Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
El grupo de Uaxactún: ¿Observatorio astronómico? | 2023 | Arqueología mexicana 29 (178): 16-23 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Between the patio group and the plaza: round platforms as stages for supra-household rituals in early Maya society | 2022 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 66 (): 1-12 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
Time and the E-group. A hermeneutical reflection on Maya ceremonial centers | 2018 | Indiana 35 (1): 9-38 | H6/KUL [INDIANA-] | 0341-8642 | |||
Beyond academic archaeology: dialoguing with community guides of Uaxactún | 2018 | Estudios de cultura maya 51 (): 129-50 | H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] | 0185-2574 | |||
The legacy of an early Maya king: text, imagery and ritual contexts of a late preclassic cache from structure H-XVI sub, Uaxactun | 2016 | Mexicon 38 (1): 9-29 | *H6/KUL [MEXICON-] | 0720-5988 | |||
Multispectral imaging of an early classic Maya codex fragment from Uaxactun, Guatemala | 2016 | Antiquity 90 (351): 711-25 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Las relaciones entre Tikal y Uaxactún: investigaciones actuales | 2016 | Arqueología mexicana 23 (137): 38-45 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Once and future kings: classic Maya geopolitics and mythic history on the vase of the initial series from Uaxactun | 2015 | PARI journal 15 (4): 1-15 | H1/KUC [PRE-COLUMBIAN-] | 1531-5398 | |||
Controlled and ritual productions of Maya flake deposits during the classic period (250-950 ap. J.C.) | 2011 | Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (26): 5-16 | *H6 [ANNALES-] | 0980-157X | |||
Astronomical interpretations of ancient Maya E-group architectural complexes | 2004 | Archaeoastronomy 18 (): 34-66 | *H6/KE [ARCHAEOASTRONOMY-] | 0190-9940 | |||
Desastre a la vista: el clásico terminal en Tikal y Uaxactun | 2003 | U tz'ib 3 (4): 13-30 | H6/KUL [U TZ'IB-] |