Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Punan "gita", Penan Banalui, Punan Aput: from hunter-gatherers to average citizens | 2017 | Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 283-319 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Remembering Rodney Needham the Penan way | 2017 | Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 320-9 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Join us for lunch. Iconic, indexical, and numeric signposting used by the Penan for communicating in the rainforest | 2017 | Anthropos (St Augustin) 112 (1): 75-93 | H6 [ANTHROPOS-] | 0257-9774 | |||
Longhouses and nomadism: is there a connection? | 2015 | Borneo research bulletin 46 (): 194-220 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Sebop, Penan, and Kenyah internal linguistic classification | 2015 | Borneo research bulletin 46 (): 172-93 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Tamu: institutionalized barter trade, the Penan and their encounter with the colonial and post-colonial state | 2013 | Borneo research bulletin 44 (): 178-92 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Reading human activity in the landscape: stone and thunderstones in the Kelabit highlands | 2012 | Indonesia and the Malay world 40 (118): 355-71 | H6/KX [INDONESIA-] | 1363-9811 | |||
Tapioca for breakfast with the Penan in Long Beruang | 2011 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 69 (90): 43-52 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Making sense of the landscape: eastern Penan perspectives | 2011 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 69 (90): 79-110 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
The Cultured Rainforest Project: archaeological investigations in the third (2009) season of fieldwork in the Kelabit highlands of Sarawak | 2010 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 67 (88): 57-104 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Bario diary June 3-June 27, 1966 | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 211-49 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The Cultured Rainforest Project: the second (2008) field season | 2009 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 66 (87): 119-84 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Douglas Miles and Borneo | 2008 | The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 9 (3): 189-97 | H6 [CANBERRA-] | 1444-2213 | |||
Penan and the Pulong Tau National Park: historical links and contemporary life | 2008 | Borneo research bulletin 39 (): 128-65 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The Cultured Rainforest Project: the fist (2007) field season | 2008 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 65 (86): 121-90 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Penan Benalui wild-plant use, classification, and nomenclature | 2007 | Current anthropology 48 (3): 454-9 | H6 [CURRENT-] | 0011-3204 | |||
Doing fieldwork among the Penan: an interview with Rodney Needham recorded in 2000 by Joella Werlin | 2007 | Borneo research bulletin 38 (): 18-27 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Baskets from the forest: Kelabit baskets of Long Peluan | 2006 | Borneo research bulletin 37 (): 127-56 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Ethnobotany of the Penan Benalui of east Kalimantan, Indonesia: difference of ethnobotanical knowledge among villagers of Long Belaka | 2005 | African study monographs supplementary issue 29 (): 53-60 | H6/KY [AFRICAN STUDY MONOGRAPHS. Supplementary issue. 33] | 0286-9667 | |||
Protagonist of paradise: the life, death, and legacy of Bruno Manser | 2005 | Borneo research bulletin 35 (): 180-3 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Die Penan brauchen unsere Hilfe | 2002 | Pogrom 32 (2): 34-6 | 0720-5058 | ||||
Endangered forest, endangered people: environmentalist representations of indigenous knowledge | 1997 | Human ecology 25 (1): 47-69 | |||||
Prior transcripts, divergent paths: resistance and acquiescence to logging in Sarawak, east Malaysia | 1997 | Comparative studies in society and history 39 (3): 468-510 | H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] | ||||
Foraging in tropical rain forests: the case of the Penan of Sarawak, east Malaysia (Borneo) | 1991 | Human ecology 19 (2): 123-50 | |||||
Some features of the solo dance that maintain its viability for tribes in transition in Sarawak | 1991 | Sarawak Museum Journal 42 (63): 159-76 | |||||
Penan hunter-gatherers of Sarawak, east Malaysia | 1990 | Anthroquest 42 (): 1, 3-7 |