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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Hymncraft: Joseph Johnson, Thomas Commuck, and the composition of song and community from the Native North American Northeast to Brothertown 2021 Native American and indigenous studies 8 (1): 19-55
  • Caroline Wigginton
Running for a nation: the remarkable story of Ellison "Tarzan" Brown 2020 Ethnohistory 67 (2): 221-45
  • Mack H. Scott III
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
The Boston marathon and Indian tradition 2017 American Indian NMAI 18 (1): 40-7
  • Heriberto Dixon
  • Laurence M. Hauptman
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 1528-0640
Algonquian naming, power, and relationality in a rare Native love poem 2017 Papers of the Algonquian conference 46 (): 213-22
  • Melissa Tantaguidgeon Zobel
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
"In contempt and oblivion": censuses, ethnogeography, and hidden Indian histories in eighteenth-century southern New England 2015 Ethnohistory 62 (1): 61-94
  • Jason Mancini
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
The ancient ceremonial landscape and King Philip's war battlefields of Nipsachuck 2015 Northeast anthropology (83-84): 133-49
  • Dong Harris
  • Paul A. Robinson
Remembering stone piles in New England 2013 Northeast anthropology (79-80): 37-80
  • Timothy H. Ives
The runes and language of the Spirit Pond stones and the Narragansett inscription can be found in modern books 2009 Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers 27 (): 94-110
  • Richard Nielsen
The dialectology of southern New England Algonquian 2007 Papers of the Algonquian conference 38 (): 81-127
  • David J. Costa
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Dispersed villages in late woodland period south-coastal Rhode Island 2006 Archaeology of eastern North America 34 (): 71-89
  • Alan Leveillee
  • Donna Ingham
  • Joseph Waller jr.
*H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Applied archaeology influencing Native traditions: a case from Rhode Island 2002 Archaeology of eastern North America 30 (): 21-8
  • Alan Leveillee
The right to name: the Narragansett people and Rhode Island officials in the revolutionary era 1997 Ethnohistory 44 (3): 433-462
  • Ella Wilcox Sekatau
  • Ruth Wallis Herndon
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