAKHSKOY SSR. Izvestoya. Seriya obshchestvennaya] 0202-1382
Borders of Armenia and Transcaucasia (the 4th-2nd centuries BC) 2006 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 1 (): 298-306
  • Feliks Ter-Martirosov
The battle belts of the early Saki 2004 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 140-5
  • A. D. Tairov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
The bronze age 'proto-cities' in southern Urals and in ancient Khoresm 2004 Kratkie soobshcheniia 217 (): 71-9, 139
  • T. S. Maliutina
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye soobshcheniya] 0130-2620
The Xiong-Nu and the Huns 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 13 (): 106-27
  • S. G. Botalov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Semantics of the scene of the mirror from the Rogozikha-1 site 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 130-8
  • A. P. Umanskiĭ
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Interactions between the neighbouring regions of Kazakhstan and eastern Turkestan in ancient times and middle ages 2002 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 239 (4): 38-48
  • Risalat Usmanovna Karimova
H6/KVY 'AKADEMIYA NAUK KAZAKHSKOY SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya 0132-6163
An elite burial of the period of early nomads in Tuva: a preliminary report of the 2001 Russian-German archaeological expedition 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 10 (): 115-26
  • A. Nagler
  • H. Parzinger
  • K. V. CHugunov
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Rock art on the rocks; rock art off the rocks: iron age petroglyphic images and agricultural societies in Xinjiang and Bactria 2002 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 12 (): 62-73
  • H. - P. Francfort
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Surveys carried out during the [Seri-Arka] archaeological expedition in central Kazakhstan 2002 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 236 (1): 31-41
  • Arman Ziiadinovich Beisenov
The Maikuben' mounds from the middle of the 1st millennium BC in central Kazakhstan 2001 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 230 (1): 66-71
  • Arman Ziiadinovich Beisenov
The Baite-3 sanctuary: towards the semantics of its temple's shape 2001 Mythology Art Folklore 7 (): 219-32
  • V.S. Ol'khovskii
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Urgent questions gathering steam in Sarmatian archaeology 2001 Mythology Art Folklore 7 (): 240-51
  • M.G. Moshkova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Early iron age settlements in ZHetysay: new archaeological data 2001 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 230 (1): 53-66
  • Aleksei Nikolaevich Mar'iashev
  • Karl Moldakhmedovich Baipakov
Technical and technological analysis of the pottery from the Saka-Usu period from the settlements in the area of ZHetysu 2000 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 224 (1): 161-5
  • O. V. Kuznetsova
On the biological affinities and origin of the northern Pontic Scythians 2000 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia (3): 145-52
  • A. G. Kozintsev
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
The preliminary results from the archaeological excavations at the area of the Saka period settlement of Tsyganka 8 2000 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 224 (1): 266-8
  • C. Chang
  • K. M. Baipakov
The Yarhoto site (Turfan depression, China) in the context of [the] Hunnu problem 2000 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia (3): 89-99
  • Kang In-Uk
  • V. I. Molodin
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Soviet superpowers 1997 Natural history 106 (2): 38-9
  • Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer
On the problem of forming of the craniological type of the ancient herd nomads of Central Asia and Kazakhstan 1996 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 45-52
  • L. T. IAblonskii
[Results of the research of the Kazakhstan-American archaeological project in the Talgar region] 1996 Izvestiia Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 2 (207): 86-91
  • Claudia Chang
[The Besagash river hoard of bronze vessels from Semirech'e] 1996 Izvestiia Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 2 (207): 41-51
  • Karl Moldakhmetovich Baipakov
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