Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Remembering the dead: the (re)construction of Faroese community on the radio 2020 Journal of anthropological research 76 (2): 209-31
  • Stephen Pax Leonard
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
Christianity, presence, and the problem of history: on two forms of Christian temporality in the Faroe Islands 2020 Suomen antropologi 45 (2): 3-15
  • Jan Jensen
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
'He understands me in a different way that others do': Faroese teenagers' narratives of fatherhood, masculinity, and family life 2020 Suomen antropologi 45 (2): 17-34
  • Firouz Gaini
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
Rupture and continuity: reflections on the relationship between synchrony and diachrony in ethnology, in memoriam Bjarne Stoklund 2014 Ethnologia europaea 44 (2): 94-109
  • Signe Mellemgaard
H6 [ETHNOLOGIA-] 0425-4597
Movement in an insular community: the Faeroe Islands' case 2011 Folklore (Tartu) 49 (): 13-30
  • Thomas Lapp
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
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