Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The opening of the Italian Legation in Belgrade in 1879 and relations between Serbs and Italians in the 19th century 2022 Balcanica 53 (): 79-94
  • Antonio D’Alessandri
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
Latin America and Yugoslavia in the anthropological work of Vera Stein Erlich 2022 Etnolog (New Series) 32 (): 53-69
  • Bojan Baskar
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
'Make up your own mind about Gavrilo!' (On remembering, silence and doubts in Sarajevo) 2022 Etnološka tribina 45 (52): 81-97
  • Alenka Bartulović
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
Usurpations of and designated successions to the throne in the Serbian Patriarchat. The case of Patriarch Moses Rajović (1712–24) 2021 Balcanica 52 (): 47-67
  • Nebojša Šuletić
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
Interethnic rivalries and bilateral cooperation: aspects of Greek-Serbian relations from the assassination of Alexander Obrenović to the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (1903–1908) 2020 Balcanica 51 (): 105-19
  • Athanasios Loupas
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
Popular piety and the paper icons of Zaharija Orfelin (1726-1785) 2020 Balcanica 51 (): 45-64
  • Vladimir Simić
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
The sociological idea of the state: legal education, Austrian multinationalism, and the future of continental empire, 1880–1914 2020 Comparative studies in society and history 62 (2): 327-58
  • Thomas R. Prendergast
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Habsburg coffeehouses in the shadow of the empire: revisiting nostalgia in Trieste 2019 History and anthropology 30 (4): 382-92
  • Giulia Carabelli
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Balkan or border warfare? Glimpses from the early modern period 2019 Balcanica 50 (): 85-103
  • Lothar Höbelt
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
Sanitizing Szigetvár: on the post-imperial fashioning of nationalist memory 2019 History and anthropology 30 (4): 434-47
  • Jeremy Walton
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Imperial inventories, “illegal mosques” and institutionalized Islam: coloniality and the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 History and anthropology 30 (4): 477-89
  • Piro Rexhepi
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Whitewashed empire: historical narrative and place marketing in Vienna 2019 History and anthropology 30 (4): 460-76
  • Miloš Jovanović
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Pubs in the fight for Czechoslovakia's independence at the time of its declaration 2018 Slovenský národopis 66 (3): 276-86
  • Karel Altman
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
'Have you forgotten the words: God watches over us!"? The fate of Tyrolean Protestants in Die Zillertaler, a novel by Fedor Sommer 2018 Konteksty 72 (3): 113-21, 339
  • Rafał Biskup
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
Caught between the Eastern Europe empires: the case of the alleged Netot Roms 2018 Slovenský národopis 66 (4): 501-22
  • Julieta Rotaru
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
Social and cultural relocations of Rudolf Maister: about the political mythology of Lower Styria 2018 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 193-212
  • Peter Simonič
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
The contested memory of the First World War in Montenegro 2018 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 63-86
  • František Šístek
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
Every war invents its heroes 2018 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 35-61
  • Božidar Jezernik
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
Cultural heritage of the Great War 2018 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 7-32
  • Božidar Jezernik
  • Jurij Fikfak
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
'Sacro pellegrinaggio'. Visits to World War I memorials on the Soča/Isonzo front in the interwar period 2017 Etnološka tribina 40 (47): 141-60
  • Petra Kavrečič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
Multilingualism as habitus: discourse of the Banat Germans on the period between the First and the Second World Wars 2016 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 11 (2): 583-600
  • Aleksandar Krel
  • Marija Mandić
The role of great men as the pillars of Slovenian nationalism 2016 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 45 (1): 65-82
  • Božidar Jezernik
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
'Ethnology is the philosophy of the future': Raimund Friedrich Kaindl and the forgotten beginnings of the European ethnology 2016 Český Lid 103 (3): 437-50
  • Petr Lozoviuk
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
Portraits from the second half of the 18th century in Croatia - witnesses of clothing forms and fashion influences of Rococo 2015 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 10 (4): 893-913
  • Katarina Nina Simončić
Prisoners of war in Austria-Hungary 1914-1918 2014 Národopisná revue 4 (): 281-92
  • Julia Walleczek-Fritz
  • Verena Moritz
H6/KVL [NÁRODOPISNÉ-] 0862-8351
From the first school day to anniversaries of secondary school graduation: festivals and celebrations in the schools 2014 Etnolog (New Series) 24 (): 127-51
  • Marjetka Balkovec Debevec
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The history of customary and public law and dance culture from the earliest sources until the mid-20th century: part 1 2014 Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva 54 (4): 9-17
  • Tomaž Simetinger
Clopodia, in Czech Klopotín. The forgotten Moravian colonization of Banat in multi-sited ethnographic research 2013 Český Lid 100 (2): 149-72
  • Michal Pavlásek
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
Military and national flags in the collection of the Museum of Vojvodina 2013 Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 55 (): 73-80
  • Miloš Lekić
H6/KVP [NOVI-] 1450-6696
The beginnings of archaeological heritage care in the Habsburg monarchy 2013 Archeologické rozhledy 65 (1): 133-62
  • Marianne Pollak
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Conceptualization, strategies and realization of ethnic/national identity in historical discourse 2011 Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta 59 (1): 39-47
  • Mirjana Pavlović
H6/KVP [SRPSKA-] 2334-8259
Ethnicity and integration in the historical context: Serbs in Timisoara 2005 Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta 53 (): 93-104
  • Mirjana P. Pavlović
H6/KVP [SRPSKA-] 2334-8259
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