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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Dry Creek medicine bundle, northeastern Wyoming: patterns, outliers, and the importance of small sites 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 3-18
  • John Greer
  • Mavis Greer
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Late prehistoric period fired clay objects and zoomorphic figurines in the eastern Powder River basin of Wyoming 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 69-92
  • Gene Munson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Direct evience for geophyte exploitation in the Wyoming Basin 2022 American antiquity 87 (2): 236-47
  • Erick Robinson
  • Kaley Joyce
  • Lisbeth A. Louderback
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Riding to the rescue: an addition to the Plains Biographic rock art lexicon 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 172-93
  • Linea Sundstrom
  • Michael Paul Jordan
  • Timothy McCleary
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Reanalysis of equid faunal remains from the Blacks Fork River site (48SW8319): a unique look at a protohistoric horse in Wyoming 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (257): 58-73
  • Cassidee A. Thornhill
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The bow and arrow, population, environment, and seeds: intensification in southwest Wyoming 2021 Journal of anthropological archaeology 62 (): 1-16
  • Craig S. Smith
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
The National Museum of Wildlife Art 2021 First American art magazine 29 (): 72-5
  • Andrea L. Ferber
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
Ambrose Bierce’s Indian inscriptions: pictographic records of Indian-White conflict along the Bozeman Trail 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 150-73
  • James D. Keyser
  • Linea Sundstrom
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Ambrose Bierce’s Indian inscriptions: pictographic records of Indian-White conflict along the Bozeman Trail 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 150-73
  • James D. Keyser
  • Linea Sundstrom
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Confirming a cultural association at the La Prele Mammoth site (48CO1401), Converse County, Wyoming 2020 American antiquity 85 (3): 554-72
  • Madeline E. Mackie
  • Matthew O'Brien
  • Robert L. Kelly
  • Todd A. Surovell
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Hunter-gatherer immediate-return systems: a case study from the mid-Holocene Elk Head site, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (256): 298-324
  • Craig S. Smith
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Writing histories at Êngkahonovita Ogwêvi: multicultural entanglement at Red Canyon, Wyoming 2020 Antiquity 94 (378): 1592-613
  • Katherine L. Burnett
  • Laura L. Scheiber
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Spatiotemporal dynamics of prehistoric human population growth: radiocarbon 'dates as data' and population ecology models 2019 Journal of archaeological science 101 (): 63-71
  • Brian F. Codding
  • Erick Robinson
  • H. Jabran Zahid
  • Randall Haas
  • Robert L. Kelly
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Cougar Creek: quantitive assessment of obsidian use in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem 2019 American antiquity 84 (1): 158-78
  • Douglas H. MacDonald
  • Elizabeth A. Horton
  • Todd A. Surovell
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Boom to bust, ashes to (coal) dust: the contested ethics of energy exchanges in a declining US coal market 2019 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 25 (1): 91-107
  • Jessica M. Smith
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Mid-Holocene hunter-gatherers, housepits, and landscape resuse: Sweetwater River, Wyoming 2019 Plains anthropologist 64 (249): 1-22
  • Brent Buenger, A.
  • Stacy R. Goodrick
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Paleoindians of Yellowstone lake: interpreting late Pleistocene-early Holocene hunter-gatherer land-use in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem 2019 Plains anthropologist 64 (249): 23-50
  • Douglas H. MacDonald
  • Matthew R. Nelson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Finding the protohistoric: bone modification analysis as a means of identifying post-contact-levels at the Vore site 2019 Plains anthropologist 64 (249): 51-67
  • Charles Reher
  • Damian Kirkwood
  • Greg Pierce
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The World Bison Jump (48JO966) and its relation to the ancestral Crow on the northwest plains 2019 Plains anthropologist 64 (249): 68-92
  • Brigid Grund
  • Madline Mackie
  • Rachael L. Shimek
  • Spencer P. Pelton
  • Todd A. Surovell
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The Lodge Boy and Spring Boy tale as depicted at Hole in the Wall, Wyoming 2019 American Indian rock art 45 (): 63-72
  • Aaron Brien
  • Calvin Grinnell
  • Lawrence Loendorf
Stock raising and winter sheep camps in south-central Wyoming (1880-1957): an ethnoarchaeological example 2018 North American archaeologist 39 (1): 51-77
  • Mark E. Miller
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
Experimental construction of hunter-gatherer residential features, mobility, and the costs of occupying 'persistent places' 2018 Journal of archaeological science 91 (): 65-76
  • Christopher Morgan
  • Dallin Webb
  • Kari Sprengeler
  • Marielle (Pedro) Black
  • Nicole George
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Further insights into Palaeoindian use of the Powars II red ocher quarry (48PL330), Wyoming 2018 American antiquity 83 (3): 485-504
  • Danny N. Walker
  • Dennis J. Stanford
  • George C. Frison
  • George M. Zeimens
  • Marcel Kornfeld
  • Spencer R. Pelton
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Radiocarbon dating a pictograph at Medicine Lodge Creek, Wyoming 2018 Plains anthropologist 63 (246): 103-12
  • Lawrence Loendorf
  • Lukas Wacker
  • Marvin W. Rowe
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Portuguese Houses: non-invasive investigations at no-dig fur trade site 2018 Plains anthropologist 63 (246): 175-90
  • Rory J. Becker
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Oldest evidence for grooming claws in euprimates 2018 Journal of human evolution 122 (): 1-22
  • Doug M. Boyer
  • Jonathan I. Bloch
  • Patricia A. Holroyd
  • Paul E. Morse
  • Stephanie A. Maiolino
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Can't we all just get along? Weaponry standardisation and sharing in the Agate Basin site 2018 Plains anthropologist 63 (247): 238-59
  • Michael Christopher Guarino
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Archaic communal jackrabbit hunting in central Wyoming: faunal remains from the Dick Myal Housepit site, 48FR6256 2018 Plains anthropologist 63 (247): 260-78
  • Ronald J. Rood
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Tobacco-related rock art at Vertical Series rock art in Montana and Wyoming 2018 American Indian rock art 44 (): 159-68
  • David A. Kaiser
  • Lawrence Loendorf
Further insignts into Paleoindian use of the Powars II red ocher quarry (48PL330), Wyoming 2018 American antiquity 83 (3): 485-504
  • Danny N. Walker
  • Dennis J. Stanford
  • George C. Frison
  • George M. Zeimens
  • Marcel Kornfeld
  • Spencer R. Pelton
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
For the love of antlers: heads on a wall or antlers on a bride 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 217-35
  • Maja Pasarić
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Raven's Nest (48SU3871): a late prehistoric/shoshone lithic tool and pottery making site in southwestern Wyoming 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (241): 67-94
  • David V. Hill
  • David Wolfe
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The end of archaeological discovery 2017 American antiquity 82 (2): 288-300
  • Adam D. Myers
  • Brian Reising
  • James C.M. Ahern
  • Jason L. Toothey
  • Jason M. LaBelle
  • Todd A. Surovell
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Uinta Fremont rock art in the southwestern Wyoming: marking the Fremont northern periphery 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (242): 157-78
  • George Poetschat
  • James D. Keyser
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Single-grain optically stimulated luminescence ages of brownware pottery in the middle Rocky Mountains and the spread of Numic ceramic technology 2017 American antiquity 82 (4): 761-80
  • Carlie J. Ideker
  • Judson Byrd Finley
  • Tammy Rittentour
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Communal bison kills on the northwestern plains of North America: a personal account 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): ix-xvi
  • George C. Frison
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The Scoggin site in the northwestern plains prehistory: an introduction 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 279-87
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
History of investigations and excavation techniques 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 288-309
  • Mark E. Miller
  • William E. Scoggin
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Mid-Holocene of the western Hanna Basin 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 310-14
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The interplay of vegetation and culture at the Scoggin site 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 315-18
  • Jane M. Beiswenger
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Geological investigation of the Scoggin site; Carbon County, Wyoming 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 319-27
  • John P. Albanese
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Corralling, cooking, and cleaning 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 328-40
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Evidence of site formation and human behavior from bison bones 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 341-60
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Stable isotopes from five Scoggan site bison specimens 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 361-73
  • Suzanne Brant McKetta
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Stone weaponry, stone tools, and debitage at the Scoggin site 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 374-96
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The Scoggin site in retrospective 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 397-401
  • Mark E. Miller
  • William E. Scoggin
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Selected projectile point attributes 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 402-8
  • Mark E. Miller
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Lithologic description of sedimentary units within the Scoggin site excavation area 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (244): 409-14
  • John P. Albanese
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Comment on relative brain size in early primates and the use of encephalization quotients in primate evolution 2017 Journal of human evolution 109 (): 79-87
  • Christopher C. Gilbert
  • William L. Jungers
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Beyond size: the potential of a geometric morphometric analysis of shape and form for the assessment of sex in hand stencils in rock art 2017 Journal of archaeological science 78 (): 202-13
  • Anthony Sinclair
  • Emma Nelson
  • Jason Hall
  • Patrick Randolph-Quinney
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403