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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Indigenous intellectuals of the Nasa people: from confusion to rebirth 2024 Anales de antropología 58 (2): 17-28
  • Sebastián Levalle
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
A story about the beating heart of the Nasa Yuwe language 2024 Cultural Survival quarterly 48 (3): 16-17
  • Nati Garcia
H6/KD [CULTURAL-] 0740-3291
The origins of complexity: a first approach to the reconstruction of Nasa Yuwe phonology 2023 Indiana 40 (2): 49-73
  • Esteban Díaz Montenegro
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
Remembering by spiriting: intercultural conversations about the collective memory of the Nasa people 2023 Mana 29 (3): 1-30
  • Sebastián Levalle
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
The hummingbird and the condor among the Nasa symbolize spirituality in the ceremony of the Saakhelu 2022 Journal of ethnobiology 42 (2): 329-40
  • Edna Lourdes Orozco Calambas
  • Fernando Orozco Calambas
  • William Orlando Castillo Ordoñez
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Challenges for conceptualization with indigenous peoples: between the ontological turn and collaborative research 2022 Revista colombiana de antropología 58 (3): 8-33
  • Sebastián Levalle
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Humans as keepers of the universe: the water cycle in Native Colombian cosmology 2022 Cosmos 33-36 (): 101-28
  • Lucie Vinsova
H6/KFO [COSMOS-] 0269-8773
Missing the political: a southern critique of political ontology 2021 Anthropological theory 21 (4): 411-36
  • Mónica L. Espinosa Arango
Moving pride: the social movement of Nasa and Misak youth in Cali, Colombia 2021 Alteridades (61): 81-91
  • Beatriz Eugenia Rivera Pedroza
  • Valeria Alexandra Calvo Ortiz
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Co-collaborate, co-discover the field, co-discover oneself in it and be interpellated. Learning to learn about the experiences of "rape" of Nasa women in northern Cauca 2018 Revista colombiana de antropología 54 (1): 89-119
  • Marcela Amador Ospina
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Civil resistance of indigenous, black and mestizo people in Colombia 2018 Český Lid 105 (1): 67-85
  • Klára Kleňhová
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
“I am a jaguar.” A transversal interpretation, between philosophy and anthropology, of shamanic accounts of animals in the Inga and Kamënsta indigenous communities 2017 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología 28 (): 153-70
  • Jennifer Andrea Rivera Zambrano
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Not only to create the memory of ourselves as indigenous peoples, but also how to see that memory 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 189-95
  • Marisol Calambá Soscué
The nasa yat: territory and worldview. An interdisciplinary approach to the problem of change and adaptation among the Nasa 2013 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 28 (46): 244-71
  • Jairo Tocancipá-Falla
  • Marcela Paredes
  • Marisol Orozco
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
'Es gibt kein Haus mehr für den Duende!' 'Natur' und 'kulturelles Gedächtnis': das Beispiel de Nasa Kolumbiens 2013 Tribus (): 80-99
  • Josef Drexler
H6 [TRIBUS-] 0082-6413
The encomienda system in the villages of the Paez province in the 17th century 2010 Fronteras de la Historia 15 (1): 61-107
  • Marcela Quiroga Zuluaga
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Manuel Quintín Lame interpreted from inside: cognitive practices in discourse 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 82-98
  • Betty Osorio
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
History and its discontents: stone statues, native histories, and archaeologies 2008 Current anthropology 49 (3): 439-66
  • Carolina Hernández
  • Cristobál Gnecco
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Truth and ethnographic redescriptions 2007 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología 5 (): 241-74
  • Elías Sevilla Casas
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
"Unser kühles Territorium": Das indoamerikanische Konzept der "Territorialhygiene" am Beispiel des Ressourcenkrisenmanagements der Nasa (Páez) des kolumbianishen Tierradentro 2007 Indiana 24 (): 291-315
  • Josef Drexler
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
Localization in Nasa Yuwe 2004/2005 Amérindia 29/30 (): vi-vii, 207-16
  • Abelardo Ramos Pacho
  • Tulio Rojas Curieux
*H6/KUL [AMERINDIA-] 0221-8852
Die Heilung des Territoriums. Das Saakhelu-Ritual des Nasa (Páez) von Tierradentro (Cauca, Kolombien) 2004 Indiana 21 (): 141-73
  • Josef Drexler
H6/KUL [INDIANA-] 0341-8642
La poética de los tiestos: el sentido de la cultura material prehispánica en una comunidad Nasa 2002 Arqueología del área intermedia 4 (): 137-57
  • Wilhelm Londoño
H6/KE [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0124-4841
Aproximación al estudio del sistema cognoscitivo de la alimentación paez 1986 Maguaré 4 (4): 7-20
  • Esther Sánchez de Guzmán
H6/KUL [MAGUARE-] 0120-3045
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