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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Cave sanctuaries and Palaeolithic artistic motivation 2024 Památky archeologické 115 (): 45-75
  • Martin Oliva
H6/KE [PAMATKY-] 0031-0506
Tra assenza e presenza delle figure di cervidi nell'arte rupestre della Valcamonica. Frammenti di una simbologia ricorsiva 2023 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 153 (): 119-36
  • Dario Sigari
  • Giulia Pessina
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
From the core to the periphery: notes on recent research in western rock art areas of Central Valcamonica 2022 Adoranten (): 85-102
  • Alberto Marretta
"Pitoti dipinti". Recovering the lost paintings of Valcamonica, Alpine Italy, with digital colour transforms: a new aspect to the study of ancient European art 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 89-106
  • Alberto Marretta
  • Christopher Chippindale
  • Maria Giuseppina Ruggiero
  • Mauro Colella
  • Tommaso Quirino
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Statue-menhirs and context: new results and an overview from the Ossimo Anvòia site (Borno Plateau, Val Camonica) 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 13-29
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
  • Francesco G. Fedele
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
The statue-menhirs of the Valcamonica-Valtellina group: an update 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 31-46
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
  • Stefania Casini
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Rock 5 of Castello (Pospardo, Valcamonica), an extraordinary topographic composition from the 4th millennium BC 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 63-74
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
  • Linda Bossoni
  • Marisa Giorgi
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Weaving in the Alpine area through Valcamonica rock art 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 75-80
  • Nicoletta Gelfi
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
The 116 engraved rock of Bial do le Scale, Paspardo. Contributions for the study of rupestrian art of IV style of Valcamonica 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 81-7
  • Jessica Bezzi
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Reception of external cultural influences in the Iron Age rock art in Valcamonica 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 107-14
  • Cristina Gastaldi
  • Paolo Medici
  • Silvana Gavaldo
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Il cross-dating nell'arte rupestre della Valle Camonica per la definizione dell'ambito cronologico di circolazione dei coltelli tipo Introbio 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 115-23
  • Francesca Roncoroni
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Rock art and orality in the central eastern Alps 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 125-33
  • Giacomo Camuri
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
The cancellation of some figures in the rock art of Valcamonica: in search of a possible interpretation 2021 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (60): 135-48
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Towards an archaeological approach to prehistoric rock carvings. From method to symbolics: the final area (western Liguria, Italy) as a case-study 2019 Studia mythologica slavica 22 (): 11-35
  • Martina Olcese
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Bridging the gap: rock art and archaeological context in the "Quattro Dossi" area (Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica, Italy) 2017 Adoranten (): 5-23
  • Alberto Marretta
  • Paolo Rondini
The spear - digital documentation sheds new light on early Bronze Age spear carving in Sweden - an analysis with some comparative examples from Valcamonica, Italy 2017 Adoranten (): 64-83
  • Ulf Bertilsson
Enlightening a rock art masterpiece. New research on Seradinoa I rock 12 (Valcamonica) 2016 Adoranten (): 110-25
  • Alberto Marretta
Recent finds of Neolithic miniature rock art on the island of Bornholm - including topographic motifs 2016 Adoranten (): 5-36
  • Flemming Kaul
  • Jens Andresen
  • Michael S. Thorsen
The copper age sanctuaries of Ossimo-Pat, Borno-Valzel de Undine, Corni Freschi di Darfo Boario Terme 2016 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco 56 (): 47-67
  • Raffaella Poggiani Keller
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
When it all begun. The Copper Age roots of Valcamonica art 2014 Adoranten (): 76-87
  • Alberto Marretta
Age of the heroes: a brief overview of Valcamonica rock-art during the Iron Age (I millennium BC) 2013 Adoranten (): 75-88
  • Alberto Marretta
Sense of place, heterotropia, and community: performing land and folding time in the Badalisc Festival of northern Italy 2013 Folklore 124 (1): 45-63
  • Francesca C. Howell
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Pitoti - Eine Bewegungsanalyse der prähistorischen Felskunst von Valcamonica anhand von Animation und Grafik 2012 Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 142 (): 1-28
  • Christopher Chippindale
  • Frederick Baker
  • Michael Kren
Rock art in Valcamonica: the last four years fo research and discoveries 2012 Adoranten (): 87-92
  • Silvana Gavaldo
  • Umberto Sansoni
Places of worship in Valcamonica from prehistory to the Christianization of the area 2010 Adoranten (): 104-9
  • Serena Solano
Camonica Valley rock art. Preliminary results of archaeological summer camp 2010 2010 Adoranten (): 122-5
  • Simonetta Boldini
The continuity between pagan and Christian cult nearby the archaeological area of Naquane in Capo di Ponte. Research inside the Church of Saint Faustina and Liberata 2010 Adoranten (): 90-103
  • Federico Troletti
Flags and banners in warrior rock art: ethnographic comparisons for Valcamonica and Bear Gulch rock art 2010 American Indian rock art 36 (): 109-24
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
  • David A. Kaiser
  • James D. Keyser
Shields and warriors: similarities and differences in the rock art of Bear Gulch, Montana and Valcamonica-Valtellina, Italy 2008 American Indian rock art 34 (): 105-22
  • Angelo Eugenio Fossati
Rock art from Lipci, Montenegro 2008 Dacia (New Series) 52 (): 189-97
  • Piotr Dyczek
H6/KE [DACIA-] 0070-251X
Rock art in Valcamonica Paspardo, Brescia, Italy - a prehistoric Alpine calendar 2008 Man in India 88 (2-3): 215-22
  • Giuseppe Brunod
H6/KWL [MAN-] 0025-1569
Casts of the prehistoric rock engravings of Val Camonica housed in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Turin 2008 Man in India 88 (2-3):
  • Emma Rabino Massa
  • Rosa Boano
H6/KWL [MAN-] 0025-1569
Digging the past: one hundred years of research on Valcamonica rock art 2008 Adoranten (): 36-54
  • Alberto Marretta
The way of life recorded n the rock art of Valcamonica 2008 Adoranten (): 13-35
  • Emmanuel Anati
Cave ings of plots of land 2005 Etudes rurales 175/176 (): 11-27
  • Marlène Brocard
H6 [ETUDES-] 0014-2182
Valcamonica - archaeological discoveries 2005 Adoranten (): 81-8
  • Silvana Gavaldo
  • Umberto Sansoni
Preistoria e protostoria della malga nell'arco alpino 2004 Annali di San Michele 17 (): 157-80
  • Gaetano Forni
*H6/KVG [SM ANNALI-] 1120-5687
'But they are only puppets...': problems of managment and educational programs in Rock Engravings National Park, Valcamonica and Valtellina, Lombardy, Italy 2003 Rock art research 20 (1): 23-30
  • Angelo Fossati
From prehistoric art to writing 2002 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco 42 (): 41-7
  • Louis Barral
  • Suzanne Simone
Rock 53 of Vite Deria: new elements for the study of degradation of Valcamonica petroglyphs 2002 American Indian rock art 28 (): 103-10
  • Angelo Fossati
  • Elisabetta Attorrese
The Camunian Rose of Carpene, Sellero (Valcamonica, Italy) 1999 American Indian rock art 26 (): 155-8
  • Gaudenzo Ragazzi
  • Giuseppe Brunod
  • Walter Ferreri
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