Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Becoming a (neuro)migrant: Haitian migration, translation and subjectivation in Santiago, Chile | 2024 | Medical anthropology 43 (3): 262-76 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 1545-5882 | |||
The social afterschock of a migration crisis: racial threat and racial drift in the Dominican Republic | 2024 | Ethnic and racial studies 47 (10): 2019-31 | H6/KD [ETHNIC-] | 1466-4356 | |||
A Haitian-Cuban supercentenarian: Emilio Duanes, the Archives of Migration, and narratives of belonging in Cuba's digital landscape | 2024 | New West Indian guide 98 (3-4): 277-305 | H6/KUL [NWIG-] | 0028-9930 | |||
Brazil and the MINUSTAH: armed forces and the perpetuation of stigmas in the intent to reconstruct the Haitian nation | 2024 | Etnografías Contemporáneas (18): 206-28 | 2451-8050 | ||||
Practices of (micro) Marronage: manbos, solidarity, détours, and heritage in Fabienne Kanor's Humus | 2023 | New West Indian guide 97 (1-2): 26-52 | H6/KUL [NWIG-] | 0028-9930 | |||
'The filthy people': racism in digital spaces during Covid-19 in the context of South-South migration | 2022 | International journal of cultural studies 25 (3-4): 404-27 | H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] | 1367-8779 | |||
The Haitian zombie motif: the banality of antiblack violence | 2022 | Journal of visual culture 21 (2): 255-76 | H6/KF [JOURNAL-] | 1470-4129 | |||
Desired formality: labor migration, black markets, and the state in Chile | 2022 | Focaal (94): 115-28 | H6/KF [FOCAAL-] | 0920-1297 | |||
Building local capacity for monitoring health through nutritional status training in the Dominican Republic | 2022 | Practicing anthropology 44 (2): 46-51 | qH6 [PRACTICING-] | 0888-4552 | |||
Skilling race: affective labor and 'white' pedagogies in the Chilean service economy | 2022 | American anthropologist 124 (3): 536-47 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
Chain of favors and payments: transnational indebtedness relations of the Haitian population residing in Quilicura, Santiago de Chile | 2021 | Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (43): 97-119 | H6/KUL [REVISTA-] | 0124-485X | |||
Migrants’ fear as read between the lines in a newspaper: The Sa k pasé (1992) from the Guantánamo Naval Base | 2021 | Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (44): 3-28 | H6/KUL [REVISTA-] | 0124-485X | |||
A coffin in the courtyard: Evangelical funerals in a transnational Haitian family | 2021 | Journal de la Société des Américanistes 107 (1): 9-43 | H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] | 0037-9174 | |||
Batey studies as a critical area of research and intervention: a reflection on "Structural violence as social practice: Haitian agricultural workers, anti-Haitianism, and health in the Dominican Republic" | 2021 | Human organization 80 (3): 236-7 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 | |||
Structural violence as social practice: Haitian agricultural workers, anti-Haitianism, and health in the Dominican Republic | 2021 | Human organization 80 (3): 248-55 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 | |||
The house and the altars | 2020 | Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 24 (2): 351-70 | H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] | 2182-2891 | |||
Universal history upside down: reflections on Hegel and Haiti | 2020 | Nka: journal of contemporary African art (46): 28-39 | H6/KY [NKA-] | 1075-7163 | |||
Experiences of sexual and gender minorities in an urban enclave of Haiti: despised, beaten, stoned, stabbed, shot and raped | 2020 | Culture, health & sexuality 22 (6): 690-704 | H6/KGT [CULTURE-] | 1464-5351 | |||
Pajón power: styling citizenship and Black politics in the Dominican natural hair movement | 2020 | Ethnic and racial studies 43 (12): 2120-39 | H6/KD [ETHNIC-] | 2099-2119 | |||
Rather be known as Haitian: identity construction of the ethnically-identified second generation | 2020 | Ethnic and racial studies 43 (12): 2158-75 | H6/KD [ETHNIC-] | 2099-2119 | |||
The public sphere of the Haitian (post-)revolution: conditioned communication in Louis Dubroca and Baron de Vastey | 2020 | Colonial Latin American review 29 (2): 445-64 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1466-1802 | |||
Haiti: an archive of occupation, 2004 - | 2020 | Transforming anthropology 28 (1): 3-23 | H6 [TRANSFORMING-] | 1051-0559 | |||
Muertos civiles: mourning the casualities of racism in the Dominican Republic | 2020 | Transforming anthropology 28 (1): 41-57 | H6 [TRANSFORMING-] | 1051-0559 | |||
Genesis of Haitian cultural nationalism. The literacy circle from 1836-1839 | 2020 | Cahiers d'études africaines (237): 62-88 | H6/KY [CAHIERS-] | 0008-0055 | |||
Los ritmos afro haitianos y sus dimensiones históricas | 2020 | Thule (48/49): 311-23 | H6/KUL [THULE-] | 1126-8611 | |||
Cholera control and anti-Haitian stigma in the Dominican Republic: from migration policy to lived experience | 2019 | Anthropology and medicine 26 (2): 123-41 | H6/KGT [BRITISH-] | 1364-8470 | |||
Sent spirits, meaning-making, and agency in Haiti | 2019 | Ethos 47 (3): 367-86 | H6/KH [ETHOS-] | 0091-2131 | |||
A voudou ceramic jug from the northern Everglades | 2019 | Florida anthropologist 72 (4): 179-83 | H6/KUB [FLORIDA-] | 0015-3893 | |||
Kreyòl anba Duvalier, 1957-1986 | 2019 | New West Indian guide 93 (3-4): 231-57 | H6/KUL [NWIG-] | 0028-9930 | |||
Les Haïtiens face au march'e du travail chilien: des jeux de catégorisation aux luttes de classement | 2019 | Civilisations 68 (): 183-204 | H6 [CIVILISATIONS-] | 0009-8140 | |||
Resonances of Haitian traumas with young former gang members from Montreal | 2018 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 19 (1): 62-70 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
Different cultural approaches: agricultural land use by indigenous people and Haitian migrants in French Guiana | 2018 | Etudes rurales 202 (): 158-76 | H6 [ETUDES-] | 0014-2182 | |||
Family heritage: land, people and spirits in southern Haiti | 2018 | Mana 24 (3): 96-123 | H6/KUL [MANA-] | 0104-9313 | |||
Family heritage: land, people and spirits in southern Haiti | 2018 | Mana 24 (3): 96-123 | H6/KUL [MANA-] | 0104-9313 | |||
"Flesh like one's own": benign denials of legitimate complaint | 2017 | Public culture 29 (2): 235-60 | H6/KF [PUBLIC-] | 0899-2363 | |||
Resilient and logical hope pathways in street children in Haiti | 2017 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 17 (3): 265-74 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
The government of Haitian mobility in Brazil | 2017 | Mana 23 (1): 229-54 | H6/KUL [MANA-] | 0104-9313 | |||
'Nou se pa bèt!': rethinking child exploitation from the perspective of young Haitian migrants growing up in the Dominican Republic | 2017 | Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (1): 179-202 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
The innuendo of Dominican Republic Constitutional Court Decision TC/0168/13 | 2017 | Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (1): 203-20 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
Geographies of discretion and the jurisdictional imagination | 2017 | Polar: political and legal anthropology review 40 (1): 5-27 | H6/KF [APLA-] | 1081-6976 | |||
The invisibility of Haitian domestic workers | 2017 | Journal des anthropologues (150-151): 85-105 | H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] | 1156-0428 | |||
Moral adherence: HIV treatment, undetectability, and stigmatized viral loads among Haitians in south Florida | 2017 | Medical anthropology 36 (8): 714-28 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
The self-representation of young female Montrealers of Haitian origin between self-representation and social validation of the self | 2016 | Anthropologie et sociétés 40 (1): 193-218 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
Introduction | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 4-21 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Haitian naïve painting of Christian inspiration: discourses, heritages, and representations | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 22-47, 256 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Developing diasporic dialogues: James A. Portrer, Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noël and the writing of Haitian art history | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 48-75, 256 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Tina Girouard and the sequin arts of Haiti | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 76-103, 257 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Some aspects of the new artistic scene in Haiti | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 104-29, 257 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Three captains for an emperor! Bizango stories | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 130-55, 257 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
"La magie de l'authenticité": deux décennies d'exposition et étude de l'art haïtien aux États-Unis et en Gran Bretagne | 2015 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 21 (): 156-221 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 |