Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Heirloom beads among the Dayak of Borneo 2022 Beads 34 (): 40-59
  • Barbie Campbell Cole
*H6 [BEADS-]
Evoking the Aso': Dayak beaded baby carryer panels with dragon-dog motifs 2022 Beads 34 (): 3-21
  • Valerie Hector
*H6 [BEADS-]
Remembering the Brunei rebellion: reminiscing of a non-participating Dusun observer 2021 Borneo research bulletin 52 (): 116-27
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Negotiating assimilation and hybridity. The identity of Chinese-Malays in Brunei Darussalam 2021 Journal of Chinese overseas 17 (1): 31-57
  • Chang-Yau Hoon
  • Shawatriqah Sahrifulhafiz
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Privileged migrants and their sense of belonging: insider or outsider? 2021 Asian journal of social science 49 (3): 161-9
  • A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah
  • Diotima Chattoraj
  • Noor Hasharina Hasan
  • Siti Mazidah Mohamad
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Leadership stratum of the Brunei Dusins in former times 2021 Borneo research bulletin 52 (): 98-115
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Persistence of salty-sweet Nipah sugar in the popular foodways of Brunei Darussalam 2020 Journal of ethnobiology 40 (3): 368-85
  • F. Merlin Franco
  • Nurzahidah Bakar
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Disrupted geographic arbitrage and differential capacities of coping in later-life: Anglo-Western teacher expatriates in Brunei 2020 International migration review 55 (2): 322-46
  • Sin Yee Koh
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Silsilah Raja-Raja Brunei: the manuscript of Pengiran Muhammad Hasyim 2019 Archipel (97): 173-212
  • Annabel Teh Gallop
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Recollections of the Brunei Dusuns' sago economy in the early twentieth century 2019 Borneo research bulletin 50 (): 50-65
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Wealth displayed but wealth denied: a community-binding ritual of the Brunei Dusuns 2018 Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 181-201
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Shariffuddin Bin Pengiran Metali. 1936-2018 2018 Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 14-16
  • B. A. Hussainmiya
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Hunting for heads, myth, memory, and the music of Brunei-Dusun warfare 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 236-64
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
From Sarawak to the world: sixty years of overseas volunteering in the Borneo states 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 126-57
  • David Phillips
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
A note on the tombstone of Master Pu and the Xishan Zazhi 2016 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 172 (4): 510-37
  • Johannes Kurtz
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Shining futures, imminent dangers: new nation-states and mass violence in Southeast Asia 2016 Asian journal of social science 44 (6): 711-24
  • Henk Schulte Nordholt
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Absent maps, marine science, and the reimagination of the South China Sea, 1922-1939 2016 Journal of Asian studies 75 (1): 157-80
  • Gerard Sasges
*H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 0021-9118
Borneo history: time for a new look? 2016 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 89 (2): 45-65
  • David Phillips
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
Research on the Brunei Dusun and its authentication: a cross-roads of interests and values 2016 Borneo research bulletin 47 (): 218-37
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Local recollections of past Brunei Dusun 'big houses' (alai gayo) in Tutong District, Bruei Darussalam 2016 Borneo research bulletin 47 (): 178-98
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Decorated headhunting trophies of Borneo: a forgotten ritual art 2015 Borneo research bulletin 46 (): 135-71
  • Markus Mally
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Neolithic networks, sea nomads and merchants in the Lesser Sunda Islands 2015 Archipel 90 (): 49-74, 327
  • Jean-Christophe Galipaud
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Kampung air: water settlements on the island of Borneo 2015 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 88 (1): 79-85
  • Hans-Dieter Evers
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin III and the new federation plan. The problem of Brunei's incorporation into Malaysia, 1959-1963 2015 Journal of Asian and African studies (Tokyo) (89): 47-78
  • Yoichi Suzuki
Do postmodern slogans exist? 2014 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 9 (1): 175-93
  • Bojana Radenković Šošić
Traditional riziculture practices and beliefs of the Dusuns of Bukit Udal and Ukong, Tutong district, Brunei 2014 Borneo research bulletin 45 (): 150-89
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Realigning government action with public health evidence: the legal and policy environment affecting sex work and HIV in Asia 2014 Culture, health & sexuality 16 (1): 14-29
  • Gretchen Williams Pierce
  • Laura Ferguson
  • Sofia Gruskin
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
March of hegemonism? Probing political function in the higher education of Brunei Darussalam 2013 Borneo research bulletin 44 (): 269-94
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
The "migrated archives": the underbelly of colonial rule in Borneo 2013 Borneo research bulletin 44 (): 40-92
  • David Phillips
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Pre-modern Chinese sources in the national history of Brunei: the case of Poli 2013 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 169 (2-3): 213-43
  • Johannes L. Kurz
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Resources of the Muslim world: a reflection on the Muslim world's resources, their development and utilization 2012 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 2 (1): 73-87
  • Habib Elahi Sahibzada
  • Muhammad Iqbal Majoka
  • Muhammad Saeed Khan
The first sultan of Sarawak and his links to Brunei and the Sambas dynasty, 1599-1826: a little known pre-Brooke history 2012 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 85 (2): 1-16
  • Ib Larsen
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
International labour migration and migration policies in Southeast Asia 2012 Asian journal of social science 40 (4): 392-418
  • Graeme Hugo
Place, person and power: Lundayeh/Lun Bawang pre- and post-Christian narratives 2011 Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 69 (90): 1-21
  • Pearson-Rounds
  • Jay B. Crain
H6/KX [SARAWAK-] 0375-3050
Flying the just flag of Islam: anti-Western and anti-Jewish themes in some Brunei fatwas 2011 Indonesia and the Malay world 45 (1-2): 165-97
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Sport as politics and history: the 25th SEA Games in Laos 2011 Anthropology today 27 (1): 14-19
  • Simon Creak
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
The Chinese in Brunei: from ceramics to oil rent 2011 Archipel 82 (): 25-48
  • Marie-Sybille De Vienne
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
The Malaysia cup: soccer and the national imagining in Singapore, 1965-1996 2011 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 84 (2): 95-115
  • Mark Emmanuel
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
Ethnic minorities in late twentieth century Brunei: a survey of errors and imbalances in foreign analysis 2010 Borneo research bulletin 41 (): 250-75
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Quand le style funéraire de Brunei se retrouve à Aceh [Épigraphie islamique d'Aceh. 2] 2009 Archipel (77): 57-68
  • Claude Guillot
  • Ludvik Kalus
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Getting into field research in Brunei in 1968: an autobiographical sketch 2008 Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 65 (86): 1-50
  • Allen R. Maxwell
H6/KX [SARAWAK-] 0375-3050
The origin of patron-clientship in Sarawak 2008 Sarawak Museum journal (New Series) 65 (86): 213-42
  • Lucy Sebli-Seidelson
H6/KX [SARAWAK-] 0375-3050
The mundane and the mystic. Constructions of human relations with the animal world in Brunei-Dusun and other Bornean folktales 2007 Indonesia and the Malay world 35 (102): 255
  • Kershaw Eva Maria
  • Kershaw Roger
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Messengers or tipsters? Some cautious though concluding thoughts on Brunei-Dusin augury 2007 Borneo research bulletin 38 (): 50-96
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Melayu Islam Beraja: the politics of legitimisation in a Malay Islamic monarchy 2006 Review of Indonesian and Malayan affairs 40 (2): 111-39
  • Sven Alexander Schottmann
The funerary Islamic inscriptions of the sultanate of Brunei (part two) 2006 Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 93 (): 139-81, 548, 554
  • Claude Guillot
  • Ludvik Kalus
H6/KWY [ECOLE-] 0336-1519
The mundane and the mystic. Constructions of human relations with the animal world in Brunei-Dusun and other Bornean folktales 2006 Indonesia and the Malay world 34 (99): 151-95
  • Eva Maria Kershaw
  • Roger Kershaw
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Camels, seals and the early tin coinage of Brunei 2005 Archipel 70 (): 261-80
  • Annabel Teh Gallop
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Brunei Darussalam and the modern novel 2004 Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 77 (1): 43-52
  • C. H. Gallop
H6/KWY [ROYAL-] 0128-5483
The funerary Islamic inscriptions of the sultanate of Brunei (part I) 2003-2004 Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient 90-91 (): 229-72, 571, 577
  • Claude Guillot
  • Ludvik Kalus
H6/KWY [ECOLE-] 0336-1519