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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Analyzing the cultural utilities of non timber forest products (NTFP's) among the tribes of western Attappady in Kerala 2016 Journal of human ecology 56 (3): 328-34
  • Alex Ashish
  • K. Vidyasagaran
  • S. Gopakumar
H6 [JOURNAL-] 2456-6608
Genomic evidence for an African expansion of anatomically modern humans by a southern route 2011 Human biology 83 (4): 477-89
  • Guido Barbujani
  • luca Penso-Dolfin
  • Silvia Ghirotto
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Adivasi art, or tribal art of India. An art in search of history 2010 Tribal art 14 (2): 88-95
  • Raphaël Rousseleau
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Genetic profile of Jenu Kuruba, Betta Kuruba and Soliga tribes of southern Karnataka and their phylogenetic relationships 2008 The Anthropologist 10 (1): 11-20
  • Satish Kumar
The mixed economy of the south Indian Kurumbas 2003 Ethnology 42 (4): 323-34
  • George Tharakan
Les Kurimba et la Mission Lebaudy-Griaule (1938-1939) 2001 Journal des africanistes 71 (1): 113-19
  • Michel Izard
Indigenous women, seed preservation and sustainable farming 1998 Journal of human ecology 9 (2): 181-5
  • Zubeeda Banu
Socio-cultural factors and marriage among Jenukuruba and Kadukuruba tribes of Karnataka 1993 Man in India 73 (1): 17-27
  • R Mutharayappa
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