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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Local knowledge versus national development: bride seclusion among the Maale as a period of preparation and consolidation 2013 African study monographs supplementary issue (46): 4, 97-120, [plate v]
  • Sophia Thubauville
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0286-9667
Female technology: the identity of neolithic potters 2013 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 8 (1): 295-316
  • Jasna Vuković
Brides behind bars. Maale women as captives between tradition and development 2012 Paideuma 58 (): 213-28
  • Sophia Thubauville
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
Unabhängige Fremde. Mobilität und Identität von Frauen in Maale (Südäthiopien) 2011 Paideuma 57 (): 121-34
  • Sophia Thubauville
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
Decentralization as a solution to the problem of cultured diversity: an example from Ethiopia 2007 Africa 77 (2): 207-25
  • John Hamer
H6/KY [AFRICA-] 0001-9720
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