Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Cat naps below grinning skulls | 2022 | Asian textiles (82): 16-26 | H6/KGG [OXFORD-] | ||||
Styles and approaches in academic argument | 2018 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 174 (4): 473-80 | H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] | 0006-2294 | |||
Freeman and the abuse of authority | 2018 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 174 (4): 450-71 | H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] | 0006-2294 | |||
Professor Freeman and the interpretation of Iban ritual textiles | 2018 | Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 17-32 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Iban gawai rituals in their twilight in Kapit, Malaysia | 2018 | Indonesia and the Malay world 46 (135): 198-217 | H6/KX [INDONESIA-] | 1363-9811 | |||
Claiming authority: Derek Freeman, his legacy and interpretations of the Iban of Borneo | 2017 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 173 (1): 83-113 | H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] | 0006-2294 | |||
The Iban weavers of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo | 2017 | Textile Asia 9 (2): 14-23 | H1/KGG [TEXTILES ASIA. Newsletter-] | ||||
A chief's caveat, a rajah's gift, a museum's treasure: journey of a 19th-century Iban textile called Lebur api from Borneo to the British Museum | 2017 | Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 210-35 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The far country: memories of a CUSO volunteer in Sarawak, 1966-1968 | 2017 | Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 158-67 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
From Sarawak to the world: sixty years of overseas volunteering in the Borneo states | 2017 | Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 126-57 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Woven power | 2016 | Hali (190): 98-103 | *H6/KGG [HALI-] | 0142-0798 | |||
Between two worlds: research in Sarawak, 1965-66 | 2015 | Borneo research bulletin 46 (): 264-302 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Showing a bit of mussel | 2014 | Hali 181 (): 80-3 | *H6/KGG [HALI-] | 0142-0798 | |||
Trade and transformation on the Borneo frontier: towards a study of the Baram region of Sarawak in the late nineteenth century | 2014 | Borneo research bulletin 45 (): 87-135 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Label, title and juluk: the naming system for weaving designs of Iban ritual fabric | 2014 | Borneo research bulletin 45 (): 190-205 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
His story, her story: Chinese-Iban intermarriages in Engkelili and Lubok Antu | 2014 | Borneo research bulletin 45 (): 206-29 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Rainments of the rainforest | 2013 | Hali (178): 70-9 | *H6/KGG [HALI-] | 0142-0798 | |||
On the culture of material value and the cosmography of riches | 2013 | Hau 3 (2): 161-95 | 2049-1115 | ||||
Between archaeology and anthropology: imagining neolithic settlements | 2013 | Anthropologie (Brno) 51 (2): 323-47 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] | 0323-1119 | |||
Decorated mats of the peoples of the Borneo hinterland | 2013 | Tribal art (69): 126-37 | *H6/KFY [WORLD-] | 1354-2990 | |||
From frontier region to Genturung Pendiau dual residency and the making of new Iban settlements in peri-urban Kapit | 2012 | Borneo research bulletin 43 (): 162-85 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The modernization of Iban eschatology: Iban burial ritual and afterlife beliefs in contemporary Kuching | 2012 | Borneo research bulletin 43 (): 134-61 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Timang (Pengap), Pelian and Sabak: Iban Leka Main singing styles | 2012 | Borneo research bulletin 43 (): 114-33 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Iban, Ibanic, and Ketungau | 2012 | Borneo research bulletin 43 (): 88-113 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Multiple voices, reportive and reported speech in Saribas Iban shamanic chants | 2011 | Shaman 19 (1-2): 169-210 | *H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] | 1216-7827 | |||
The Iban of Merotai: Bejalai narratives | 2011 | Borneo research bulletin 42 (): 260-74 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The Methodist Church in Sarawak and its work among the Iban, 1939-1968 | 2011 | Borneo research bulletin 42 (): 127-71 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Of questions and raised eyebrows: piercing the feminine veil | 2010 | Asian textiles (46): 14-22 | H6/KGG [OXFORD-] | ||||
Sebayan: Iban belief about the afterlife and the Anglican mission in Sarawak 1848-1968 | 2010 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 67 (88): 1-23 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Possibilities and perceptions of a community micro-hydro project in west Kalimantan | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 183-95 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Forestry and fishery conflict in Danau Sentarum: application of an impairment approach | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 145-61 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Biofuel policies and their impact on local people and biodiversity: a case study from Danau Sentarum | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 109-44 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Rapid human population growth and its impacts on Danau Sentarum | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 101-8 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Fluid landscapes and contested boundaries in Danaum Sentarum | 2010 | Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 36-61 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
The Ibanic languages of western Borneo: additional linguistic data | 2009 | Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 66 (87): 97-118 | H6/KX [SARAWAK-] | 0375-3050 | |||
Restoring Panggau Libau: a reassessment of engkeramba' in Saribas Iban ritual textiles (pua' kumbu') | 2009 | Borneo research bulletin 40 (): 221-48 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
K.F. Wong: Images of Borneo | 2008 | Tribal art 49 (): 156-63 | *H6/KFY [WORLD-] | 1354-2990 | |||
Rejoinder brief on: Iban Art by Michael Heppell and 'Women's war: an update of the literature on Iban textiles' by Michael Heppell | 2008 | Borneo research bulletin 39 (): 274-8 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Timber orientation in the traditional architecture of Indonesia | 2008 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 164 (4): 450-74 | H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] | 0006-2294 | |||
Rules of inheritance and transfer of land by the Iban of Sarawak: land as an intergenerational resource | 2007 | Borneo research bulletin 38 (): 148-58 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Metamorphosis and ancestrality: revisiting Sarawak Iban "gods" | 2007 | Anthropologie et sociétés 31 (3): 127-45 | H6/KX [SOCIETE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
Slashed and burned: war, environment, and resource insecurity in west Borneo during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries | 2007 | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 13 (1): 109-28 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 1359-0987 | |||
Religious scepticism and its social context: an analysis of Iban shamanism | 2006 | Anthropological forum 16 (1): 41-54 | H6/KX [ANTHROPOLOGICAL-] | 0066-4677 | |||
Datin Amar Margaret Linggi 1949-2006 | 2006 | Borneo research bulletin 37 (): 12-13 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Wildlife diversity on the periphery of Danau Sentarum National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia | 2006 | Borneo research bulletin 37 (): 157-74 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Women's war: an update on the literature on Iban textiles | 2006 | Borneo research bulletin 37 (): 182-92 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 | |||
Words, poetics, and the disclosure of meaning in Iban shamanic rituals | 2005 | Suomen antropologi 30 (2): 24-43 | H6 [SUOMEN-] | 0355-3930 | |||
Autonomy, identity, and 'illegal' logging in the borderland of west Kalimantan, Indonesia | 2005 | The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 6 (1): 19-34 | H6 [CANBERRA-] CURRENT | 1444-2213 | |||
Language games: Iban textile designs in their cultural context | 2005 | Hali 140 (): 78-85 | *H6/KFY [HALI-] | 0142-0798 | |||
Words, poetics, and the disclosure of meaning in Ssribas Iban healing rituals | 2005 | Borneo research bulletin 36 (): 139-62 | H6/KX [BORNEO-] | 0006-7806 |