Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Some factors shaping the expansion of Hutterite colonies in Alberta since the repeal of the Communal Property Act in 1973 2013 Canadian ethnic studies 45 (1-2): 203-36
  • Simon M. Evans
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0008-3496
The effect of menarcheal age on anthropometric, limb length, and bone measures in Hutterite and Non-Hutterite women 2008 American journal of human biology 20 (6): 693-9
  • Bonny Specker
  • Courtney Grimsrud
  • Teresa Binkley
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
The shape of high fertility in a traditional Mennonite population 2006 Annals of human biology 33 (5/6): 557-69
  • James P. Hurd
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
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