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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Yuhupdeh nominations: engenderment, care and strenghthening of the breath-of-life name 2024 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 19 (1): 1-15
  • Henrique Junio Felipe
  • Pedro Lolli
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
What can a map do? Agency in the traits and paths of the drawings of the Hupd'äh people 2024 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 19 (1): 1-22
  • Bruno Marques
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Multilingual networks past and present: insights from Naduhup languages of northwestern Amazonia 2021 Anthropological linguistics 63 (4): 422-50
  • Karolin Obert
  • Patience Epps
The trumpets of howlers: on the artefactual mode of existence of person in the Upper Rio Negro 2021 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 16 (2): 1-22
  • Paulo Menotti del Picchia
  • Pedro Lolli
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Nietzsche, a Thomas the Apostle among wild boars 2019 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 74 (2): 1-16
  • Mark Münzel
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
On the way to Jaguar City. Dialogues about the dreams along the pathway to the Big Mountain-Metropolis of the Hupd’äh 2018 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 61 (1): 329-59
  • Danilo Paiva Ramos
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
Reconsidering the "Makú" language family of northwest Amazonia 2017 International journal of American linguistics 83 (3): 467-507
  • Katherine Bolaños
  • Patience Epps
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Sensitizing public opinion: media strategies in the emergency humanitarian assistance plan for the Nukak-Makú 2015 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 30 (49): 58-77
  • Álvaro Andrès Santoyo
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
The ethnographic works of Peter van Emst, Mario and Michel Terribilini in the northwest Amazon in the second half of the 20th century 2014 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 29 (47): 96-115
  • Gabriel Cabrera Becerra
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Atraversando pessoas no noroeste amazônico 2014 Mana 20 (2): 281-305
  • Pedro Lolli
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
Sopros de vida e destruição: composição e decomposição de pessoas 2013 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 56 (2): 365-96
  • Pedro Lolli
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
The Hupd'äh notion of living well in their territory 2013 Mundo Amazonico 4 (): 31-56
  • Cecília Anne McCallum
  • Lirian Ribeiro Montero
Linking valence change and modality: diachronic evidence from Hup (Amazonia) 2010 International journal of American linguistics 76 (3): 335-56
  • Patience Epps
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Estudos etno-biológicos sôbre os Índios da região do Alto Rio Negro - Amazonas - nota III (*) - Observações sôbre o curare dos Índios "Makú" 2005 Thule 18/19 (): 197-205
  • Éttore Biocca
H6/KUL [THULE-] 1126-8611
Nómadas en el oriente colombiano: una respuesta adaptiva al entorno social 2003 Maguaré 17 (): 274-84
  • Francisco Ortíz Gómez
Mi gente, la otra gente y los otros: identidad y cambio cultural entre los nukak de la amazonia colombiana 2000 Revista de antropología y arqueología 12 (1/2): 40-73
  • Carlos Eduardo Franky Calvo
La actividad infantil en la producción del registro arqueológico de cazadores-recolectores 1999 Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (São Paulo) (Suplemento) 3 (): 263-83
  • Gustavo G. Politis
Aspects of Yuhup phonology 1999 International journal of American linguistics 65 (3): 324-42
  • Aurise Branda o Lopes
La categoria [makú]: de palabra amerindia a denominación peyorativa 1998 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 131-50 ():
  • Siliva M. Vidal
About Maku indians - fieldwork report in the Colombian Vaupes (1994-1996) 1998 Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes andines 27 (1): 159-71
  • Catherine Salamand
Language, society and numeration among the Maku indians (upper Rio Negro region Brazil) 1997 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 83 (): 159-72
  • Jorge Pozzobon
Hoti: a marginal group of the Venzuelan Amazon. Preparation of a new mission involving fieldwork 1997 Thule 2/3 (): 207-37
  • Gerardo Bamonte
  • Sergio Kociancich
English, French,Portuguese and Spanish summaries
Los makú del noroeste amazónico 1996/7 Revista colombiana de antropología 33 (): 85-132
  • Dany Mahecha Rubio
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